Package: notebookutils 1.5.3


notebookutils: Dummy R APIs Used in 'Azure Synapse Analytics' for Local Developments

This is a pure dummy interfaces package which mirrors 'MsSparkUtils' APIs <> of 'Azure Synapse Analytics' <> for R users, customer of Azure Synapse can download this package from CRAN for local development.

Authors:runtimeexp [aut, cre], Microsoft [cph]

notebookutils.pdf |notebookutils.html
notebookutils/json (API)

# Install 'notebookutils' in R:
install.packages('notebookutils', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.00 score 265 downloads 138 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 12 months agofrom:e5528cc935. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 18 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 18 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 18 2025




Rendered fromnotebookutils-tutorial.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 18 2025.

Last update: 2023-02-20
Started: 2023-02-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Set the dataframe info which needs to be visualized.display
Set the chart config metadata for current dataframe (set by 'display') which needs to be visualized.display.config
Construct an specific html fragment to synapse notebook front-end for rendering based on user-input html content.displayHTML
Take linked service name as input and return connection string or credentials depending on the configuration of the linked service.mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds
Take linked service name as input and return full connection string with credentials.mssparkutils.credentials.getFullConnectionString
Return all the properties of a given linked service in string format.mssparkutils.credentials.getPropertiesAll
Return AKV secret.mssparkutils.credentials.getSecret
Return AKV secret using linkedService.mssparkutils.credentials.getSecretWithLS
Get AAD token for a resource.mssparkutils.credentials.getToken
Get help
Returns true if the input token is valid (i.e, hasn't expired).mssparkutils.credentials.isValidToken
Put AKV secret using with or without linkedService.mssparkutils.credentials.putSecret
Put AKV secret using linkedService.mssparkutils.credentials.putSecretWithLS
Get cluster id.mssparkutils.env.getClusterId
Get job Id.mssparkutils.env.getJobId
Get pool name.mssparkutils.env.getPoolName
Get user Id.mssparkutils.env.getUserId
Get user name.mssparkutils.env.getUserName
Get workspace name.mssparkutils.env.getWorkspaceName
Get help
Append the given String to a file, encoded in UTF-8.mssparkutils.fs.append
Copies a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems.mssparkutils.fs.cp
Check if a file or directory exists.mssparkutils.fs.exists
Copies a file or directory via azcopy, possibly across FileSystems.mssparkutils.fs.fastcp
Gets the local path of the mount point.mssparkutils.fs.getMountPath
Returns up to the first 'maxBytes' bytes of the given file as a String encoded in UTF-8.mssparkutils.fs.head
mssparkutils.fs provides utilities for working with various
Lists the contents of a
Creates the given directory if it does not exist, also creating any necessary parent * directories.mssparkutils.fs.mkdirs
Attach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to all working nodes (driver node and worker nodes)mssparkutils.fs.mount
Show information about what is mounted. Any credentials used to mount the mount points listed will not be displayed.mssparkutils.fs.mounts
Attach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to driver nodemssparkutils.fs.mountToDriverNode
Moves a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems. For intra-FileSystem, it is implemented by hadoop fs rename operation. For inter-FileSystem, This is implemented as a copy followed by
Writes the given String out to a file, encoded in UTF-8.mssparkutils.fs.put
Refresh workspace level mount points.mssparkutils.fs.refreshMounts
Removes a file or directory.mssparkutils.fs.rm
Removes a mount point.mssparkutils.fs.unmount
Removes a mount point from driver node.mssparkutils.fs.unmountFromDriverNode
Get help message for this
Create a lakehousemssparkutils.lakehouse.create
Delete a lakehousemssparkutils.lakehouse.delete
Get a lakehousemssparkutils.lakehouse.get
The lakehouse
List all lakehousesmssparkutils.lakehouse.list
Update a lakehousemssparkutils.lakehouse.update
This method lets you exit a notebook with a value.mssparkutils.notebook.exit
The notebook
Runs a notebook and returns its exit value. The notebook will run in the current livy session context by
Runs multiple notebooks concurrently with support for dependency relationships. Details can be found in"runMultiple").mssparkutils.notebook.runMultiple
provide a way to make people can update the endpointmssparkutils.notebook.updateNBSEndpoint
Get runtime propertiesmssparkutils.runtime.context
Set runtime high concurrency mode repl idmssparkutils.runtime.setHcReplId
Stop an interactive sessionmssparkutils.session.stop
Take linked service name as input and return connection string or credentials depending on the configuration of the linked service.notebookutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds
Take linked service name as input and return full connection string with credentials.notebookutils.credentials.getFullConnectionString
Return all the properties of a given linked service in string format.notebookutils.credentials.getPropertiesAll
Return AKV secret.notebookutils.credentials.getSecret
Return AKV secret using linkedService.notebookutils.credentials.getSecretWithLS
Get AAD token for a resource.notebookutils.credentials.getToken
Get help
Returns true if the input token is valid (i.e, hasn't expired).notebookutils.credentials.isValidToken
Put AKV secret using with or without linkedService.notebookutils.credentials.putSecret
Put AKV secret using linkedService.notebookutils.credentials.putSecretWithLS
Get cluster id.notebookutils.env.getClusterId
Get job Id.notebookutils.env.getJobId
Get pool name.notebookutils.env.getPoolName
Get user Id.notebookutils.env.getUserId
Get user name.notebookutils.env.getUserName
Get workspace name.notebookutils.env.getWorkspaceName
Get help
Send a DELETE request to Fabric.notebookutils.fabricClient.delete
Send a GET request to Fabric.notebookutils.fabricClient.get
Get help string for a
List all capacities in the workspace.notebookutils.fabricClient.listCapacities
Send a PATCH request to Fabric.notebookutils.fabricClient.patch
Send a POST request to
Send a PUT request to Fabric.notebookutils.fabricClient.put
Append the given String to a file, encoded in UTF-8.notebookutils.fs.append
Copies a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems.notebookutils.fs.cp
Check if a file or directory exists.notebookutils.fs.exists
Copies a file or directory via azcopy, possibly across FileSystems.notebookutils.fs.fastcp
Gets the local path of the mount point.notebookutils.fs.getMountPath
Returns up to the first 'maxBytes' bytes of the given file as a String encoded in UTF-8.notebookutils.fs.head
notebookutils.fs provides utilities for working with various
Lists the contents of a
Creates the given directory if it does not exist, also creating any necessary parent * directories.notebookutils.fs.mkdirs
Attach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to all working nodes (driver node and worker nodes)notebookutils.fs.mount
Show information about what is mounted. Any credentials used to mount the mount points listed will not be displayed.notebookutils.fs.mounts
Attach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to driver nodenotebookutils.fs.mountToDriverNode
Moves a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems. For intra-FileSystem, it is implemented by hadoop fs rename operation. For inter-FileSystem, This is implemented as a copy followed by
Writes the given String out to a file, encoded in UTF-8.notebookutils.fs.put
Refresh workspace level mount points.notebookutils.fs.refreshMounts
Removes a file or directory.notebookutils.fs.rm
Removes a mount point.notebookutils.fs.unmount
Removes a mount point from driver node.notebookutils.fs.unmountFromDriverNode
Get help message for this
Create a lakehousenotebookutils.lakehouse.create
Delete a lakehousenotebookutils.lakehouse.delete
Get a lakehousenotebookutils.lakehouse.get
Get the definition of a lakehousenotebookutils.lakehouse.getDefinition
Get the info of a Lakehouse with properties.notebookutils.lakehouse.getWithProperties
The lakehouse
List all lakehousesnotebookutils.lakehouse.list
List all tables in a Lakehouse.notebookutils.lakehouse.listTables
Starts a load table operation.notebookutils.lakehouse.loadTable
Update a lakehousenotebookutils.lakehouse.update
Get the definition of a lakehousenotebookutils.lakehouse.updateDefinition
Create a notebooknotebookutils.notebook.create
Delete a notebooknotebookutils.notebook.delete
This method lets you exit a notebook with a value.notebookutils.notebook.exit
Get a notebooknotebookutils.notebook.get
The notebook
List all notebooksnotebookutils.notebook.list
Runs a notebook and returns its exit value. The notebook will run in the current livy session context by
Update a notebooknotebookutils.notebook.update
Get the definition of a notebooknotebookutils.notebook.updateDefinition
provide a way to make people can update the endpointnotebookutils.notebook.updateNBSEndpoint
Get runtime propertiesnotebookutils.runtime.context
notebookutils.runtime is a utility to manage runtime context. context() returns the runtime context as a
Set runtime high concurrency mode repl idnotebookutils.runtime.setHcReplId
Stop an interactive sessionnotebookutils.session.stop
Create a warehousenotebookutils.warehouse.create
Delete a warehousenotebookutils.warehouse.delete
Get a warehousenotebookutils.warehouse.get
Get the definition of a warehousenotebookutils.warehouse.getDefinition
The warehouse
List all warehousesnotebookutils.warehouse.list
Update a warehousenotebookutils.warehouse.update
Get the definition of a warehousenotebookutils.warehouse.updateDefinition
Assign a workspace to a capacitynotebookutils.workspace.assignToCapacity
Create a workspacenotebookutils.workspace.create
Delete a workspacenotebookutils.workspace.delete
Get a workspacenotebookutils.workspace.get
The workspace
List all workspacesnotebookutils.workspace.list
List the specified artifacts in the workspacenotebookutils.workspace.listArtifacts
Unassign a workspace from a capacitynotebookutils.workspace.unassignFromCapacity
Update a workspacenotebookutils.workspace.update