Package: matlab

P. Roebuck

matlab: 'MATLAB' Emulation Package

Emulate 'MATLAB' code using 'R'.

Authors:P. Roebuck

matlab.pdf |matlab.html
matlab/json (API)

# Install 'matlab' in R:
install.packages('matlab', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

4.04 score 19 packages 1.9k downloads 666 mentions 45 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 7 months agofrom:63930a8c17. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 01 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 01 2025



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Help pageTopics
MATLAB Emulation Functionsmatlab-package
MATLAB ceil functionceil
MATLAB cell functioncell
MATLAB colorbar functioncolorbar
MATLAB eye functioneye
MATLAB factor functionfactors
MATLAB fileparts functionfileparts
MATLAB filesep functionfilesep
MATLAB find functionfind
MATLAB fix functionfix
MATLAB matrix flip functionsfliplr fliplr,ANY-method fliplr,array-method fliplr,matrix-method fliplr,missing-method fliplr,vector-method flipud flipud,ANY-method flipud,array-method flipud,matrix-method flipud,missing-method flipud,vector-method
MATLAB fullfile functionfullfile
MATLAB hilb functionhilb
MATLAB imagesc functionimagesc
MATLAB isempty functionisempty
MATLAB isprime functionisprime
MATLAB jet functionjet.colors
MATLAB linspace functionlinspace
MATLAB logspace functionlogspace
MATLAB magic functionmagic
MATLAB meshgrid functionsmeshgrid
MATLAB mod/rem functionsmod rem
MATLAB multiline plot colorsmultiline.plot.colors
MATLAB ndims functionndims
MATLAB nextpow2 functionnextpow2
MATLAB numel functionnumel
MATLAB ones/zeros functionsones zeros
MATLAB padarray functionpadarray padarray,array,numeric,ANY,character-method padarray,array,numeric,character,character-method padarray,array,numeric,missing,missing-method padarray,vector,numeric,ANY,ANY-method
MATLAB pascal functionpascal
MATLAB pathsep functionpathsep
MATLAB pow2 functionpow2
MATLAB primes functionprimes
MATLAB repmat functionrepmat
MATLAB reshape functionreshape
MATLAB rosser functionrosser
MATLAB rot90 functionrot90
MATLAB size functionsize size,array,integer-method size,array,missing-method size,array,numeric-method size,matrix,integer-method size,matrix,missing-method size,matrix,numeric-method size,missing,ANY-method size,vector,missing-method size,vector,numeric-method
Class "size_t"size_t-class
MATLAB std functionstd
MATLAB strcmp functionstrcmp
MATLAB sum functionsum sum,ANY,ANY-method sum,array,logical-method sum,array,missing-method sum,matrix,logical-method sum,matrix,missing-method sum,missing,ANY-method sum,vector,logical-method sum,vector,missing-method
MATLAB timer functionstic toc
MATLAB vander functionvander