Ocens | [.Ocens |
Analysis of Variance (Wald, LR, and F Statistics) | anova.rms html.anova.rms latex.anova.rms plot.anova.rms print.anova.rms |
Convert `Ocens` Object to Data Frame to Facilitate Subset | as.data.frame.Ocens |
Buckley-James Multiple Regression Model | bj bj.fit bjplot print.bj residuals.bj validate.bj |
BCa Bootstrap on Existing Bootstrap Replicates | bootBCa |
Bootstrap Covariance and Distribution for Regression Coefficients | bootcov bootplot bootplot.bootcov confplot confplot.bootcov histdensity |
3-D Plots Showing Effects of Two Continuous Predictors in a Regression Model Fit | bplot perimeter |
Resampling Model Calibration | calibrate calibrate.cph calibrate.default calibrate.psm plot.calibrate plot.calibrate.default print.calibrate print.calibrate.default |
General Contrasts of Regression Coefficients | contrast contrast.rms print.contrast.rms |
Cox Proportional Hazards Model and Extensions | cph Mean.cph Quantile.cph Survival.cph |
Continuation Ratio Ordinal Logistic Setup | cr.setup |
Distribution Summaries for Predictor Variables | datadist print.datadist |
Function Generator For Exceedance Probabilities | ExProb ExProb.orm plot.ExProb |
Fast Backward Variable Selection | fastbw print.fastbw |
Compose an S Function to Compute X beta from a Fit | Function.cph Function.rms perlcode sascode |
Generate Data Frame with Predictor Combinations | gendata |
Plot Effects of Variables Estimated by a Regression Model Fit Using ggplot2 | ggplot.Predict |
Calculate Total and Partial g-indexes for an rms Fit | gIndex plot.gIndex print.gIndex |
rms Version of glm | Glm |
Fit Linear Model Using Generalized Least Squares | Gls print.Gls |
Kaplan-Meier Estimates vs. a Continuous Variable | groupkm |
Hazard Ratio Plot | hazard.ratio.plot |
Intervening Event Setup | ie.setup |
Impact of Proportional Odds Assumpton | impactPO |
Exported Functions That Were Imported From Other Packages | ggplot Surv |
Operate on Information Matrices | infoMxop |
LaTeX Representation of a Fitted Cox Model | latex.cph latex.lrm latex.ols latex.orm latex.pphsm latex.psm |
LaTeX Representation of a Fitted Model | latex.bj latex.Glm latex.Gls latexrms |
Logistic Regression Model | lrm print.lrm |
lrm.fit | lrm.fit |
LRupdate | LRupdate |
Total and Partial Matrix Inversion using Gauss-Jordan Sweep Operator | matinv |
Draw a Nomogram Representing a Regression Fit | legend.nomabbrev nomogram plot.nomogram print.nomogram |
Nonparametric Survival Estimates for Censored Data | npsurv |
Censored Ordinal Variable | Ocens |
Linear Model Estimation Using Ordinary Least Squares | ols |
Ordinal Regression Model | orm print.orm Quantile.orm |
Ordinal Regression Model Fitter | orm.fit |
Trace AIC and BIC vs. Penalty | effective.df pentrace plot.pentrace print.pentrace |
plot.contrast.rms | plot.contrast.rms |
Plot Effects of Variables Estimated by a Regression Model Fit | pantext plot.Predict |
plot.rexVar | plot.rexVar |
Plot Mean X vs. Ordinal Y | plot.xmean.ordinaly |
Plot Intercepts | plotIntercepts |
Plot Effects of Variables Estimated by a Regression Model Fit Using plotly | plotp.Predict |
Examine proportional odds and parallelism assumptions of `orm` and `lrm` model fits. | poma |
Parametric Proportional Hazards form of AFT Models | pphsm print.pphsm vcov.pphsm |
Predictive Ability using Resampling | predab.resample |
Compute Predicted Values and Confidence Limits | Predict print.Predict rbind.Predict |
Predicted Values for Binary and Ordinal Logistic Models | Mean.lrm Mean.orm predict.lrm predict.orm |
Predicted Values from Model Fit | predict.bj predict.cph predict.Glm predict.Gls predict.ols predict.psm predict.rms predictrms |
Print cph Results | print.cph |
print.glm | print.Glm |
Print Result from impactPO | print.impactPO |
Print ols | print.ols |
print.rexVar | print.rexVar |
prmiInfo | prmiInfo |
processMI | processMI |
processMI.fit.mult.impute | processMI.fit.mult.impute |
Parametric Survival Model | Hazard Hazard.psm lines.residuals.psm.censored.normalized Mean.psm print.psm psm Quantile.psm residuals.psm Survival Survival.psm survplot.residuals.psm.censored.normalized |
recode2integer | recode2integer |
Residuals for a cph Fit | residuals.cph |
residuals.Glm | residuals.Glm |
Residuals from an 'lrm' or 'orm' Fit | plot.lrm.partial residuals.lrm residuals.orm |
Residuals for ols | residuals.ols |
rexVar | rexVar |
rms Methods and Generic Functions | Design modelData rms |
rms Special Transformation Functions | %ia% asis catg gTrans lsp makepredictcall.rms matrx pol rcs rms.trans scored strat |
Miscellaneous Design Attributes and Utility Functions | AIC.rms calibrate.rms combineRelatedPredictors DesignAssign formatNP Getlim Getlimi html.naprint.delete interactions.containing latex.naprint.delete logLik.Gls logLik.ols logLik.rms lrtest Newlabels Newlabels.rms Newlevels Newlevels.rms nobs.rms oos.loglik oos.loglik.cph oos.loglik.Glm oos.loglik.lrm oos.loglik.ols oos.loglik.psm param.order Penalty.matrix Penalty.setup print.lrtest print.rms prModFit prStats related.predictors reListclean removeFormulaTerms rmsArgs rmsMisc survest.rms univarLR vcov.cph vcov.Glm vcov.Gls vcov.lrm vcov.ols vcov.orm vcov.psm vcov.rms |
Overview of rms Package | rms.Overview rmsOverview |
Robust Covariance Matrix Estimates | robcov |
rms Package Interface to quantreg Package | latex.Rq predict.Rq print.Rq Rq RqFit |
Sensitivity to Unmeasured Covariables | plot.sensuc sensuc |
Progress Bar for Simulations | setPb |
rms Specifications for Models | print.specs.rms specs specs.rms |
Summary of Effects in Model | html.summary.rms latex.summary.rms plot.summary.rms print.summary.rms summary.rms |
Cox Survival Estimates | survest survest.cph |
Parametric Survival Estimates | print.survest.psm survest.psm |
Cox Predicted Survival | survfit.cph |
Plot Survival Curves and Hazard Functions | survdiffplot survplot survplot.npsurv survplot.rms survplotp survplotp.npsurv |
Validate Predicted Probabilities | plot.val.prob print.val.prob val.prob |
Validate Predicted Probabilities Against Observed Survival Times | plot.val.surv plot.val.survh print.val.survh val.surv |
Resampling Validation of a Fitted Model's Indexes of Fit | html.validate latex.validate print.validate validate |
Validation of a Fitted Cox or Parametric Survival Model's Indexes of Fit | dxy.cens validate.cph validate.psm |
Resampling Validation of a Logistic or Ordinal Regression Model | validate.lrm validate.orm |
Validation of an Ordinary Linear Model | validate.ols |
Dxy and Mean Squared Error by Cross-validating a Tree Sequence | plot.validate.rpart print.validate.rpart validate.rpart |
Validation of a Quantile Regression Model | validate.Rq |
Variance Inflation Factors | vif |
Which Observations are Influential | show.influence which.influence |
Xcontrast | Xcontrast |