Package: sem 3.1-16
sem: Structural Equation Models
Functions for fitting general linear structural equation models (with observed and latent variables) using the RAM approach, and for fitting structural equations in observed-variable models by two-stage least squares.
sem.pdf |sem.html✨
sem/json (API)
# Install 'sem' in R: |
install.packages('sem', repos = '') |
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Last updated 6 months agofrom:0febabeb5f. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 25 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | OK | Feb 25 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Bollen's Data on Industrialization and Political Democracy | Bollen |
Bootstrap a Structural Equation Model | bootSem bootSem.msem bootSem.sem print.bootsem print.summary.bootsem summary.bootsem |
Variables from the 1997 Canadian National Election Study | CNES |
Total, Direct, and Indirect Effects for Structural Equation Models | effects.msem effects.sem print.semeffects print.semeffectsList |
Factor Scores for Latent Variables | fscores fscores.msem fscores.sem |
Holizinger and Swineford's Data | |
Additional Information Criteria | AICc CAIC information.criteria |
Klein's Data on the U. S. Economy | Klein |
Partly Artificial Data on the U. S. Economy | Kmenta |
Estimate a Structural Equation Model By Multiple Imputation | miSem miSem.semmod miSem.semmodList print.miSem summary.miSem |
Methods for sem Objects Fit Using the 'objectiveML', 'objectiveGLS', 'objectiveFIML', 'msemObjectiveML', and 'msemObjectiveGLS' Objective Functions | AIC.msemObjectiveML AIC.objectiveFIML AIC.objectiveML AICc.msemObjectiveML AICc.objectiveFIML AICc.objectiveML anova.msemObjectiveML anova.objectiveFIML anova.objectiveML BIC.msemObjectiveML BIC.objectiveFIML BIC.objectiveML CAIC.objectiveFIML CAIC.objectiveML deviance.msemObjectiveML deviance.objectiveFIML deviance.objectiveML GLS.methods logLik.msemObjectiveML logLik.objectiveFIML logLik.objectiveML ML.methods print.msemObjectiveGLS print.msemObjectiveML print.objectiveFIML print.objectiveGLS print.objectiveML print.summary.objectiveML summary.msemObjectiveGLS summary.msemObjectiveML summary.objectiveFIML summary.objectiveGLS summary.objectiveML |
Modification Indices for Structural Equation Models | modIndices modIndices.msemObjectiveML modIndices.objectiveML print.modIndices print.msemModIndices summary.modIndices summary.msemModIndices |
sem Objective-Function Builders | msemObjectiveGLS msemObjectiveML msemObjectiveML2 objective.functions objectiveFIML objectiveFIML2 objectiveGLS objectiveGLS2 objectiveML objectiveML2 |
sem Optimizers | msemOptimizerNlm optimizerMsem optimizerNlm optimizerNlminb optimizerOptim optimizers optimizerSem |
Draw Path Diagram | math pathDiagram pathDiagram.sem pathDiagram.semmod |
RAM Matrix for a Structural-Equation Model | ram |
Compute Raw Moments Matrix | cov2raw print.rawmoments rawMoments rawMoments.default rawMoments.formula |
Input a Covariance, Correlation, or Raw Moment Matrix | readMoments |
Residual Covariances for a Structural Equation Model | normalizedResiduals normalizedResiduals.msemObjectiveML normalizedResiduals.objectiveGLS normalizedResiduals.objectiveML residuals.msem residuals.sem standardizedResiduals standardizedResiduals.msem standardizedResiduals.sem |
General Structural Equation Models | coef.msem coef.sem df.residual.msem df.residual.sem sem sem.default sem.msemmod sem.semmod sem.semmodList startvalues startvalues2 vcov.msem vcov.sem |
Deprecated Functions in the sem Package | boot.sem mod.indices normalized.residuals path.diagram raw.moments read.moments sem-deprecated specify.model standardized.coefficients standardized.residuals std.coef |
Specify a Structural Equation Model | cfa classifyVariables combineModels combineModels.semmod edit.semmod multigroupModel print.semmod print.semmodList removeRedundantPaths specifyEquations specifyModel update.semmod |
Standardized Coefficients for Structural Equation Models | standardizedCoefficients standardizedCoefficients.msem standardizedCoefficients.sem stdCoef |
Six Mental Tests | Tests |
Two-Stage Least Squares | anova.tsls coef.tsls fitted.tsls print.summary.tsls print.tsls residuals.tsls summary.tsls tsls tsls.default tsls.formula vcov.tsls |