Package: ktweedie 1.0.3

Yi Lian

ktweedie: 'Tweedie' Compound Poisson Model in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space

Kernel-based 'Tweedie' compound Poisson gamma model using high-dimensional predictors for the analyses of zero-inflated response variables. The package features built-in estimation, prediction and cross-validation tools and supports choice of different kernel functions. For more details, please see Yi Lian, Archer Yi Yang, Boxiang Wang, Peng Shi & Robert William Platt (2023) <doi:10.1080/00401706.2022.2156615>.

Authors:Yi Lian [aut, cre], Archer Yi Yang [aut, cph], Boxiang Wang [aut], Peng Shi [aut], Robert W. Platt [aut]

ktweedie.pdf |ktweedie.html
ktweedie/json (API)

# Install 'ktweedie' in R:
install.packages('ktweedie', repos = '')
Uses libs:
  • fortran– Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications
  • dat - A demo dataset



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


2.70 score 233 downloads 18 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:49280eabf6. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 06 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKFeb 06 2025




Rendered fromktweedie-vignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 06 2025.

Last update: 2022-11-02
Started: 2022-10-20


To cite ktweedie in publications, please use

Yi Lian, Archer Yi Yang, Boxiang Wang, Peng Shi & Robert William Platt (2023) A Tweedie Compound Poisson Model in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space, Technometrics,<doi:10.1080/00401706.2022.2156615>

Corresponding BibTeX entry:

    title = {A Tweedie Compound Poisson Model in Reproducing Kernel
      Hilbert Space},
    author = {Yi Lian and Archer Yi Yang and Boxiang Wang and Peng Shi
      and Robert William Platt},
    journal = {Technometrics},
    volume = {0},
    number = {0},
    pages = {1--15},
    year = {2023},
    publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
    doi = {10.1080/00401706.2022.2156615},

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Assing kernelMatrix class to matrix objectsas.kernelMatrix as.kernelMatrix,matrix-method as.kernelMatrix-methods kernelMatrix-class
A demo datasetdat
Kernel Functionsanovadot besseldot dots fourierdot kernels kfunction kpar laplacedot polydot rbfdot show,kernel-method splinedot tanhdot vanilladot
Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"anovakernel-class besselkernel-class fourierkernel-class kernel-class kfunction-class kpar,kernel-method laplacekernel-class polykernel-class rbfkernel-class splinekernel-class tanhkernel-class vanillakernel-class
Kernel Matrix functionskernelFast kernelFast,anovakernel-method kernelFast,besselkernel-method kernelFast,kernel-method kernelFast,laplacekernel-method kernelFast,polykernel-method kernelFast,rbfkernel-method kernelFast,splinekernel-method kernelFast,tanhkernel-method kernelFast,vanillakernel-method kernelMatrix kernelMatrix,anovakernel-method kernelMatrix,besselkernel-method kernelMatrix,kernel-method kernelMatrix,laplacekernel-method kernelMatrix,polykernel-method kernelMatrix,rbfkernel-method kernelMatrix,splinekernel-method kernelMatrix,tanhkernel-method kernelMatrix,vanillakernel-method kernelMult kernelMult,anovakernel,ANY-method kernelMult,besselkernel,ANY-method kernelMult,character,kernelMatrix-method kernelMult,kernel-method kernelMult,laplacekernel,ANY-method kernelMult,polykernel,ANY-method kernelMult,rbfkernel,ANY-method kernelMult,splinekernel,ANY-method kernelMult,tanhkernel,ANY-method kernelMult,vanillakernel,ANY-method kernelPol kernelPol,anovakernel-method kernelPol,besselkernel-method kernelPol,kernel-method kernelPol,laplacekernel-method kernelPol,polykernel-method kernelPol,rbfkernel-method kernelPol,splinekernel-method kernelPol,tanhkernel-method kernelPol,vanillakernel-method
Cross validation for tuning the regularization coefficient in the kernel Tweedie modelktd_cv
Cross validation for jointly tuning the regularization coefficient and kernel parameter in the Kernel Tweedie Modelktd_cv2d
Estimate kernel Tweedie model coefficientsktd_estimate
Predict outcome using fitted kernel Tweedie modelktd_predict