Package: islasso 1.5.2

Gianluca Sottile

islasso: The Induced Smoothed Lasso

An implementation of the induced smoothing (IS) idea to lasso regularization models to allow estimation and inference on the model coefficients (currently hypothesis testing only). Linear, logistic, Poisson and gamma regressions with several link functions are implemented. The algorithm is described in the original paper; see <doi:10.1177/0962280219842890> and discussed in a tutorial <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.16360.11521>.

Authors:Gianluca Sottile [aut, cre], Giovanna Cilluffo [aut, ctb], Vito MR Muggeo [aut, ctb]

islasso.pdf |islasso.html
islasso/json (API)

# Install 'islasso' in R:
install.packages('islasso', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • fortran– Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications
  • Prostate - Prostate Cancer Data
  • breast - Breast Cancer microarray experiment
  • diabetes - Blood and other measurements in diabetics

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.00 score 1 scripts 496 downloads 49 exports 10 dependencies

Last updated 9 months agofrom:205a841e62. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 1. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 05 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEOct 05 2024



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Help pageTopics
The Induced Smoothed lasso: A practical framework for hypothesis testing in high dimensional regressionislasso-package
Optimization for the selection of the tuning parameteraic.islasso
General Linear Combination method for 'islasso' objectsanova.islasso print.anova.islasso
Breast Cancer microarray experimentbreast
confint method for 'islasso' objectsconfint.islasso plot.confint.islasso print.confint.islasso
Blood and other measurements in diabeticsdiabetes
Optimization for the selection of the tuning parameterGoF.islasso.path
Auxiliary for controlling islasso model fittingis.control
The Induced Smoothed lassocooks.distance.islasso deviance.islasso extractAIC.islasso family.islasso formula.islasso influence.islasso islasso logLik.islasso model.frame.islasso model.matrix.islasso nobs.islasso print.islasso residuals.islasso rstandard.islasso rstudent.islasso variable.names.islasso vcov.islasso weights.islasso
The Induced Smoothed lasso pathcoef.islasso.path deviance.islasso.path fitted.islasso.path islasso.path logLik.islasso.path model.matrix.islasso.path print.islasso.path print.logLik.islasso.path residuals.islasso.path
Diagnostics plots for Induced Smoothing Lasso Modelplot.islasso
plot coefficient profile from a fitted "islasso.path" object.plot.islasso.path
Prediction method for islasso fitted objectspredict.islasso
Prediction method for islasso.path fitted objectspredict.islasso.path
Prostate Cancer DataProstate
Simulate model matrix and responsesimulXy
summary method for islasso fitted objectsprint.summary.islasso summary.islasso
summary method for islasso.path fitted objectsprint.summary.islasso.path summary.islasso.path