Package: matlab

P. Roebuck
matlab: 'MATLAB' Emulation Package
Emulate 'MATLAB' code using 'R'.
matlab.pdf |matlab.html✨
matlab/json (API)
# Install 'matlab' in R: |
install.packages('matlab', repos = c('', '')) |
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 9 months agofrom:63930a8c17. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 03 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Mar 03 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
MATLAB Emulation Functions | matlab-package |
MATLAB ceil function | ceil |
MATLAB cell function | cell |
MATLAB colorbar function | colorbar |
MATLAB eye function | eye |
MATLAB factor function | factors |
MATLAB fileparts function | fileparts |
MATLAB filesep function | filesep |
MATLAB find function | find |
MATLAB fix function | fix |
MATLAB matrix flip functions | fliplr fliplr,ANY-method fliplr,array-method fliplr,matrix-method fliplr,missing-method fliplr,vector-method flipud flipud,ANY-method flipud,array-method flipud,matrix-method flipud,missing-method flipud,vector-method |
MATLAB fullfile function | fullfile |
MATLAB hilb function | hilb |
MATLAB imagesc function | imagesc |
MATLAB isempty function | isempty |
MATLAB isprime function | isprime |
MATLAB jet function | jet.colors |
MATLAB linspace function | linspace |
MATLAB logspace function | logspace |
MATLAB magic function | magic |
MATLAB meshgrid functions | meshgrid |
MATLAB mod/rem functions | mod rem |
MATLAB multiline plot colors | multiline.plot.colors |
MATLAB ndims function | ndims |
MATLAB nextpow2 function | nextpow2 |
MATLAB numel function | numel |
MATLAB ones/zeros functions | ones zeros |
MATLAB padarray function | padarray padarray,array,numeric,ANY,character-method padarray,array,numeric,character,character-method padarray,array,numeric,missing,missing-method padarray,vector,numeric,ANY,ANY-method |
MATLAB pascal function | pascal |
MATLAB pathsep function | pathsep |
MATLAB pow2 function | pow2 |
MATLAB primes function | primes |
MATLAB repmat function | repmat |
MATLAB reshape function | reshape |
MATLAB rosser function | rosser |
MATLAB rot90 function | rot90 |
MATLAB size function | size size,array,integer-method size,array,missing-method size,array,numeric-method size,matrix,integer-method size,matrix,missing-method size,matrix,numeric-method size,missing,ANY-method size,vector,missing-method size,vector,numeric-method |
Class "size_t" | size_t-class |
MATLAB std function | std |
MATLAB strcmp function | strcmp |
MATLAB sum function | sum sum,ANY,ANY-method sum,array,logical-method sum,array,missing-method sum,matrix,logical-method sum,matrix,missing-method sum,missing,ANY-method sum,vector,logical-method sum,vector,missing-method |
MATLAB timer functions | tic toc |
MATLAB vander function | vander |