Package: pmxcode 0.2.0

Sebastien Bihorel

pmxcode: Create Pharmacometric Models

Provides a user interface to create or modify pharmacometric models for various modeling and simulation software platforms.

Authors:Sebastien Bihorel [cre, aut]

pmxcode.pdf |pmxcode.html
pmxcode/json (API)

# Install 'pmxcode' in R:
install.packages('pmxcode', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

3.18 score 1 stars 305 downloads 2 exports 73 dependencies

Last updated 25 days agofrom:e6eef7ae74. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 01 2025



Introduction to pmxcode

Rendered fromintro.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 01 2025.

Last update: 2023-04-13
Started: 2023-04-13

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Auto indent mrgsolve codealign_annotations
Auto indent NONMEM code tagsalign_tags
Multi-argument version of isTruthyareTruthy
Check covariate definition tablecheck_covariate_table
Check if covariate definition table contains rows with incomplete datacheck_incomplete_covariate_table
Convert reference code for univariate model creationconvert_reference_code
Generate univariate model codecreate_univariate_models
Determines if a file path existsfile_exists
Creation of model codeget_code
Convert of covariance matrix into a 0/1 correlation map tableget_correlation_table
Get lines of code for derived parametersget_derived_parms_code
Get line of code for individual parameter valueget_individual_parm_code
Get compartment intialization blockget_init_code
Get mrgsolve model parameter code lines as listget_mrg_parms_code
Get line of code for each parameterget_mrg_parms_code_minion
Creation of mrgsolve codeget_mrgsolve_code
Get the number of PK and PD compartmentsget_ncmts
Get NONMEM code blocksget_nonmem_blocks
Creation of NONMEM codeget_nonmem_code
Get NONMEM model parameter code lines as listget_parms_code
Get lines of preamble code for transit compartment absorption model and delayed dosing recordsget_preamble_code
Get code lines for scaling and bioavailabilityget_scaling_code
Get number of THETA parametersget_theta_number
Convert covariate handsontable data to R data.frame without factorhot_to_r_raw
Determine if a square matrix is of type block, band or erroris_EDB
New model modulenew_model_server
Opposite of areTruthynotTruthy
Replacement of @ABBREVIATED tagreplace_abbreviated
Replacement of @DATA tagreplace_data
Replace @DES tagreplace_des
Replace @ERROR tagreplace_error
Replacement of @INPUT tagreplace_input
Replace @MODEL tagreplace_model
Replacement of @CAPTURE tagreplace_mrg_capture
Replacement of @CMT tagreplace_mrg_cmt
Replacement of @GLOBAL tagreplace_mrg_global
Replace @MAIN or @PRED tagsreplace_mrg_main_pred
Replacement of @ODE tagreplace_mrg_ode
Replacement of @OMEGA tagreplace_mrg_omega
Replacement of @PARAM tagreplace_mrg_param
Replacement of @PLUGIN tagreplace_mrg_plugin
Replacement of @SIGMA tagreplace_mrg_sigma
Replacement of @TABLE tagreplace_mrg_table
Replacement of @NMEXT tagreplace_nmext
Replacement of @OMEGA tagreplace_omega
Replacement of @PATH tagreplace_path
Replace @PK and @PRED tagsreplace_pk_pred
Replacement of @PRIOR tagreplace_prior
Replacement of @PROB1 and @PROB2 tagsreplace_problem
Replacement of @PURPOSE tagreplace_purpose
Replacement of @SIGMA tagreplace_sigma
Replacement of @SUBROUTINE tagreplace_subroutine
Replace @TABLE tagreplace_table
Replace $TAGs tagreplace_tags
Replace @TASK tagreplace_task
Replacement of @THETA tagreplace_theta
Load resource filesresources
Run the Shiny Applicationrun_app
Prepare initial estimate, min, and max for $THETAscale_value
Format variables by lines of 10.tenvars