Package: panelvar 0.5.6

Robert Ferstl

panelvar: Panel Vector Autoregression

We extend two general methods of moment estimators to panel vector autoregression models (PVAR) with p lags of endogenous variables, predetermined and strictly exogenous variables. This general PVAR model contains the first difference GMM estimator by Holtz-Eakin et al. (1988) <doi:10.2307/1913103>, Arellano and Bond (1991) <doi:10.2307/2297968> and the system GMM estimator by Blundell and Bond (1998) <doi:10.1016/S0304-4076(98)00009-8>. We also provide specification tests (Hansen overidentification test, lag selection criterion and stability test of the PVAR polynomial) and classical structural analysis for PVAR models such as orthogonal and generalized impulse response functions, bootstrapped confidence intervals for impulse response analysis and forecast error variance decompositions.

Authors:Michael Sigmund [aut], Robert Ferstl [aut, cre]

panelvar.pdf |panelvar.html
panelvar/json (API)

# Install 'panelvar' in R:
install.packages('panelvar', repos = c('', ''))



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2.84 score 9 stars 76 scripts 918 downloads 1 mentions 15 exports 51 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:5e7b205f8c. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 23 2025



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Employment UK dataabdata
Andrews Lu MMSC Criteria based on Hansen-J-StatisticAndrews_Lu_MMSC Andrews_Lu_MMSC.pvargmm
Empirical estimation of PVAR Impulse Response Confidence Bandsbootstrap_irf bootstrap_irf.pvarfeols bootstrap_irf.pvargmm
Cigar dataCigar
Extract PVARFEOLS(p) Model Coefficientscoef.pvarfeols
Extract PVAR(p) Model Coefficientscoef.pvargmm
Extract PVARHK(p) Model Coefficientscoef.pvarhk
Swedish municipalities dataDahlberg
Dahlberg results example 1ex1_dahlberg_data
Dahlberg bootstrap results example 1ex1_dahlberg_data_bs
NLS Work 2 bootstrap results example 2ex2_nlswork2_data_bs
Example results for Employment UK dataex3_abdata
Extract Coefficients and GOF Measures from a Statistical Objectextract extract.pvarfeols extract.pvargmm extract.pvarhk
Forcast Error Variance Decomposition for PVARfevd_orthogonal fevd_orthogonal.pvarfeols fevd_orthogonal.pvargmm
Extracting Fixed Effectsfixedeffects fixedeffects.pvargmm
Generalized Impulse Response Functiongirf girf.pvargmm
Sargan-Hansen-J-Test for Overidentificationhansen_j_test hansen_j_test.pvargmm
Knit Print Method for pvarfeolsknit_print.pvarfeols
Knit Print Method for pvargmmknit_print.pvargmm
Knit Print Method for pvarhkknit_print.pvarhk
Knit Print summary Methodknit_print.summary.pvarfeols
Knit Print summary Methodknit_print.summary.pvargmm
Knit Print summary Methodknit_print.summary.pvarhk
NLS Work 2 datanlswork2
Orthogonal Impulse Response Functionoirf
S3 plot method for pvarstability object, returns a 'ggplot' objectplot.pvarstability
S3 Print Method for pvarfeolsprint.pvarfeols
S3 Print Method for pvargammprint.pvargmm
S3 Print Method for pvarhkprint.pvarhk
S3 print method for pvarstability objectprint.pvarstability
S3 Print Method for summary.pvarfeolsprint.summary.pvarfeols
S3 Print Method for summary.pvargmmprint.summary.pvargmm
S3 Print Method for summary.pvarhkprint.summary.pvarhk
P-value S3 Methodpvalue pvalue.pvarfeols pvalue.pvargmm pvalue.pvarhk
Fixed Effects Estimator for PVAR Modelpvarfeols
GMM Estimation of Panel VAR Modelspvargmm
Hahn Kuehrsteiner Estimator for PVAR Modelpvarhk
Extracting Level Residualsresiduals_level residuals_level.pvargmm
Standard Error S3 Methodse se.pvarfeols se.pvargmm se.pvarhk
Stability of PVAR(p) modelstability stability.pvarfeols stability.pvargmm
S3 Summary Method for pvarfeolssummary.pvarfeols
S3 Summary Method for pvargmmsummary.pvargmm
S3 Summary Method for pvarhksummary.pvarhk