Package: radar 1.0.0

Jose Gama

radar: Fundamental Formulas for Radar

Fundamental formulas for Radar, for attenuation, range, velocity, effectiveness, power, scatter, doppler, geometry, radar equations, etc. Based on Nick Guy's Python package PyRadarMet

Authors:Jose' Gama [aut, cre], Nick Guy [aut]

radar.pdf |radar.html
radar/json (API)

# Install 'radar' in R:
install.packages('radar', repos = c('', ''))



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1.00 score 1 stars 146 downloads 46 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 10 years agofrom:92ac259a87. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 01 2025



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Antenna Characteristics for Aperture Weighting FunctionsApertureWeightingFunctionsAntenna
Absorption coefficient of a spherical particleAttenuationAbsCoeff
Extinction coefficient of a spherical particleAttenuationExtCoeff
Scattering coefficient of a spherical particleAttenuationScatCoeff
Conversion from dBZ (log) units to linear Z unitsConversiondBZ2Z
Conversion from linear Z units to dBZ (log) unitsConversionZ2dBZ
Doppler dilemmaDopplerDilemma
Maximum frequency given PRFDopplerFmax
Frequency given wavelengthDopplerFreq
Pulse duration from pulse lengthDopplerPulseDuration
Pulse length from pulse durationDopplerPulseLength
Maximum unamiguous rangeDopplerRmax
Nyquist velocity, or maximum unambiguous Doppler velocity (+ or -)DopplerVmax
Doppler velocity from dual PRF scheme radar (+ or -)DopplerVmaxDual
Adjusted Doppler velocity from a mobile platformDopplerVshift
Wavelength given frequencyDopplerWavelength
Electronic Warfare Frequency BandsElectronicWarfareFrequencyBands
Partial beam blockage fractionGeometryBeamBlockFrac
Half-power radiusGeometryHalfPowerRadius
Half-power radiusGeometryRangeCorrect
Center of radar beam height calculationGeometryRayHeight
Effective radius calculationGeometryReffective
Sample volume assuming transmitted energy in Gaussian beam shapeGeometrySampleVolGauss
Sample volume (idealized) assuming all power in half-power beamwidthsGeometrySampleVolIdeal
Constant speed of lightkConstantBoltz kConstantP0 kConstantR43 kConstantRe kConstantSLP kConstantSpeedOfLight
Antenna effective areaSystemAntEffArea
Frequency given wavelengthSystemFreq
Antenna gain via power ratioSystemGainPratio
Normalized Backscatter cross-sectional area of a sphere using the Rayleigh approximationSystemNormXsecBscatterSphere
Power returned by target located at the center of the antenna beam patternSystemPowerReturnTarget
Power intercepted by targetSystemPowerTarget
Radar constantSystemRadarConst
Size parameter calculationSystemSizeParam
Thermal noise powerSystemThermalNoise
Wavelength given frequencySystemwavelength
Backscatter cross-sectional area of a sphere using the Rayleigh approximationSystemXsecBscatterSphere
Circular depolarization ratioVariablesCDR
Differential reflectivity hail signatureVariablesHDR
Linear depolarization ratioVariablesLDR
Radial velocityVariablesRadVel
Radar reflectivityVariablesReflectivity
Reflectivity differenceVariablesZDP
Differential reflectivityVariablesZDR