Package: highriskzone 1.4.9

Rickmer Schulte

highriskzone: Determining and Evaluating High-Risk Zones

Functions for determining and evaluating high-risk zones and simulating and thinning point process data, as described in 'Determining high risk zones using point process methodology - Realization by building an R package' Seibold (2012) <> and 'Determining high-risk zones for unexploded World War II bombs by using point process methodology', Mahling et al. (2013) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9876.2012.01055.x>.

Authors:Heidi Seibold <[email protected]>, Monia Mahling <[email protected]>, Sebastian Linne <[email protected]>, Felix Guenther <[email protected]>

highriskzone.pdf |highriskzone.html
highriskzone/json (API)

# Install 'highriskzone' in R:
install.packages('highriskzone', repos = c('', ''))
  • craterA - Bomb crater Point Pattern
  • craterB - Bomb crater Point Pattern



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.26 score 18 scripts 395 downloads 15 exports 36 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:43781d1aee. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 19 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 19 2025



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Determining high-risk zones by using spatial point process methodologyhighriskzone-package package-highriskzone
Bootstrap correction to obtain desired failure probabilitybootcor
Bootstrap correction to obtain desired failure probabilitybootcor_restr
Bootstrap correction to obtain desired failure probabilitybootcorr
Checks the arguments of det_hrzcheck_det_hrz_input
Checks the arguments of det_hrz_restrcheck_det_hrz_restr_input
Bomb crater Point PatterncraterA
Bomb crater Point PatterncraterB
calculation of alpha (failure probability), when having the threshold cdet_alpha
Determination of failure probability within evaluation areadet_alpha_eval_ar
Calculation of the area of the high-risk zone.det_area
Calculation of the area of the high-risk zone.det_area_hole
Estimation of width of a guard region given an estimated highriskzonedet_guard_width
Determination of the high-risk zone.det_hrz highriskzone highriskzone.object
Determination of high-risk zone on smaller area of interest (evaluation area) than observation area.det_hrz_eval_ar
Determination of the high-risk zone.det_hrz_restr
Determination of the area of a high-risk zone using the nearest-neighbour distance.det_nnarea
Determination of the intensity for the Neyman Scott simulation.det_nsintens
Determination of the intensity for the Neyman-Scott simulation.det_nsintens_restr
Determination of the nearest-neighbour distance which results in a high-risk zone with desired areadet_radius
Calculation of the threshold c, when having failure probability alpha.det_threshold
Determination of necessary threshold to keep alpha in evaluation areadet_threshold_eval_ar
Determination of alpha and the threshold c which results in a high-risk zone with desired area.det_thresholdfromarea
Determination of alpha and the threshold c which results in a high-risk zone with desired area if a hole is present.det_thresholdfromarea_rest
Estimates the intensity of the point pattern.est_intens
Estimates the intensity of the point pattern by using the SPDE method from r-INLA.est_intens_spde
Estimates the intensity of the point pattern.est_intens_weight
Evaluation of the high-risk zone.eval_hrz
Evaluation of the procedures determining the high-risk zone.eval_method
Visualize the bootstrap correction for a high-risk zone.plot.bootcorr
Plot a high-risk zoneplot.highriskzone
Visualize the evaluation of a high-risk zone.plot.hrzeval
Print Brief Details of a bootstrap correction for a high-risk zoneprint.bootcorr
Print Brief Details of a high-risk zoneprint.highriskzone
Print Brief Details of an evaluation of a high-risk zoneprint.hrzeval
Read data, so it can be used for high-risk zone methodology.read_pppdata
Simulation on given intensitysim_intens
Generation of a realisation of a Neyman-Scott processsim_nsppp
Simulation of the Neyman-Scott process.sim_nsprocess
Summary of a the bootstrap correction for a high-risk zonesummary.bootcorr
Summary of a high-risk zonesummary.highriskzone
Summary of a the evaluation of a high-risk zonesummary.hrzeval
Thinning of the observations (for evaluating the method)thin