Package: rosetta 0.3.12

Gjalt-Jorn Peters

rosetta: Parallel Use of Statistical Packages in Teaching

When teaching statistics, it can often be desirable to uncouple the content from specific software packages. To ease such efforts, the Rosetta Stats website (<>) allows comparing analyses in different packages. This package is the companion to the Rosetta Stats website, aiming to provide functions that produce output that is similar to output from other statistical packages, thereby facilitating 'software-agnostic' teaching of statistics.

Authors:Gjalt-Jorn Peters [aut, cre], Peter Verboon [aut, ctb], Ron Pat-El [ctb], Melissa Gordon Wolf [ctb]

rosetta.pdf |rosetta.html
rosetta/json (API)

# Install 'rosetta' in R:
install.packages('rosetta', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • cpbExample - A test dataset
  • pp15 - Subsets of the Party Panel 2015 dataset



2.70 score 524 downloads 16 mentions 66 exports 114 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:6b4024c533. Checks:2 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 04 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 04 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 04 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Builds model for moderated mediation anaysis using SEMbuildModMedSemModel
Concatenate to screen without spacescat0
Confidence interval for standard deviationconfIntSD
A test datasetcpbExample
Cross tablesconfIntV cramersV crossTab pander.crossTab print.crossTab
descr (or descriptives)descr descriptives knit_print.rosettaDescr print.rosettaDescr rosettaDescr_partial
Descriptives with confidence intervalsdescriptiveCIs print.rosettaDescriptiveCIs
dlvPlotdlvPlot dlvTheme print.dlvPlot
Examine one or more variablesexamine examineBy pander.examine pander.examineBy print.examine print.examineBy
Basic SPSS translation functionsbasicSPSStranslation exportToSPSS filterBy getDat getData mediaan modus useAll
Factor analysis or principal component analysisdataReduction factorAnalysis knit_print.rosettaDataReduction principalComponentAnalysis print.rosettaDataReduction rosettaDataReduction_partial
Factor AnalysisfactorAnalysisjmv
Flexible anovafanova print.fanova
Pretty formatting of _p_ valuesformatPvalue
Pretty formatting of correlation coefficientsformatR
Frequency tablesfreq frequencies Frequency pander.freq pander.frequencies print.freq print.frequencies
Analyze moderated mediation model using SEMgemm
Bar chart using ggplotggBarChart
Box plot using ggplotggBoxplot
Easy ggplot Q-Q plotggqq
Bar chart using ggplotggScatterPlot
Simple function to create a histogramhistogram
Userfriendly wrapper to do logistic regression in Rknit_print.rosettaLogRegr logRegr print.rosettaLogRegr rosettaLogRegr_partial
meanDiffmeanDiff pander.meanDiff print.meanDiff
meanDiff.multimeanDiff.multi print.meanDiff.multi
Compute means and sumsmeans sums
onewayoneway pander.oneway print.oneway
Options for the rosetta packageget opts reset set
Subsets of the Party Panel 2015 datasetpartypanelData pp15
Makes plot of Index of Moderated Mediation of gemm objectplotIMM
Makes 3D plots of Index of Moderated Mediation of gemm objectplotIMM3d
Makes simple slope plots of gemm objectplotSS
posthocTGHposthocTGH print.posthocTGH
Computes Index of moderated mediation of gemm objectprepIMM3d
Makes Index of Mediated Moderated plotsprepPlotIMM
Makes simple slope plotsprepPlotSS
print method of object of class gemmprint.gemm
Generate a random slugidSlug randomSlug
Recode a Variable ('car' version)recode
regr: a simple regression analysis wrapperknit_print.rosettaRegr pander.rosettaRegr print.rosettaRegr regr rosettaRegr_partial
Conduct reliability analyses with output similar to jamovi and SPSSknit_print.rosettaReliability print.rosettaReliability reliability reliability,print.reliability rosettaReliability_partial
Repeat a string a number of timesrepeatStr repStr
Correlation matrixprint.rMatrix rMatrix
Scatter MatrixscatterMatrix
Easy ggplot2 scatter plotsscatterPlot
Variable Viewprint.rosettaVarView varView
Easily parse a vector into a character valuevecTxt vecTxtB vecTxtM vecTxtQ