Package: populationPDXdesign 1.0.3

Maria Luisa Guerriero
populationPDXdesign: Designing Population PDX Studies
Run simulations to assess the impact of various designs features and the underlying biological behaviour on the outcome of a Patient Derived Xenograft (PDX) population study. This project can either be deployed to a server as a 'shiny' app or installed locally as a package and run the app using the command 'populationPDXdesignApp()'.
populationPDXdesign.pdf |populationPDXdesign.html✨
populationPDXdesign/json (API)
# Install 'populationPDXdesign' in R: |
install.packages('populationPDXdesign', repos = c('', '')) |
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 7 years agofrom:c0b7e829e8. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 26 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Feb 26 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Simulation of a single population PDX experiment | callsInSingleExperiment |
Function to return the mode of a vector of values | getMode |
Function to calculate the number of false calls for a design for a go-no go threshold | noFalseCalls |
Function to calculate the number of missed calls for a design for a go-no go threshold | noMissedCalls |
Function to summarise the results for a single simulation representing one experiment | outcomeInSingleExperiment |
Function to run simulations to mimic population PDX studies for a defined scenario | outcomeMultipleExperiments |
A function to visualise the false postive rate as a function of PDXn and PDXr | plotFalsepositive |
A function to visualise the sensitivity as a function of PDXn and PDXr | plotSensitivity |
Function 'populationPDXdesignApp' | populationPDXdesignApp |
'shiny' app server function | server |
'shiny' app user interface function | ui |
Function to run simulations to mimic population PDX studies for variety of experimental and biological scenarios | varyingPDXnPDXrBiolRR |