Package: mederrRank 0.1.0

Sergio Venturini

mederrRank: Bayesian Methods for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors

Two distinct but related statistical approaches to the problem of identifying the combinations of medication error characteristics that are more likely to result in harm are implemented in this package: 1) a Bayesian hierarchical model with optimal Bayesian ranking on the log odds of harm, and 2) an empirical Bayes model that estimates the ratio of the observed count of harm to the count that would be expected if error characteristics and harm were independent. In addition, for the Bayesian hierarchical model, the package provides functions to assess the sensitivity of results to different specifications of the random effects distributions.

Authors:Sergio Venturini, Jessica Myers

mederrRank.pdf |mederrRank.html
mederrRank/json (API)

# Install 'mederrRank' in R:
install.packages('mederrRank', repos = c('', ''))



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1.70 score 196 downloads 23 exports 3 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:56bcfa086a. Checks:1 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

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Doc / VignettesOKMar 05 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 05 2025
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Bayesian Methods for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication ErrorsmederrRank-package mederrRank
Optimal Bayesian Rankingbayes.rank
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation (Step 2) of the Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errorsbhm.constr.resamp
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation (Step 1) of the Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errorsbhm.mcmc
Resampling Transformation for the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation Simulation of the Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errorsbhm.resample
The Negative Binomial Mixture Distributiondmixnegbinom
The Negative Binomial Distributiondnegbinom
The Skewed Student t Distributiondst
Geometric Mean of the Relative Risk Empirical Bayes Posterior DistributionEBGM
Log-Likelihood Difference for the delta_j ParametersllDiffD
Log-Likelihood Difference for the theta_i ParametersllDiffT
Negative Log-Posterior Function of the Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errorslogp
Unnormalized Marginal Posterior Distributions for k and etalogunpost
Class "mederrData". Data Specification for Identifying the Most Harmful MEdication Errors using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model.initialize,mederrData-method mederrData mederrData-class
Class "mederrFit". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 1) for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model Used to Identify the Most Harmful Medication Errors.initialize,mederrFit-method mederrFit mederrFit-class
Class "mederrResample". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 2) for the Bayesian Hierarchical Model Used to Identify the Most Harmful Medication Errors.initialize,mederrResample-method mederrResample mederrResample-class
Subset of the MEDMARX DataMEDMARX
Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for the Mixture of Negative Binomial Distributionsmixnegbinom.em
Log-Likelihood Function for the Mixture of Negative Binomial Distributionsmixnegbinom.loglik
Log-Likelihood Score Function for the Mixture of Negative Binomial Distributionsmixnegbinom.score
Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for the Negative Binomial Distributionnegbinom.em
Log-Likelihood Function for the Mixture of Negative Binomial Distributionsnegbinom.loglik
Log-Likelihood Score Function for the Negative Binomial Distributionnegbinom.score
Posterior Predictive Test statisticsp.value
Plot of Medication Error Data and Analysisplot,ANY,ANY-method plot,mederrData,missing-method plot,mederrFit,mederrFit-method plot,mederrResample,missing-method plot-methods
Posterior Predictive Data Replicationspost.rep
The Negative Binomial Mixture Distributionrmixnegbinom
Simulated Datasimdata
Summary of Medication Error Data and Analysissummary,ANY-method summary,mederrData-method summary,mederrFit-method summary-methods