Package: glmtoolbox 0.1.12

Luis Hernando Vanegas

glmtoolbox: Set of Tools to Data Analysis using Generalized Linear Models

Set of tools for the statistical analysis of data using: (1) normal linear models; (2) generalized linear models; (3) negative binomial regression models as alternative to the Poisson regression models under the presence of overdispersion; (4) beta-binomial and random-clumped binomial regression models as alternative to the binomial regression models under the presence of overdispersion; (5) Zero-inflated and zero-altered regression models to deal with zero-excess in count data; (6) generalized nonlinear models; (7) generalized estimating equations for cluster correlated data.

Authors:Luis Hernando Vanegas [aut, cre], Luz Marina Rondón [aut], Gilberto A. Paula [aut]

glmtoolbox.pdf |glmtoolbox.html
glmtoolbox/json (API)

# Install 'glmtoolbox' in R:
install.packages('glmtoolbox', repos = c('', ''))

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Bug tracker:

  • Cortisol - Radioimmunological Assay of Cortisol
  • Drosophila - Developmental rate of Drosophila melanogaster
  • GUIDE - Guidelines for Urinary Incontinence Discussion and Evaluation
  • Grass - The effects of fertilizers on coastal Bermuda grass
  • Melanopus - Assay of an Insecticide with a Synergist
  • Oranges - Oranges
  • Seizures - Seizures
  • Steel - Hardened Steel
  • Trajan - Roots Produced by the Columnar Apple Cultivar Trajan.
  • advertising - Advertising
  • amenorrhea - Amenorrhea
  • aucuba - Lesions of Aucuba mosaic virus
  • bladder - Bladder cancer in mice
  • brains - Mammal brain and body weights
  • calls - Calls to a technical support help line
  • cellular - Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
  • cholecystectomy - Shoulder Pain after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
  • coupons - Discount coupons
  • depression - Treatment for severe postnatal depression
  • dilution - Dilution Assay
  • fabric - Fabric faults
  • ldh - Ldh
  • liver - Liver cancer in mice
  • mammary - Ability of retinyl acetate to prevent mammary cancer in rats
  • orobanche - Germination of Orobanche Seeds
  • ossification - Teratogenic effects of phenytoin and trichloropropene oxide
  • paramecium - Growth of Paramecium aurelium
  • pipeline - Alaska pipeline
  • rabbits - Age and Eye Lens Weight of Rabbits in Australia
  • races - Hill races in Scotland
  • richness - Species richness
  • rinse - Dental Clinical Trial
  • shelflife - Shelf life of a photographic developer
  • skincancer - Skin cancer in women
  • spruces - Effect of ozone-enriched atmosphere on growth of sitka spruces
  • swimmers - Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmers
  • uti - Urinary Tract Infections in HIV-infected Men

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Last updated 1 months agofrom:71ef0a62a2. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 25 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKAug 25 2024



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Adjusted R-squaredadjR2
Adjusted R-squared in Generalized Linear ModelsadjR2.glm
Adjusted R-squared in Generalized Nonlinear ModelsadjR2.gnm
Adjusted R-squared in Normal Linear ModelsadjR2.lm
AGPC for Generalized Estimating EquationsAGPC
Comparison of nested Generalized Estimating Equationsanova.glmgee
Comparison of nested models in Generalized Nonlinear Models.anova.gnm
Comparison of nested models for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.anova.overglm
Comparison of nested models for Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Dataanova.zeroinflation
Comparison of nested Generalized Linear Modelsanova2
Lesions of Aucuba mosaic virusaucuba
Best Subset SelectionbestSubset
Bladder cancer in micebladder
Box-Tidwell transformationsBoxTidwell
Box-Tidwell transformations in Generalized Linear ModelsBoxTidwell.glm
Box-Tidwell transformations in Normal Linear ModelsBoxTidwell.lm
Mammal brain and body weightsbrains
Calls to a technical support help linecalls
Agents to stimulate cellular differentiationcellular
Shoulder Pain after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomycholecystectomy
Correlation Information Criterion for Generalized Estimating EquationsCIC
Confidence Intervals for Generalized Nonlinear Modelsconfint.gnm
Confidence Intervals for Generalized Linear Modelsconfint2
Cook's Distance for Generalized Estimating Equationscooks.distance.glmgee
Cook's Distance for Generalized Nonlinear Modelscooks.distance.gnm
Cook's Distance for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersioncooks.distance.overglm
Cook's Distance for Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Datacooks.distance.zeroinflation
Radioimmunological Assay of CortisolCortisol
Discount couponscoupons
Treatment for severe postnatal depressiondepression
Dfbeta for Generalized Estimating Equationsdfbeta.glmgee
Dfbeta statistic for Generalized Nonlinear Modelsdfbeta.gnm
Dfbeta statistic for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.dfbeta.overglm
Dfbeta statistic for Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Datadfbeta.zeroinflation
Dilution Assaydilution
Developmental rate of Drosophila melanogasterDrosophila
Normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of model residualsenvelope
Normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals in Generalized Linear Modelsenvelope.glm
Normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals in Generalized Nonlinear Modelsenvelope.gnm
Normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals for normal linear modelsenvelope.lm
Normal QQ-plot with Simulated Envelope of Residuals for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersionenvelope.overglm
Normal QQ-plot with Simulated Envelope of Residuals for Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Dataenvelope.zeroinflation
Function to extract estimating equationsestequa
Estimating Equations in Generalized Linear Modelsestequa.glm
Estimating Equations in Generalized Estimating Equationsestequa.glmgee
Estimating Equations for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.estequa.overglm
Estimating Equations in Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Dataestequa.zeroinflation
Fabric faultsfabric
Fisher Scoring algorithm in Generalized Linear ModelsFisherScoring
Gosho-Hamada-Yoshimura's Criterion for Generalized Estimating EquationsGHYC
Glance at a(n) glmgee objectglance.glmgee
Fit Generalized Estimating Equationsglmgee
Generalized Nonlinear Models.gnm
Fit Nonlinear Generalized Estimating Equationsgnmgee
The effects of fertilizers on coastal Bermuda grassGrass
Guidelines for Urinary Incontinence Discussion and EvaluationGUIDE
Generalized Variance Inflation Factorgvif
Generalized Variance Inflation Factorgvif.glm
Generalized Variance Inflation Factorgvif.lm
Generalized Variance Inflation Factor for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersiongvif.overglm
The Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit Testhltest
Leverage for Generalized Estimating Equationsleverage.glmgee
Liver cancer in miceliver
Local InfluencelocalInfluence
Local Influence for Generalized Linear ModelslocalInfluence.glm
Local Influence for Generalized Estimating EquationslocalInfluence.glmgee
Local Influence for Generalized Nonlinear ModelslocalInfluence.gnm
Local Influence for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of OverdispersionlocalInfluence.overglm
Ability of retinyl acetate to prevent mammary cancer in ratsmammary
Assay of an Insecticide with a SynergistMelanopus
Germination of Orobanche Seedsorobanche
Teratogenic effects of phenytoin and trichloropropene oxideossification
Alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.overglm
Pardo-Alonso's Criterion for Generalized Estimating EquationsPAC
Growth of Paramecium aureliumparamecium
Alaska pipelinepipeline
Predictions for Generalized Estimating Equationspredict.glmgee
QIC for Generalized Estimating EquationsQIC
Age and Eye Lens Weight of Rabbits in Australiarabbits
Hill races in Scotlandraces
Residuals for Generalized Estimating Equationsresiduals.glmgee
Residuals for Generalized Nonlinear Modelsresiduals.gnm
Residuals for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of Overdispersion.residuals.overglm
Residuals in Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Dataresiduals.zeroinflation
Residuals for Linear and Generalized Linear Modelsresiduals2
Species richnessrichness
Dental Clinical Trialrinse
Rotnitzky–Jewell's Criterion for Generalized Estimating EquationsRJC
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) CurveROCc
SGPC for Generalized Estimating EquationsSGPC
Shelf life of a photographic developershelflife
Skin cancer in womenskincancer
Effect of ozone-enriched atmosphere on growth of sitka sprucesspruces
Hardened SteelSteel
Variable selection in regression models from a chosen criterionstepCriterion
Variable Selection in Generalized Linear ModelsstepCriterion.glm
Variable selection in Generalized Estimating EquationsstepCriterion.glmgee
Variable Selection in Normal Linear ModelsstepCriterion.lm
Variable selection for alternatives to the Poisson and Binomial Regression Models under the presence of OverdispersionstepCriterion.overglm
Self diagnozed ear infections in swimmersswimmers
Tidy a(n) glmgee objecttidy.glmgee
Roots Produced by the Columnar Apple Cultivar Trajan.Trajan
Urinary Tract Infections in HIV-infected Menuti
Estimate of the variance-covariance matrix in GEEsvcov.glmgee
Test for Varying Dispersion Parametervdtest
Test for Varying Dispersion Parameter in Generalized Linear Modelsvdtest.glm
Test for Varying Dispersion Parameter in Generalized Nonlinear Modelsvdtest.gnm
Test for Varying Dispersion Parameter in Normal Linear Modelsvdtest.lm
Fit Weighted Generalized Estimating Equationswglmgee
Test for zero-excess in Count Regression Modelszero.excess
Zero-Altered Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Datazeroalt
Zero-Inflated Regression Models to deal with Zero-Excess in Count Datazeroinf