Package: mwlaxeref 0.0.1

Paul Frater
mwlaxeref: Cross-References Lake Identifiers Between Different Data Sets
Handy helper package for cross-referencing lake identifiers among different data sets in the Midwestern United States. There are multiple different state, regional, and federal agencies that have different identifiers on lakes. This package helps you to go between them.
mwlaxeref.pdf |mwlaxeref.html✨
mwlaxeref/json (API)
# Install 'mwlaxeref' in R: |
install.packages('mwlaxeref', repos = c('', '')) |
- lake_id_xref - Lake identification cross-reference table
- wis_lakes - Example of lake ID data from Wisconsin
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 1 years agofrom:94bf561a65. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 15 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Mar 15 2025 |
R-4.4-linux | OK | Mar 15 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
A full list of state crosswalk functions | all_state_crosswalks comid_to_ia comid_to_in comid_to_mi comid_to_mn comid_to_mo comid_to_nd comid_to_sd comid_to_wi ia_to_comid ia_to_lagos ia_to_mglp ia_to_nhd ia_to_nhdhr in_to_comid in_to_lagos in_to_mglp in_to_nhd in_to_nhdhr lagos_to_ia lagos_to_in lagos_to_mn lagos_to_mo lagos_to_nd lagos_to_sd lagos_to_wi mglp_to_ia mglp_to_in mglp_to_mi mglp_to_mn mglp_to_mo mglp_to_nd mglp_to_sd mglp_to_wi mi_to_comid mi_to_lagos mi_to_mglp mi_to_nhd mi_to_nhdhr mn_to_comid mn_to_lagos mn_to_nhd mn_to_nhdhr mo_to_comid mo_to_lagos mo_to_mglp mo_to_nhd mo_to_nhdhr nd_to_comid nd_to_lagos nd_to_mglp nd_to_nhd nd_to_nhdhr nhdhr_to_ia nhdhr_to_in nhdhr_to_mi nhdhr_to_mn nhdhr_to_mo nhdhr_to_nd nhdhr_to_sd nhd_to_ia nhd_to_in nhd_to_mi nhd_to_mn nhd_to_mo nhd_to_nd nhd_to_sd nhd_to_wi sd_to_comid sd_to_lagos sd_to_mglp sd_to_nhd sd_to_nhdhr wi_to_comid wi_to_lagos wi_to_mglp wi_to_nhd wi_to_nhdhr |
Crosswalk from one lake ID to another | comid_to_lagos comid_to_local comid_to_mglp comid_to_nhd comid_to_nhdhr crosswalk_lake_id lagos_to_comid lagos_to_local lagos_to_mglp lagos_to_nhd lagos_to_nhdhr local_to_comid local_to_lagos local_to_mglp local_to_nhd local_to_nhdhr mglp_to_comid mglp_to_lagos mglp_to_local mglp_to_nhd mglp_to_nhdhr nhdhr_to_comid nhdhr_to_lagos nhdhr_to_local nhdhr_to_mglp nhdhr_to_nhd nhd_to_comid nhd_to_lagos nhd_to_local nhd_to_mglp nhd_to_nhdhr |
Lake identification cross-reference table | lake_id_xref |
Crosswalk lake identifiers to/from specific states | lagos_to_mi mn_to_mglp nhdhr_to_wi state_crosswalks |
Example of lake ID data from Wisconsin | wis_lakes |