Element-wise addition | *,InfinitySparseMatrix,InfinitySparseMatrix-method +,InfinitySparseMatrix,InfinitySparseMatrix-method -,InfinitySparseMatrix,InfinitySparseMatrix-method /,InfinitySparseMatrix,InfinitySparseMatrix-method |
Specify a matching problem where units in a common factor cannot be matched. | antiExactMatch |
Convert an object to InfinitySparseMatrix | as.InfinitySparseMatrix |
Splits a BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix into a list of InfinitySparseMatrices | as.list.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix |
Blocked Infinity Sparse Matrix | BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix-class |
Combine objects | c,ArcInfo-method c,FullmatchMCFSolutions-method c,MCFSolutions-method c,NodeInfo-method c,SubProbInfo-method |
Combine Optmatch objects | c.optmatch |
Prepare matching distances suitable for matching within calipers. | caliper caliper,InfinitySparseMatrix-method caliper,matrix-method caliper,optmatch.dlist-method |
Combine InfinitySparseMatrices or BlockedInfinitySparseMatrices by row or column | cbind.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix cbind.InfinitySparseMatrix rbind.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix rbind.InfinitySparseMatrix |
Compares the equality of optmatch objects, ignoring attributes and group names. | compare_optmatch |
Diagonally bind together subgroup-specific distances | dbind |
Get and set dimnames for InfinitySparseMatrix objects | dimnames,InfinitySparseMatrix-method dimnames<-,InfinitySparseMatrix,list-method dimnames<-,InfinitySparseMatrix,NULL-method |
Combine multiple distance specifications into a single distance specification. | distUnion |
Compute the effective sample size of a match. | effectiveSampleSize effectiveSampleSize.default effectiveSampleSize.factor effectiveSampleSize.table |
Compute value of primal problem given flows and arc costs | evaluate_primal |
Generate an exact matching set of subproblems. | exactMatch exactMatch,formula-method exactMatch,vector-method |
Create missingness indicator variables and non-informatively fill in missing values | fill.NAs |
List subproblems of a distance | findSubproblems |
Optimal full matching | full fullmatch |
What is the maximum allowed problem size? | getMaxProblemSize |
Objects for sparse matching problems. | InfinitySparseMatrix-class |
(Internal) Helper function for accessing algorithms in LEMON solver | LEMON |
Create treated to control distances for matching problems | match_on match_on.bigglm match_on.formula match_on.function match_on.glm match_on.InfinitySparseMatrix match_on.matrix match_on.numeric |
Identification of units placed into matched sets | matched matchfailed unmatched |
Determine distances between matched units | matched.distances |
Find the maximum caliper width that will create a feasible problem. | maxCaliper |
Set thinning and thickening caps for full matching | maxControlsCap minControlsCap |
(Deprecated, in favor of 'match_on') Create matching distances | mdist mdist.bigglm mdist.formula mdist.function mdist.glm mdist.numeric mdist.optmatch.dlist |
Find the minimal exact match factors that will be feasible for a given maximum problem size. | minExactMatch |
Nuclear Power Station Construction Data | nuclearplants |
Returns the number of eligible matches for the distance. | num_eligible_matches num_eligible_matches.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix num_eligible_matches.InfinitySparseMatrix num_eligible_matches.matrix num_eligible_matches.optmatch.dlist |
Optmatch Class | optmatch optmatch-class summary.optmatch |
optmatch_restrictions | optmatch_restrictions |
Checks if two distances are equivalent. 'x' and 'y' can be distances ('InfinitySparseMatrix', 'BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix', or 'DenseMatrix'), or they can be 'optmatch' objects. | optmatch_same_distance |
Functions deprecated or removed from optmatch | mahal.dist optmatch-defunct pscore.dist |
Optimal 1:1 and 1:k matching | pair pairmatch |
Dissimilarities of Some U.S. Nuclear Plants | plantdist |
(Internal) Predict for CBPS objects | predict.CBPS |
Printing 'optmatch' objects. | print.optmatch |
(Internal) Helper function to create an InfinitySparseMatrix from a set of scores, a treatment indicator, and a caliper width. | scoreCaliper |
Extract scores (propensity, prognostic,...) from a fitted model | scores |
Set the maximum problem size | setMaxProblemSize |
Displays a BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix | show,BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix-method |
Displays an InfinitySparseMatrix | show,InfinitySparseMatrix-method |
Sort the internal structure of an InfinitySparseMatrix. | sort.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix sort.InfinitySparseMatrix |
Identify Stratafication Variables | strata |
Return structure of matched sets | print.stratumStructure stratumStructure stratumStructure.default stratumStructure.optmatch |
Returns the dimension of each valid subproblem | subdim subdim.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix subdim.InfinitySparseMatrix subdim.matrix subdim.optmatch.dlist |
Subsetting for InfinitySparseMatrices | subset.InfinitySparseMatrix [,InfinitySparseMatrix-method [<-,InfinitySparseMatrix-method |
Summarize a distance matrix | summary.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix summary.DenseMatrix summary.InfinitySparseMatrix summary.ism |
Performs an update on an 'optmatch' object. | update.optmatch |