Package: mark 0.8.2

Jordan Mark Barbone

mark: Miscellaneous, Analytic R Kernels

Miscellaneous functions and wrappers for development in other packages created, maintained by Jordan Mark Barbone.

Authors:Jordan Mark Barbone [aut, cph, cre]

mark.pdf |mark.html
mark/json (API)

# Install 'mark' in R:
install.packages('mark', repos = c('', ''))

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2.65 score 9 scripts 523 downloads 3 mentions 212 exports 5 dependencies

Last updated 17 days agofrom:76147dfc39. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKDec 07 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKDec 07 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add file timestampadd_file_timestamp
Identical extensionsare_identical
Array extractarray_extract
Orderedas_ordered as_ordered.default
Alpha basebase_alpha
Base N conversionbase_n
Blank valuesblank_values is_blank is_blank_cols remove_blank_cols select_blank_cols
Character to factorchar2fact char2fact.character char2fact.default char2fact.factor
Check optionscheckOptions
Character splitchr_split
Write to and read from the clipboardclipboard read_clipboard read_clipboard_methods write_clipboard write_clipboard.default write_clipboard.list write_clipboard.matrix
Complete casescomplete_cases
Count observations by unique valuescounts props props.default
Partial datesdate_from_partial
Depthdepth depth.default depth.list
Details an objectdetail detail.default
Diff time wrappersdiff_time diff_time_days diff_time_dyears diff_time_hours diff_time_mins diff_time_months diff_time_myears diff_time_secs diff_time_weeks diff_time_wyears diff_time_years
Drop levelsdrop_levels drop_levels.fact drop_levels.factor
Parse and evaluate textept
Evaluate a Named Chunkeval_named_chunk
Expands a vectorexpand_by
Factorfact fact.character fact.Date fact.default fact.fact fact.factor fact.haven_labelled fact.integer fact.logical fact.numeric fact.POSIXt fact.pseudo_id
'fact' with 'NA'fact_na
Fact reverse levelsfact_reverse
Factor to characterfact2char
Factor Expand by Sequencefct_expand_seq
File copy with md5 hash checkfile_copy_md5
File information utilsfile_info largest_file newest_dir newest_file oldest_dir oldest_file smallest_file
File namefile_name
Open a file using windows file associationsfile_open file_utils list_dirs list_files open_file shell_exec
Fizz Buzz.fizzbuzz_vector fizzbuzz fizzbuzz_lazy
Get recent directory by number nameget_dir_max_number
Get recent directory by dateget_dir_recent_date
Get recent directoryget_recent_dir
Get recent fileget_recent_file
Get and bump versionbump_date_version bump_version get_version update_version
Wildcard globbingglob
Handlersget_error get_message get_warning handlers has_error has_message has_warning
Is File/Directoryis_dir is_file
Dataframe labelsassign_labels assign_labels.default get_labels get_labels.default labels remove_labels remove_labels.default view_labels
Lines of R codelines_of_r_code
List all environments and objectsenvironments list_environments ls_all objects_all
List to data.framelist2df
Logic - Extension'%xor% AND either is_boolean is_false is_false.default is_false.logical is_true is_true.default is_true.logical logic_ext none OR
List Objects - extensionsls_dataframe ls_ext ls_function ls_object
Make system file functionmake_sf
markmark-package mark
Match argumentsmatch_arg
Match paramsmatch_param
Compute the MD5 hash of an objectmd5
Median (Q 50)median2 q50
Merge listsmerge_list
Multiple searchingmulti_grep multi_grepl
NA at positionsna_assignments NA_at NA_if NA_in NA_out
Selecting NA columnsis_na_cols na_cols remove_na_cols select_na_cols
Normalize pathsfile_path norm_path user_file
Normalize valuesnormalize normalize.default
Make not availableNA_Date_ NA_POSIXct_ NA_POSIXlt_ not_available set_not_available
Append a note to an objectnote note<- set_note
Omit NA valuesomit_na
Check if package is availablepackage_available
Percentile rankpercentile_rank
Print as cprint_c
Print bib data frameprint.mark_bib_df
Print 'pseudo_id'print.pseudo_id
Process bib valuesprocess_bib_dataframe
Create an ID for a vectorpseudo_id pseudo_id.default pseudo_id.factor pseudo_id.pseudo_id
Quiet stopquiet_stop
Range 2range2
Read Bib fileread_bib
Recode byrecode_by recode_only
Reindex a data.framereindex
Remove NAremove_na remove_na.default remove_na.fact remove_na.factor remove_na.list
Remove NULLremove_null
Rounding by a specific interval.round_by
Row bindrow_bind
Save sourcesave_source
Set namesnames_switch set_names0
Time reportssimpleTimeReport
Sort bysort_by
Sort by namessort_names
Source file from directorysource_files source_r_dir source_r_file
Source to environmentsource_to_env
Sourcing extensionsksource sourcing try_ksource try_source
Extract date from stringstr_extract_date str_extract_datetime
String Slicestr_slice str_slice_by_word
Switch with a list of parametersswitch-ext switch_case switch_in_case switch_params
Data frame transposet_df
Table NA valuestableNA
To Booleanto_boolean to_boolean.character to_boolean.factor to_boolean.logical to_boolean.numeric
To row namesto_row_names
Get TODOsfixmes todos
Try an expression a set number of timestryn
Unique rowsunique_rows
Unlist and squashsquash_vec unlist0
Add author to DESCRIPTIONuse_author
Paste combinecollapse0 paste_c paste_combine utils-paste
Vaps!vap vap_chr vap_cplx vap_date vap_dbl vap_int vap_lgl
Vector to data.framevector2df
Temporary plottingwith_par
within boundariesbetween between_more betwee_more within
Function withinouter_call outer_fun within_call within_fun
Write file with md5 hash checkmark_compress_methods mark_write_methods write_file_md5