Package: melt 1.11.4

melt: Multiple Empirical Likelihood Tests
Performs multiple empirical likelihood tests. It offers an easy-to-use interface and flexibility in specifying hypotheses and calibration methods, extending the framework to simultaneous inferences. The core computational routines are implemented using the 'Eigen' 'C++' library and 'RcppEigen' interface, with 'OpenMP' for parallel computation. Details of the testing procedures are provided in Kim, MacEachern, and Peruggia (2023) <doi:10.1080/10485252.2023.2206919>. A companion paper by Kim, MacEachern, and Peruggia (2024) <doi:10.18637/jss.v108.i05> is available for further information. This work was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants No. SES-1921523 and DMS-2015552.
melt.pdf |melt.html✨
melt/json (API)
# Install 'melt' in R: |
install.packages('melt', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
Pkgdown site:
- clothianidin - Clothianidin concentration in maize plants
- thiamethoxam - Thiamethoxam applications in squash crops
Last updated 10 months agofrom:1f0a23934c. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 20 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | OK | Mar 20 2025 |
R-4.4-linux-x86_64 | OK | Mar 20 2025 |
melt: Multiple Empirical Likelihood Tests
Rendered fromarticle.Rnw
on Mar 20 2025.Last update: 2024-05-18
Started: 2024-03-02
Model fitting
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on Mar 20 2025.Last update: 2024-03-02
Started: 2022-08-12
Rendered fromperformance.Rmd
on Mar 20 2025.Last update: 2024-03-02
Started: 2022-07-10
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
CEL class | CEL CEL-class |
Chi-square statistic | chisq chisq,EL-method chisq,ELMT-method chisq,ELT-method chisq,SummaryEL-method chisq,SummaryELMT-method chisq,SummaryELT-method chisq,SummaryLM-method |
Clothianidin concentration in maize plants | clothianidin |
Model coefficients | coef coef,EL-method coef,ELMT-method coef,SummaryEL-method coef,SummaryLM-method |
Confidence interval for model parameters | confint confint,EL-method confint,ELMT-method |
Confidence region for model parameters | confreg confreg,EL-method |
ConfregEL class | ConfregEL ConfregEL-class |
ControlEL class | ControlEL ControlEL-class |
Convergence check | conv conv,CEL-method conv,EL-method conv,ELT-method conv,SummaryEL-method conv,SummaryELT-method conv,SummaryLM-method |
Critical value | critVal critVal,ELMT-method critVal,ELT-method critVal,SummaryELMT-method critVal,SummaryELT-method |
Control parameters for computation | el_control |
Empirical likelihood for general estimating functions | el_eval |
Empirical likelihood for generalized linear models | el_glm |
Empirical likelihood for linear models | el_lm |
Empirical likelihood for the mean | el_mean |
Empirical likelihood for the standard deviation | el_sd |
EL class | EL EL-class |
Empirical likelihood displacement | eld eld,EL-method eld,GLM-method eld,missing-method |
ELD class | ELD ELD-class |
Empirical likelihood multiple tests | elmt elmt,EL-method |
ELMT class | ELMT ELMT-class |
Empirical likelihood test | elt elt,EL-method elt,missing-method elt,QGLM-method elt,SD-method |
ELT class | ELT ELT-class |
Degrees of freedom | getDF getDF,EL-method getDF,ELMT-method getDF,ELT-method getDF,SummaryEL-method getDF,SummaryELMT-method getDF,SummaryLM-method |
Optimization results | getOptim getOptim,EL-method getOptim,ELT-method getOptim,SummaryEL-method getOptim,SummaryELT-method getOptim,SummaryLM-method |
GLM class | GLM GLM-class |
LM class | formula,LM-method LM LM-class |
Empirical log-likelihood | logL logL,EL-method logL,ELT-method logL,SummaryEL-method logL,SummaryELT-method logL,SummaryLM-method |
Empirical log-likelihood ratio | logLR logLR,EL-method logLR,ELT-method logLR,SummaryEL-method logLR,SummaryELT-method logLR,SummaryLM-method |
Log probabilities | logProb logProb,EL-method logProb,ELT-method |
Number of observations in a model | nobs nobs,EL-method nobs,SummaryEL-method nobs,SummaryLM-method |
Plot methods | plot plot,ConfregEL-method plot,EL-method plot,ELD-method |
Print methods | print print,EL-method print,ELMT-method print,ELT-method print,LM-method print,SummaryEL-method print,SummaryELMT-method print,SummaryELT-method print,SummaryGLM-method print,SummaryLM-method |
p-value | pVal pVal,EL-method pVal,ELMT-method pVal,ELT-method pVal,SummaryEL-method pVal,SummaryELMT-method pVal,SummaryELT-method pVal,SummaryLM-method |
QGLM class | QGLM QGLM-class |
SD class | SD SD-class |
Significance tests | sigTests sigTests,LM-method |
Summary methods | summary summary,EL-method summary,ELMT-method summary,ELT-method summary,GLM-method summary,LM-method summary,QGLM-method |
SummaryEL class | SummaryEL SummaryEL-class |
SummaryELMT class | SummaryELMT SummaryELMT-class |
SummaryELT class | SummaryELT SummaryELT-class |
SummaryGLM class | SummaryGLM SummaryGLM-class |
SummaryLM class | SummaryLM SummaryLM-class |
SummaryQGLM class | SummaryQGLM SummaryQGLM-class |
Thiamethoxam applications in squash crops | thiamethoxam |
Model weights | weights weights,EL-method |