Package: plotthis 0.3.6

Panwen Wang

plotthis: High-Level Plotting Built Upon 'ggplot2' and Other Plotting Packages

Provides high-level API and a wide range of options to create stunning, publication-quality plots effortlessly. It is built upon 'ggplot2' and other plotting packages, and is designed to be easy to use and to work seamlessly with 'ggplot2' objects. It is particularly useful for creating complex plots with multiple layers, facets, and annotations. It also provides a set of functions to create plots for specific types of data, such as Venn diagrams, alluvial diagrams, and phylogenetic trees. The package is designed to be flexible and customizable, and to work well with the 'ggplot2' ecosystem. The API can be found at <>.

Authors:Panwen Wang [aut, cre]

plotthis.pdf |plotthis.html
plotthis/json (API)

# Install 'plotthis' in R:
install.packages('plotthis', repos = c('', ''))

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1.70 score 1 scripts 57 downloads 47 exports 56 dependencies

Last updated 29 days agofrom:a2740bbf6e. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKNov 08 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKNov 08 2024



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Help pageTopics
Area plotAreaPlot
Bar PlotBarPlot SplitBarPlot WaterfallPlot
Box / Violin PlotBoxPlot ViolinPlot
Chord / Circos plotChordPlot CircosPlot
Clustree PlotClustreePlot
Density Plot / HistogramDensityPlot Histogram
DimPLot / FeatureDimPlotDimPlot FeatureDimPlot
Dot Plot / Scatter Plot / Lollipop PlotDotPlot LollipopPlot
Theme element that add a box to the textelement_grob.element_textbox element_textbox
A example of clusterProfiler enrichment resultenrich_example
A example of clusterProfiler enrichment result with multiple databasesenrich_multidb_example
A example of GSEA result from fgsea packagegsea_example
Line PlotLinePlot
A list of palettes for use in data visualizationpalette_list
Color palettes collected in plotthis.palette_this
Pie ChartPieChart
Enrichment Map/NetworkEnrichMap EnrichNetwork PrepareEnrichrResult
GSEA plotsGSEAPlot GSEASummaryPlot PrepareFGSEAResult
Upset PlotPrepareUpsetData UpsetPlot
VennDiagramPrepareVennData VennDiagram
Radar plot / Spider plotRadarPlot SpiderPlot
Ridge PlotRidgePlot
Ring PlotRingPlot
Sankey / Alluvial PlotAlluvialPlot SankeyPlot
Scatter PlotScatterPlot
Show the color palettesshow_palettes
Blank themetheme_blank
A ggplot2 theme and palettes for plotthis Borrowed from the 'theme_this' function in the 'SCP' pipelinetheme_this
Trend plotTrendPlot
Volcano plotVolcanoPlot
Word Cloud PlotWordCloudPlot
Excluded words in keyword enrichment analysis and extractionwords_excluded