Package: igraph 2.1.1

Kirill Müller

igraph: Network Analysis and Visualization

Routines for simple graphs and network analysis. It can handle large graphs very well and provides functions for generating random and regular graphs, graph visualization, centrality methods and much more.

Authors:Gábor Csárdi [aut], Tamás Nepusz [aut], Vincent Traag [aut], Szabolcs Horvát [aut], Fabio Zanini [aut], Daniel Noom [aut], Kirill Müller [aut, cre], Maëlle Salmon [ctb], Michael Antonov [ctb], Chan Zuckerberg Initiative [fnd]

igraph.pdf |igraph.html
igraph/json (API)

# Install 'igraph' in R:
install.packages('igraph', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • libxml2– GNOME XML library
  • glpk– Linear programming kit with integer (MIP) support
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3

14.46 score 2 stars 1.8k packages 30k scripts 431k downloads 1.6k mentions 817 exports 10 dependencies

Last updated 3 days agofrom:caeafaf6af. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 1. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 21 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEOct 21 2024>%%<-%%><-each_edgeeccentricityecountedgeedge_attredge_attr_namesedge_attr<-edge_betweennessedge_connectivityedge_densityedge_disjoint_pathsedge.attributesedge.attributes<-edge.betweennessedge.betweenness.communityedge.betweenness.estimateedge.connectivityedge.disjoint.pathsedgesegoego_sizeeigen_centralityembed_adjacency_matrixembed_laplacian_matrixempty<-graph_centergraph_from_adj_listgraph_from_adjacency_matrixgraph_from_atlasgraph_from_biadjacency_matrixgraph_from_data_framegraph_from_edgelistgraph_from_graphdbgraph_from_graphnelgraph_from_incidence_matrixgraph_from_isomorphism_classgraph_from_lcfgraph_from_literalgraph_idgraph_versiongraph.adhesiongraph.adjacencygraph.adjlistgraph.atlasgraph.attributesgraph.attributes<<-vcountvertexvertex_attrvertex_attr_namesvertex_attr<-vertex_connectivityvertex_disjoint_pathsvertex.attributesvertex.attributes<-vertex.connectivityvertex.disjoint.pathsvertex.shapesverticesvoronoi_cellswalktrap.communitywatts.strogatz.gameweighted_clique_numweighted_cliqueswhich_loopwhich_multiplewhich_mutualwith_dhwith_drlwith_edge_with_frwith_gemwith_graph_with_graphoptwith_igraph_optwith_kkwith_lglwith_mdswith_sugiyamawith_vertex_without_attrwithout_loopswithout_multipleswrite_graphwrite.graph


igraph (interfaz R)

Rendered fromigraph_ES.rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 21 2024.

Last update: 2024-10-19
Started: 2023-04-07

igraph (R interface)

Rendered fromigraph.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 21 2024.

Last update: 2024-10-19
Started: 2023-02-10

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Query and manipulate a graph as it were an adjacency matrix[.igraph
Query and manipulate a graph as it were an adjacency list[[.igraph
Magrittr's pipes%>%
Add vertices, edges or another graph to a graph+.igraph
Add edges to a graphadd_edges
Add layout to graphadd_layout_
Add vertices to a graphadd_vertices
Adjacent vertices of multiple vertices in a graphadjacent_vertices
List all simple paths from one sourceall_simple_paths
Find Bonacich alpha centrality scores of network positionsalpha_centrality
Are two vertices adjacent?are_adjacent
ARPACK eigenvector calculationarpack arpack-options arpack.unpack.complex arpack_defaults
Articulation points and bridges of a grapharticulation_points bridges
Adjacency listsas_adj_edge_list as_adj_list
Convert a graph to an adjacency matrixas_adjacency_matrix
Bipartite adjacency matrix of a bipartite graphas_biadjacency_matrix
Creating igraph graphs from data frames or vice-versaas_data_frame from_data_frame graph_from_data_frame
Convert between directed and undirected graphsas_directed as_undirected
Convert a graph to an edge listas_edgelist
Convert igraph graphs to graphNEL objects from the graph packageas_graphnel
Convert a vertex or edge sequence to an ordinary vectoras_ids as_ids.igraph.vs
Convert a graph to a long data frameas_long_data_frame
Declare a numeric vector as a membership vectoras_membership
Conversion to igraphas.igraph as.igraph.igraphHRG
Convert igraph objects to adjacency or edge list matricesas.matrix.igraph
Assortativity coefficientassortativity assortativity_degree assortativity_nominal
Kleinberg's authority centrality scores.authority_score hub_score
Generating set of the automorphism group of a graphautomorphism_group
Vertex and edge betweenness centralitybetweenness betweenness.estimate edge.betweenness.estimate edge_betweenness
Breadth-first searchbfs
Biconnected componentsbiconnected_components
Decide whether a graph is bipartitebipartite_mapping
Project a bipartite graphbipartite_projection bipartite_projection_size
Concatenate edge
Concatenate vertex sequencesc.igraph.vs
Canonical permutation of a graphcanonical_permutation
Palette for categoriescategorical_pal
Centralize a graph according to the betweenness of verticescentr_betw
Theoretical maximum for betweenness centralizationcentr_betw_tmax
Centralize a graph according to the closeness of verticescentr_clo
Theoretical maximum for closeness centralizationcentr_clo_tmax
Centralize a graph according to the degrees of verticescentr_degree
Theoretical maximum for degree centralizationcentr_degree_tmax
Centralize a graph according to the eigenvector centrality of verticescentr_eigen
Theoretical maximum for eigenvector centralizationcentr_eigen_tmax
Centralization of a graphcentralization centralize
Functions to find cliques, i.e. complete subgraphs in a graphcliques clique_num clique_size_counts count_max_cliques largest_cliques largest_weighted_cliques max_cliques weighted_clique_num
Closeness centrality of verticescloseness closeness.estimate
Community structure detection based on edge betweennesscluster_edge_betweenness
Community structure via greedy optimization of modularitycluster_fast_greedy
Community detection algorithm based on interacting fluidscluster_fluid_communities
Infomap community findingcluster_infomap
Finding communities based on propagating labelscluster_label_prop
Community structure detecting based on the leading eigenvector of the community matrixcluster_leading_eigen
Finding community structure of a graph using the Leiden algorithm of Traag, van Eck & Waltman.cluster_leiden
Finding community structure by multi-level optimization of modularitycluster_louvain
Optimal community structurecluster_optimal
Finding communities in graphs based on statistical meachanicscluster_spinglass
Community structure via short random walkscluster_walktrap
Cocitation couplingbibcoupling cocitation
Calculate Cohesive Blocksblocks cohesion.cohesiveBlocks cohesiveBlocks cohesive_blocks export_pajek graphs_from_cohesive_blocks hierarchy length.cohesiveBlocks max_cohesion parent plot.cohesiveBlocks plot_hierarchy print.cohesiveBlocks summary.cohesiveBlocks
Compares community structures using various metricscompare compare.communities compare.membership
Complementer of a graphcomplementer
Connected components of a graphcomponents component_distribution count_components is_connected largest_component
Component-wise layoutcomponent_wise
Compose two graphs as binary relations%c% compose
Neighborhood of graph verticesconnect ego ego_graph ego_size make_ego_graph make_neighborhood_graph neighborhood neighborhood_size
Create a consensus tree from several hierarchical random graph modelsconsensus_tree
The igraph consoleconsole
Burt's constraintconstraint
Contract several vertices into a single onecontract
Convex hull of a set of verticesconvex_hull
K-core decomposition of graphscoreness
Number of automorphismscount_automorphisms
Count the number of isomorphic mappings between two graphscount_isomorphisms graph.count.isomorphisms.vf2
Graph motifscount_motifs
Count the isomorphic mappings between a graph and the subgraphs of another graphcount_subgraph_isomorphisms graph.count.subisomorphisms.vf2
Optimal edge curvature when plotting graphscurve_multiple
Decompose a graph into componentsdecompose
Degree and degree distribution of the verticesdegree degree_distribution max_degree
Delete an edge attributedelete_edge_attr
Delete edges from a graphdelete_edges
Delete a graph attributedelete_graph_attr
Delete a vertex attributedelete_vertex_attr
Delete vertices from a graphdelete_vertices
Depth-first searchdfs
Diameter of a graphdiameter farthest_vertices get_diameter
Difference of two setsdifference
Difference of graphs%m% difference.igraph
Difference of edge
Difference of vertex sequencesdifference.igraph.vs
Dimensionality selection for singular values using profile likelihood.dim_select
Disjoint union of graphs%du% disjoint_union
Shortest (directed or undirected) paths between verticesall_shortest_paths distances distance_table mean_distance shortest_paths
Diverging palettediverging_pal
Graph diversitydiversity
Dominator treedominator_tree
'.data' and '.env' .env dot-data dot-env
Drawing graphsigraph.plotting
Dyad census of a graphdyad_census
Edges of a graphE
Rewires the endpoints of the edges of a graph to a random vertexeach_edge
Eccentricity of the vertices in a grapheccentricity
Helper function for adding and deleting edgesedge edges
Query edge attributes of a graphedge.attributes edge_attr
List names of edge attributesedge_attr_names
Set one or more edge attributesedge.attributes<- edge_attr<-
Edge connectivityadhesion edge_connectivity edge_disjoint_paths
Graph densityedge_density
Eigenvector centrality of verticeseigen_centrality
Spectral Embedding of Adjacency Matricesembed_adjacency_matrix
Spectral Embedding of the Laplacian of a Graphembed_laplacian_matrix
Incident vertices of some graph edgesends get.edges
Finding a feedback arc set in a graphfeedback_arc_set
Fit a hierarchical random graph modelfit_hrg
Fitting a power-law distribution function to discrete datafit_power_law
Find the edge ids based on the incident vertices of the edgesget_edge_ids
Girth of a graphgirth
Efficiency of a graphaverage_local_efficiency global_efficiency local_efficiency
Order (number of vertices) of a graphgorder vcount
Convert object to a graphgraph_
Graph attributes of a graphgraph.attributes graph_attr
List names of graph attributesattributes graph_attr_names
Set all or some graph attributesgraph.attributes<- graph_attr<-
Central vertices of a graphgraph_center
Create graphs from adjacency listsgraph_from_adj_list
Create graphs from adjacency matricesfrom_adjacency graph_from_adjacency_matrix
Create a graph from the Graph Atlasatlas graph_from_atlas
Create graphs from a bipartite adjacency matrixgraph_from_biadjacency_matrix
Create a graph from an edge list matrixfrom_edgelist graph_from_edgelist
Load a graph from the graph database for testing graph isomorphism.graph_from_graphdb
Convert graphNEL objects from the graph package to igraphgraph_from_graphnel
Create a graph from an isomorphism classgraph_from_isomorphism_class
Creating a graph from LCF notationgraph_from_lcf
Creating (small) graphs via a simple interfacefrom_literal graph_from_literal
Get the id of a graphgraph_id
igraph data structure versionsgraph_version
Graphlet decomposition of a graphgraphlets graphlet_basis graphlet_proj
Greedy vertex coloringgreedy_vertex_coloring
Groups of a vertex partitioninggroups groups.communities groups.default
The size of the graph (number of edges)ecount gsize
Harmonic centrality of verticesharmonic_centrality
Find Eulerian paths or cycles in a grapheulerian_cycle eulerian_path has_eulerian_cycle has_eulerian_path
Head of the edge(s) in a graphhead_of
Print the only the head of an R objecthead_print
Kleinberg's hub and authority centrality scores.hits_scores
Create a hierarchical random graph from an igraph graphhrg
Create an igraph graph from a hierarchical random graph modelhrg_tree
Hierarchical random graphshrg-methods
Decide if two graphs are identicalidentical_graphs
Run igraph demos, step by stepigraph_demo
Parameters for the igraph packageigraph_opt igraph_options
How igraph functions handle attributes when the graph changesattribute.combination igraph-attribute-combination
Getting and setting graph attributes, shortcut$.igraph $<-.igraph igraph-dollar
Query or set attributes of the edges in an edge sequence$ $< E<- igraph-es-attributes [< [[<
Indexing edge sequences%--% %->% %<-% igraph-es-indexing [
Select edges and show their metadataigraph-es-indexing2 [[
Delete vertices or edges from a graph-.igraph igraph-minus
Query or set attributes of the vertices in a vertex sequence$.igraph.vs $<-.igraph.vs igraph-vs-attributes V<- [<-.igraph.vs [[<-.igraph.vs
Indexing vertex sequencesigraph-vs-indexing [.igraph.vs
Select vertices and show their metadataigraph-vs-indexing2 [[.igraph.vs
Incident edges of a vertex in a graphincident
Incident edges of multiple vertices in a graphincident_edges
Indent a printoutindent_print
Intersection of two or more setsintersection
Intersection of graphs%s% intersection.igraph
Intersection of edge
Intersection of vertex sequencesintersection.igraph.vs
Acyclic graphsis_acyclic
Check biconnectednessis_biconnected
Checks whether the graph has a vertex attribute called 'type'.is_bipartite
Chordality of a graphis_chordal
Directed acyclic graphsis_dag
Check if a degree sequence is valid for a multi-graphis_degseq
Check whether a graph is directedis_directed
Decide whether a graph is a forest.is_forest
Is a degree sequence graphical?is_graphical
Is this object an igraph graph?is_igraph
Matchingis_matching is_max_matching max_bipartite_match
Minimal vertex separatorsis_min_separator
Named graphsis_named
Is this a printer callback?is_printer_callback
Check whether removing this set of vertices would disconnect the graph.is_separator
Decide whether a graph is a tree.is_tree
Weighted graphsis_weighted
Decide if two graphs are isomorphicgraph.isomorphic graph.isomorphic.34 graph.isomorphic.bliss graph.isomorphic.vf2 isomorphic is_isomorphic_to
Isomorphism class of a graphgraph.isoclass graph.isoclass.subgraph isomorphism_class
Calculate all isomorphic mappings between the vertices of two graphsgraph.get.isomorphisms.vf2 isomorphisms
Independent vertex setsindependence_number ivs ivs_size largest_ivs max_ivs
Find the k shortest paths between two verticesk_shortest_paths
Graph rewiring while preserving the degree distributionkeeping_degseq
Average nearest neighbor degreeknn
Graph Laplacianlaplacian_matrix
Graph layoutslayout layout_ print.igraph_layout_modifier print.igraph_layout_spec
Simple two-row layout for bipartite graphsas_bipartite layout_as_bipartite
Generate coordinates to place the vertices of a graph in a star-shapeas_star layout_as_star
The Reingold-Tilford graph layout algorithmas_tree layout_as_tree
Graph layout with vertices on a circle.in_circle layout_in_circle
Choose an appropriate graph layout algorithm automaticallylayout_nicely nicely
Simple grid layoutlayout_on_grid on_grid
Graph layout with vertices on the surface of a spherelayout_on_sphere on_sphere
Randomly place vertices on a plane or in 3d spacelayout_randomly randomly
The Davidson-Harel layout algorithmlayout_with_dh with_dh
The DrL graph layout generatordrl_defaults igraph.drl.coarsen igraph.drl.coarsest igraph.drl.default igraph.drl.refine layout_with_drl with_drl
The Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithmlayout_with_fr with_fr
The GEM layout algorithmlayout_with_gem with_gem
The graphopt layout algorithmlayout_with_graphopt with_graphopt
The Kamada-Kawai layout algorithmlayout_with_kk with_kk
Large Graph Layoutlayout_with_lgl with_lgl
Graph layout by multidimensional scalinglayout_with_mds with_mds
The Sugiyama graph layout generatorlayout_with_sugiyama with_sugiyama
Compute local scan statistics on graphslocal_scan
Make a new graphmake_
Create a bipartite graphbipartite_graph make_bipartite_graph
Create an extended chordal ring graphchordal_ring make_chordal_ring
Creates a communities object.make_clusters
De Bruijn graphsde_bruijn_graph make_de_bruijn_graph
A graph with no edgesempty_graph make_empty_graph
Create an undirected tree graph from its Prüfer sequencefrom_prufer make_from_prufer
Create a full bipartite graphfull_bipartite_graph make_full_bipartite_graph
Create a complete (full) citation graphfull_citation_graph make_full_citation_graph
Create a full graphfull_graph make_full_graph
Create an igraph graph from a list of edges, or a notable graphdirected_graph make_directed_graph make_graph make_undirected_graph undirected_graph
Kautz graphskautz_graph make_kautz_graph
Create a lattice graphlattice make_lattice
Line graph of a graphline_graph make_line_graph
Create a ring graphmake_ring ring
Create a star graph, a tree with n vertices and n - 1 leavesmake_star star
Create tree graphsmake_tree tree
Match Graphs given a seeding of vertex correspondencesmatch_vertices seeded.graph.match
Maximum cardinality searchmax_cardinality
Maximum flow in a graphmax_flow
Functions to deal with the result of network community detectionalgorithm as.dendrogram.communities as.hclust.communities code_len communities crossing cut_at is_hierarchical length.communities membership merges modularity.communities plot.communities print.communities show_trace sizes
Merging graph layoutslayout_components merge_coords
Minimum cut in a graphmin_cut
Minimum size vertex separatorsmin_separators
Minimum size vertex separatorsmin_st_separators
Modularity of a community structure of a graphmodularity modularity.igraph modularity_matrix
Graph motifsmotifs
Minimum spanning treemst
Neighboring (adjacent) vertices in a graphneighbors
Normalize coordinates for plotting graphsnorm_coords
Normalize layoutnormalize
The Page Rank algorithmpage_rank
Helper function to add or delete edges along a pathpath
Permute the vertices of a graphpermute
Using pie charts as vertices in graph plotsvertex.shape.pie
Community structure dendrogram plotsplot_dendrogram plot_dendrogram.communities
HRG dendrogram plotplot_dendrogram.igraphHRG
Plotting of graphsplot.graph plot.igraph
Plotting the results on multiple SIR model runsplot.sir
Find Bonacich Power Centrality Scores of Network Positionspower_centrality
Predict edges based on a hierarchical random graph modelpredict_edges
Print graphs to the terminalprint.igraph print_all str.igraph summary.igraph
Print an edge sequence to the
Show a vertex sequence on the screenprint.igraph.vs
Print a hierarchical random graph model to the screenprint.igraphHRG
Print a hierarchical random graph consensus tree to the screenprint.igraphHRGConsensus
Create a printer callback functionprinter_callback
The default R paletter_pal
Radius of a graphradius
Random walk on a graphrandom_edge_walk random_walk
Reading foreign file formatsDL GML GraphML LGL Pajek read_graph UCINET
Creating a bipartite graph from two degree sequences, deterministicallyrealize_bipartite_degseq
Creating a graph from a given degree sequence, deterministicallyrealize_degseq
Reciprocity of graphsreciprocity
Replicate a graph multiple times*.igraph rep.igraph
Reverse the order in an edge
Reverse the order in a vertex sequencerev.igraph.vs
Reverse edges in a graphreverse_edges t.igraph
Rewiring edges of a graphrewire
3D plotting of graphs with OpenGLrglplot rglplot.igraph
Running mean of a time seriesrunning_mean
Sample from a random graph modelsample_
Bipartite random graphsbipartite sample_bipartite
Random graph with given expected degreeschung_lu sample_chung_lu
Generate a new random graph from a given graph by randomly adding/removing edgessample_correlated_gnp
Sample a pair of correlated G(n,p) random graphssample_correlated_gnp_pair
Generate random graphs with a given degree sequencedegseq sample_degseq
Sample from a Dirichlet distributionsample_dirichlet
Generate random graphs according to the random dot product graph modeldot_product sample_dot_product
Random graphs from vertex fitness scoressample_fitness
Scale-free random graphs, from vertex fitness scoressample_fitness_pl
Forest Fire Network Modelsample_forestfire
Generate random graphs according to the G(n,m) Erdős-Rényi modelgnm sample_gnm
Generate random graphs according to the G(n,p) Erdős-Rényi modelgnp sample_gnp
Geometric random graphsgrg sample_grg
Growing random graph generationgrowing sample_growing
Sample the hierarchical stochastic block modelhierarchical_sbm sample_hierarchical_sbm
Sample from a hierarchical random graph modelsample_hrg
A graph with subgraphs that are each a random graph.sample_islands
Create a random regular graphsample_k_regular
Random citation graphscit_cit_types cit_types last_cit sample_cit_cit_types sample_cit_types sample_last_cit
Graph motifssample_motifs
Generate random graphs using preferential attachmentpa sample_pa
Generate an evolving random graph with preferential attachment and agingpa_age sample_pa_age
Trait-based random generationasym_pref pref sample_asym_pref sample_pref
Sample stochastic block modelsample_sbm sbm
Sampling a random integer sequencesample_seq
The Watts-Strogatz small-world modelsample_smallworld smallworld
Samples from the spanning trees of a graph randomly and uniformlysample_spanning_tree
Sample vectors uniformly from the surface of a spheresample_sphere_surface
Sample vectors uniformly from the volume of a spheresample_sphere_volume
Graph generation based on different vertex typessample_traits sample_traits_callaway traits traits_callaway
Sample trees randomly and uniformlysample_tree
Scan statistics on a time series of graphsscan_stat
Sequential palettesequential_pal
Set edge attributesset_edge_attr
Set a graph attributeset_graph_attr
Set vertex attributesset_vertex_attr
Various vertex shapes when plotting igraph graphsadd_shape igraph.vertex.shapes shapes shape_noclip shape_noplot
Similarity measures of two verticessimilarity
Constructor modifier to drop multiple and loop edgessimplified
Simple graphsis_simple simplify simplify_and_colorize
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix of a graphigraph.eigen.default spectrum
Split-join distance of two community structuressplit_join_distance
List all (s,t)-cuts of a graphst_cuts
List all minimum (s,t)-cuts of a graphst_min_cuts
Stochastic matrix of a graphstochastic_matrix
Strength or weighted vertex degreestrength
In- or out- component of a vertexsubcomponent
Subgraph of a graphinduced_subgraph subgraph subgraph_from_edges
Find subgraph centrality scores of network positionssubgraph_centrality
Decide if a graph is subgraph isomorphic to another onegraph.subisomorphic.lad graph.subisomorphic.vf2 is_subgraph_isomorphic_to subgraph_isomorphic
All isomorphic mappings between a graph and subgraphs of another graphgraph.get.subisomorphisms.vf2 subgraph_isomorphisms
Tails of the edge(s) in a graphtail_of
SIR model on graphsmedian.sir quantile.sir sir time_bins time_bins.sir
Interactive plotting of graphstkplot tk_canvas tk_center tk_close tk_coords tk_fit tk_off tk_postscript tk_reshape tk_rotate tk_set_coords
Convert a tree graph to its Prüfer sequenceto_prufer
Topological sorting of vertices in a graphtopo_sort
Transitivity of a graphtransitivity
Triad census, subgraphs with three verticestriad_census
Find triangles in graphscount_triangles triangles
Convert a general graph into a forestunfold_tree
Union of two or more setsunion
Union of graphs%u% union.igraph
Union of edge
Union of vertex sequencesunion.igraph.vs
Remove duplicate edges from an edge
Remove duplicate vertices from a vertex sequenceunique.igraph.vs
igraph data structure versionsupgrade_graph
Vertices of a graphV
Helper function for adding and deleting verticesvertex vertices
Query vertex attributes of a graphvertex.attributes vertex_attr
List names of vertex attributesvertex_attr_names
Set one or more vertex attributesvertex.attributes<- vertex_attr<-
Vertex connectivitycohesion cohesion.igraph vertex_connectivity vertex_disjoint_paths
Voronoi partitioning of a graphvoronoi_cells
Functions to find weighted cliques, i.e. vertex-weighted complete subgraphs in a graphweighted_cliques
Find the multiple or loop edges in a graphany_loop any_multiple count_multiple which_loop which_multiple
Find mutual edges in a directed graphwhich_mutual
Constructor modifier to add edge attributeswith_edge_
Constructor modifier to add graph attributeswith_graph_
Run code with a temporary igraph options settingwith_igraph_opt
Constructor modifier to add vertex attributeswith_vertex_
Construtor modifier to remove all attributes from a graphwithout_attr
Constructor modifier to drop loop edgeswithout_loops
Constructor modifier to drop multiple edgeswithout_multiples
Writing the graph to a file in some formatwrite_graph