Package: gss 2.2-8

Chong Gu

gss: General Smoothing Splines

A comprehensive package for structural multivariate function estimation using smoothing splines.

Authors:Chong Gu [aut, cre]

gss.pdf |gss.html
gss/json (API)

# Install 'gss' in R:
install.packages('gss', repos = c('', ''))
Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • ColoCan - Colorectal Cancer Mortality Rate in Indiana Counties
  • DiaRet - Diabetic Retinopathy
  • LakeAcidity - Water Acidity in Lakes
  • NO2 - Air Pollution and Road Traffic
  • Sachs - Protein Expression in Human Immune System Cells
  • aids - AIDS Incubation
  • bacteriuria - Treatment of Bacteriuria
  • buffalo - Buffalo Annual Snowfall
  • clim - Average Temperatures During December 1980 Through February 1981
  • esc - Embryonic Stem Cell from Mouse
  • eyetrack - Eyesight Fixation in Eyetracking Experiments
  • gastric - Gastric Cancer Data
  • nox - NOx in Engine Exhaust
  • ozone - Ozone Concentration in Los Angeles Basin
  • penny - Thickness of US Lincoln Pennies
  • stan - Stanford Heart Transplant Data
  • wesdr - Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy
  • wesdr1 - Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


6.40 score 3 stars 137 packages 34k downloads 6 mentions 57 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 5 months agofrom:38516e6927. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 11 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKMar 11 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64OKMar 11 2025



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AIDS Incubationaids
Treatment of Bacteriuriabacteriuria
Buffalo Annual Snowfallbuffalo
Evaluating Conditional PDF, CDF, and Quantiles of Smoothing Spline Conditional Density Estimatescdsscden cpsscden cqsscden
Evaluating 1-D Conditional PDF, CDF, and Quantiles of Copula Density Estimatescdsscopu cpsscopu cqsscopu
Evaluating Conditional PDF, CDF, and Quantiles of Smoothing Spline Density Estimatescdssden cpssden cqssden
Average Temperatures During December 1980 Through February 1981clim
Colorectal Cancer Mortality Rate in Indiana CountiesColoCan
Diabetic RetinopathyDiaRet
Evaluating PDF, CDF, and Quantiles of Smoothing Spline Conditional Density Estimatesd.sscden d.sscden1 dsscden psscden qsscden
Evaluating Copula Density Estimatesdsscopu
Evaluating PDF, CDF, and Quantiles of Smoothing Spline Density Estimatesd.ssden d.ssden1 dssden pssden qssden
Embryonic Stem Cell from Mouseesc
Eyesight Fixation in Eyetracking Experimentseyetrack
Fitted Values and Residuals from Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fitsfitted.gssanova fitted.ssanova residuals.gssanova residuals.ssanova
Gastric Cancer Datagastric
Generating Gauss-Legendre Quadraturegauss.quad
Fitting Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models with Non-Gaussian Responsesgssanova
Fitting Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models with Non-Gaussian Responsesgssanova0 gssanova1
Evaluating Smoothing Spline Hazard Estimateshzdcurve.sshzd hzdrate.sshzd survexp.sshzd
Evaluating 2-D Smoothing Spline Hazard Estimateshzdrate.sshzd2d survexp.sshzd2d
Water Acidity in LakesLakeAcidity
Minimizing Univariate Functions on Finite Intervalsnlm0
Air Pollution and Road TrafficNO2
NOx in Engine Exhaustnox
Ozone Concentration in Los Angeles Basinozone
Thickness of US Lincoln Penniespenny
Predicting from Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fitspredict.ssanova predict.ssanova0 predict1 predict1.ssanova
Evaluating Smoothing Spline ANOVA Estimate of Relative Riskpredict.sscox
Evaluating Log-Linear Regression Model Fitspredict.ssllrm
Predicting from Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fits with Non-Gaussian Responsespredict9 predict9.gssanova
Print Functions for Smoothing Spline ANOVA Modelsprint.gssanova print.ssanova print.ssanova0 print.sscden print.sscox print.ssden print.sshzd print.ssllrm print.summary.gssanova print.summary.gssanova0 print.summary.ssanova
Projecting Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fits for Model Diagnosticsproject project.gssanova project.ssanova project.ssanova9 project.sscden project.sscden1 project.sscox project.ssden project.ssden1 project.sshzd project.sshzd1 project.ssllrm
Protein Expression in Human Immune System CellsSachs
Generating Smolyak Cubaturesmolyak.quad smolyak.size
Fitting Smoothing Spline ANOVA Modelsssanova
Fitting Smoothing Spline ANOVA Modelsssanova0
Fitting Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models with Correlated Datapara.arma ssanova9
Estimating Conditional Probability Density Using Smoothing Splinessscden sscden1
Composition Estimationsscomp sscomp2
Estimating Copula Density Using Smoothing Splinessscopu sscopu2
Estimating Relative Risk Using Smoothing Splinessscox
Estimating Probability Density Using Smoothing Splinesssden ssden1
Estimating Hazard Function Using Smoothing Splinessshzd sshzd1
Estimating 2-D Hazard Function Using Smoothing Splinessshzd2d sshzd2d1
Fitting Smoothing Spline Log-Linear Regression Modelsssllrm
Stanford Heart Transplant Datastan
Assessing Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fits with Non-Gaussian Responsessummary.gssanova
Assessing Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fits with Non-Gaussian Responsessummary.gssanova0
Assessing Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fitssummary.ssanova summary.ssanova0 summary.ssanova9
Calculating Kendall's Tau and Spearman's Rho for 2-D Copula Density Estimatessummary.sscopu
Progression of Diabetic Retinopathywesdr
Stages of Diabetic Retinopathywesdr1