Package: mets 1.3.5
mets: Analysis of Multivariate Event Times
Implementation of various statistical models for multivariate event history data <doi:10.1007/s10985-013-9244-x>. Including multivariate cumulative incidence models <doi:10.1002/sim.6016>, and bivariate random effects probit models (Liability models) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2015.01.014>. Modern methods for survival analysis, including regression modelling (Cox, Fine-Gray, Ghosh-Lin, Binomial regression) with fast computation of influence functions.
mets.pdf |mets.html✨
mets/json (API)
# Install 'mets' in R: |
install.packages('mets', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
Pkgdown site:
- ACTG175 - ACTG175, block randmized study from speff2trial package
- TRACE - The TRACE study group of myocardial infarction
- base1cumhaz - Rate of CRBSI for HPN patients of Copenhagen
- base44cumhaz - Rate of Occlusion/Thrombosis complication for catheter of HPN patients of Copenhagen
- base4cumhaz - Rate of Mechanical (hole/defect) complication for catheter of HPN patients of Copenhagen
- bmt - The Bone Marrow Transplant Data
- calgb8923 - CALGB 8923, twostage randomization SMART design
- dermalridges - Dermal ridges data
- dermalridgesMZ - Dermal ridges data
- diabetes - The Diabetic Retinopathy Data
- drcumhaz - Rate for leaving HPN program for patients of Copenhagen
- ghaplos - Ghaplos haplo-types for subjects of haploX data
- hapfreqs - Hapfreqs data set
- haploX - HaploX covariates and response for haplo survival discrete survival
- hfaction_cpx12 - Hfaction, subset of block randmized study HF-ACtion from WA package
- melanoma - The Melanoma Survival Data
- mena - Menarche data set
- migr - Migraine data
- multcif - Multivariate Cumulative Incidence Function example data set
- np - Np data set
- prt - Prostate data set
- sTRACE - The TRACE study group of myocardial infarction
- tTRACE - The TRACE study group of myocardial infarction
- ttpd - Ttpd discrete survival data on interval form
- twinbmi - BMI data set
- twinstut - Stutter data set
Last updated 2 months agofrom:fcec31f691. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 10 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | OK | Feb 10 2025 |<-dby2dby2<-dbyrdcordcountdcutdcut<-ddropddrop<-devaldeval2dfactordfactor<-dheaddiffstratadIntervaldivide.conquerdivide.conquer.timeregdkeepdkeep<-dlagdlag<-dlevdleveldlevelsdlistdmeandmeansddmvndnamesdnames<-dnumericdnumeric<-doubleFGRdprintdquantiledregdrelevdrelev<-dreleveldrelevel<-drenamedrename<-dreshapedrmdrm<-drop.specialsdrop.stratadsampledscalardsddsortdsort<-dsort2dsplinedspline<-dstrdsubsetdsumdsummarydtabdtabledtaildtransdtrans<-dtransformdtransform<-duniqueeasy.binomial.twostageEffbinregestimateEVaddGamevalTerminalEventevent.spliteventpoisEventSplitextendCumsfamilycluster.indexfamilyclusterWithProbands.indexfast.approxfast.clusterfast.patternfast.reshapeFastCoxPLstrataRfaster.reshapeFG_AugmentCifstrataFGprediidfoldsforce.same.censglm_IPTWGLprediidgofgofFGgofG.phreggofM.phreggofZ.phregGrandom.cifgrouptablehaplo.surv.discreteheadstrataICIIDbaseline.cifregIIDbaseline.phregIIDbaseline.recregilapindexstrataindexstratarightRIntervalinterval.logitsurv.discreteinvsubdistipwipw2jumptimeskendall.ClaytonOakes.twin.acekendall.normal.twin.acekmkmplotkumarsimkumarsimRCTlifecourselifetablelin.approxLinSplinelogitATElogitIPCWlogitIPCWATElogitSurvloglikMVNmake.pairwise.designmatdoubleindexmatplot.mets.twostagemdimediatorSurvmedweightmets.optionsmlogitmystratamystrata2indexnonparcumincnormalATEnpcobject.definedor.cifor2probp11.binomial.twostage.RVpairRiskpbvnpcifphregphreg_IPTWphreg_rctphreg.parphregRpiecewise.datapiecewise.twostageplack.cifplack.cif2plotConfregionplotConfRegionplotConfRegionSEplotcrplotstrataplotSurvdpmvnpre.cifspred.cif.bootpredictCumhazpredictdFGpredictGLMpredictlogitSurvdpredictmlogitpredictPairPlackpredictRisk.binregpredictRisk.cifregpredictRisk.phregpredictSurvdprob.exceed.recurrentprob.exceedBiRecurrentprob.exceedBiRecurrentStrataprob.exceedRecurrentprob.exceedRecurrentStrataprocformprocform3procformdatarandom.cifrandomDesrchazrchazCrchazlrcriskrcrisksread.phregreadmargsurvreadPhregrecmargrecregrecregIPCWrecurrentMarginalrecurrentMarginalAIPCWrecurrentMarginalIPCWresmean.phregresmeanATEresmeanIPCWresmeanIPCWoldrevcumsumrevcumsum2stratarevcumsum2stratafdNrevcumsumidstratasumrevcumsumidstratasumCovrevcumsumstratarevcumsu
A practical guide to Human Genetics with Lifetime Data
Rendered fromtime-to-event-family-studies-arev.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2021-09-06
Analysis of bivariate binomial data: Twin analysis
Rendered frombinomial-twin.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2023-12-05
Started: 2020-08-27
Analysis of multivariate binomial data: family analysis
Rendered frombinomial-family.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2023-12-05
Started: 2020-08-27
Analysis of multivariate survival data
Rendered fromtwostage-survival.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2023-12-05
Started: 2020-08-27
G-Computation or standardization for the Cox, Fine-Gray and binomial regression models for survival data
Rendered fromsurvival-ate.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2023-01-17
Average treatment effect (ATE) for Competing risks and binary outcomes
Rendered frombinreg-ate.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2021-09-06
Average treatment effect (ATE) for Restricted mean survival and years lost of Competing risks
Rendered fromrmst-ate.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2023-01-17
Binomial Regression for Survival and Competing Risks Data
Rendered frombinreg.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2021-09-06
WIP: Cooking survival data, 5 minute recipes
Rendered fromcooking-survival-data.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2025-01-11
Cumulative Incidence Regression
Rendered fromcifreg.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2020-08-27
Discrete Interval Censored Survival Models
Rendered frominterval-discrete-survival.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2021-09-06
dUtility data-frame manipulations
Rendered frombasic-dutils.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2021-09-06
Started: 2020-08-27
GEE cluster standard errors and predictions for glm objects
Rendered fromglm-utility.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2023-12-05
Started: 2023-12-05
Haplotype Discrete Survival Models
Rendered fromhaplo-discrete-ttp.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2022-09-05
Started: 2020-08-27
Marginal modelling of clustered survival data
Rendered frommarginal-cox.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2023-01-17
Started: 2020-08-27
Mediation Analysis for survival data
Rendered frommediation-survival.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2023-12-05
Started: 2022-09-05
Recurrent events
Rendered fromrecurrent-events.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2020-08-27
Twin models
Rendered fromquantitative-twin.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2023-01-17
Started: 2020-08-27
Two-Stage Randomization for Cox Type rate models
Rendered fromphreg_rct.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2025-01-11
Two-Stage Randomization for for Competing risks and Survival outcomes
Rendered frombinreg-TRS.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2025-01-11
While Alive estimands for Recurrent Events
Rendered fromwhile-alive.Rmd
on Feb 10 2025.Last update: 2025-01-11
Started: 2025-01-11