Package: justifier 0.2.6

Gjalt-Jorn Peters

justifier: Human and Machine-Readable Justifications and Justified Decisions Based on 'YAML'

Leverages the 'yum' package to implement a 'YAML' ('YAML Ain't Markup Language', a human friendly standard for data serialization; see <>) standard for documenting justifications, such as for decisions taken during the planning, execution and analysis of a study or during the development of a behavior change intervention as illustrated by Marques & Peters (2019) <doi:10.17605/>. These justifications are both human- and machine-readable, facilitating efficient extraction and organisation.

Authors:Gjalt-Jorn Peters [aut, cre], Szilvia Zorgo [ctb]

justifier.pdf |justifier.html
justifier/json (API)

# Install 'justifier' in R:
install.packages('justifier', repos = c('', ''))

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3.18 score 2 scripts 283 downloads 41 exports 72 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:2d65657d6b. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 23 2025



General introduction to justifier

Rendered fromgeneral-introduction-to-justifier.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2023-03-05
Started: 2019-06-03

Using justifier in behavior change intervention development

Rendered fromjustifier-in-intervention-development.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2023-03-05
Started: 2019-06-03

Using justifier in study design

Rendered fromjustifier-in-study-design.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2021-07-12
Started: 2019-06-03

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Apply multiple DiagrammeR global graph attributesapply_graph_theme
Conversion between base10 and base30 & base36base30and36conversion base30toNumeric numericToBase30
Programmatically constructing justifier elementsasrt assert c.justifierElement c.justifierStructured dcsn decide decision jstf justify source srce
Concatenate two or more structured justifier objectsc.justifierStructuredObject
Concatenate to screen without spacescat0
Clean your workspaceclean_workspace
Export justification as YAMLexport_justification
Export a justifier specification to JSONexport_to_json export_to_json.justifierStructuredObject print.justifier_json
Flatten a justifier treeflatten flatten.multipleJustifierElements flatten.singleJustifierElement
Generate unique identifier(s)generate_id
Get your justifier workspace identifierget_workspace
Get your justifier workspace identifierget_workspace_id
Create a reference to one or more justifier objectsidRef idRef.character idRef.justifierIdRef idRef.justifierStructured idRef.multipleJustifierElements idRef.singleJustifierElement
Conditional returning of an objectifelseObj
Import a structured justifier object from JSONimport_from_json
Load Justifications from a file or multiple filesload_justifications load_justifications_dir plot.justifications print.justifications
Document a decisionlog_decision
Merging to justifier specification listsmerge_specLists
Options for the justifier packageget opts reset set
Parsing justificationsparse_justifications plot.justifierDecisionGraph print.justifierDecisionGraph
Generate a random slugidSlug randomSlug
Repeat a string a number of timesrepeatStr repStr
Sanitize for DiagrammeRsanitize_for_DiagrammeR
Save your workspacesave_workspace
Set your justifier workspace identifierset_workspace_id
Producing a list of specificationsto_specList
Easily parse a vector into a character valuevecTxt vecTxtQ
Show your workspace contentsworkspace
Wrap all elements in a vectorwrapVector