Package: geomorph 4.0.10

Dean Adams

geomorph: Geometric Morphometric Analyses of 2D and 3D Landmark Data

Read, manipulate, and digitize landmark data, generate shape variables via Procrustes analysis for points, curves and surfaces, perform shape analyses, and provide graphical depictions of shapes and patterns of shape variation.

Authors:Dean Adams [aut, cre], Michael Collyer [aut], Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou [aut], Erica Baken [aut]

geomorph.pdf |geomorph.html
geomorph/json (API)

# Install 'geomorph' in R:
install.packages('geomorph', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • hummingbirds - Landmark data from hummingbird bills
  • larvalMorph - Head and tail shapes of larval salamanders
  • lizards - Dorsal head shape data of lizards
  • mosquito - Landmarks on mosquito wings
  • plethShapeFood - Head shape and food use data from Plethodon salamanders
  • plethodon - Landmark data from Plethodon salamander heads
  • plethspecies - Head shape and phylogenetic relationships for several Plethodon salamander species
  • pupfish - Landmarks on pupfish
  • - Landmarks on pupfish
  • ratland - Landmark data from dataset rat
  • scallopPLY - 3D scan of a scallop shell from a .ply file in mesh3d format
  • scallops - Landmark data from scallop shells



6.77 score 5 stars 6 packages 3.3k downloads 212 mentions 65 exports 55 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:d47c26525f. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 07 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 07 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 07 2025



A step-by-step overview of 3D digitization procedures

Rendered fromgeomorph.digitize3D.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 07 2025.

Last update: 2020-06-03
Started: 2019-05-20

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Geometric morphometric analyses for 2D/3D datageomorph-package geomorph
Convert landmark data matrix into array (p x k x n)arrayspecs
Analysis of bilateral symmetrybilat.symmetry
Build 3D surface templatebuildtemplate
Combine separate landmark configurationscombine.subsets
Comparisons of Effect Sizes from Modularity Analysescompare.CR
Comparing net rates of shape evolution on phylogeniescompare.evol.rates
Comparing net rates of evolution among traits on phylogeniescompare.multi.evol.rates
Comparisons of Phylogenetic Signal Effect Sizescompare.physignal.z
Comparisons of Effect Sizes from Partial Least Squarescompare.pls
Comparisons of Effect Sizes from Overall Integration Analysescompare.ZVrel
Subset landmark coordinates via a factorcoords.subset
Define links between landmarksdefine.links
Define modules (landmark partitions)define.modules
Select points to "slide" along curvesdefine.sliders
Calculate semilandmarks along a curvedigit.curves
Digitize 3D landmarks on mesh3d objectdigit.fixed
Digitize 2D landmarks on .jpg filesdigitize2d
Digitize 3D fixed landmarks and surface semilandmarksdigitsurface
Edit 3D templateeditTemplate
Estimate locations of missing landmarksestimate.missing
Extended Phylogenetic ANOVA/regression for Procrustes shape variablesextended.pgls
Identify specimen closest to the mean of a set of Procrustes shape variablesfindMeanSpec
Rotate a subset of 2D landmarks to common articulation anglefixed.angle
Create a data frame with shape
Quantify global integration relative to self-similarityglobalIntegration
This function is a wrapper for the function measurement.error in RRPPgm.measurement.error
Principal and phylogenetically-aligned components analysis of shape datagm.prcomp
Generalized Procrustes analysis of points, curves, and surfacesgpagen
Set up parameters for grids, points, and links in plotRefToTargetgridPar
Landmark data from hummingbird bills (includes sliding semilandmarks on curves)hummingbirds
Quantify morphological integration between modulesintegration.test
Quantify integration in a set of traitsintegration.Vrel
Calculate linear distances between landmarksinterlmkdist
Head and tail shapes of larval salamanderslarvalMorph
Dorsal head shape data of lizardslizards
Convert geomorph plots to ggplot objectsmake_ggplot
Evaluate the degree of modular signal in shape datamodularity.test
Morphological disparity for one or more groups of specimensmorphol.disparity
Landmarks on mosquito wingsmosquito
Estimate mean shape for a set of aligned specimensmshape
Handle missing values in
Quantify phylogenetic morphological integration between two or more sets of variables under Brownian motionphylo.integration
Evaluate the degree of phylogenetic modular signal in Procrustes shape variablesphylo.modularity
Assessing phylogenetic signal in Procrustes shape variablesphysignal
Assessing dimensions of phylogenetic signal in Procrustes shape variablesphysignal.eigen
Assessing phylogenetic signal effect size in Procrustes shape variablesphysignal.z
Pick points in geomorph scatterplots to visualize shape variationpicknplot.shape
Landmark data from Plethodon salamander headsplethodon
Head shape and food use data from Plethodon salamandersplethShapeFood
Head shape and phylogenetic relationships for several Plethodon salamander speciesplethspecies
Plot Function for geomorphplot.bilat.symmetry
Plot Function for geomorphplot.CR
Plot Function for geomorphplot.CR.phylo
Plot Function for geomorphplot.evolrate
Plot Function for
Plot Function for geomorphplot.gpagen
Plot Function for geomorphplot.mshape
Plot Function for geomorphplot.physignal
Plot Function for geomorphplot.physignal.eigen
Plot Function for geomorphplot.physignal.z
Plot Function for geomorphplot.pls
Plot Function for geomorphplot.procD.lm
Plotting to assist visualization of shape-size covariation (allometry)plotAllometry
Plot landmark coordinates for all specimensplotAllSpecimens
Find potential outliersplotOutliers
Plot shape differences between a reference and target specimenplotRefToTarget
Plot 3D specimen, fixed landmarks and surface semilandmarksplotspec
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.bilat.symmetry
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.combined.set
Print/Summary Function for
Print/Summary Function for
Print/Summary Function for
Print/Summary function for
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.CR
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.CR.phylo
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.evolrate
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.evolrate1
Print/Summary function for geomorphprint.geomorphShapes
Print/Summary function for
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.gpagen
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.morphol.disparity
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.physignal
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.physignal.eigen
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.physignal.z
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.pls
Print/Summary Function for geomorphprint.procD.lm
Procrustes ANOVA/regression for Procrustes shape variablesprocD.lm
Phylogenetic ANOVA/regression for Procrustes shape variablesprocD.pgls
Landmarks on pupfishpupfish
Landmarks on
Landmark data from dataset ratratland
Read landmark data from Morphologika file(s)read.morphologika
Read mesh data (vertices and faces) from ply filesread.ply
Read landmark data matrix from fcsv filereadland.fcsv
Read landmark data matrix from nts filereadland.nts
Read landmark data from a shapes object (StereoMorph)readland.shapes
Read landmark data from tps filereadland.tps
Read and combine multiple nts filesreadmulti.nts
Read and combine multiple tps filesreadmulti.tps
Rotate or flip landmark or coordinate configurationsrotate.coords
3D scan of a scallop shell from a .ply file in mesh3d formatscallopPLY
Landmark data from scallop shellsscallops
Shape prediction from numeric predictorsshape.predictor
Update Plots with Convex Hulls for GroupsshapeHulls
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.bilat.symmetry
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.combined.set
Print/Summary Function for
Print/Summary Function for
Print/Summary Function for
Print/Summary Function for
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.CR
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.CR.phylo
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.evolrate
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.evolrate1
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.geomorphShapes
Print/Summary Function for
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.gpagen
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.morphol.disparity
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.physignal
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.physignal.eigen
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.physignal.z
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.pls
Print/Summary Function for geomorphsummary.procD.lm
Two-block partial least squares analysis for Procrustes shape variablestwo.b.pls
Convert (p x k x n) data array into 2D data matrixtwo.d.array
Creates a mesh3d object warped to the mean shapewarpRefMesh
Creates a 2D outline warped to the mean shapewarpRefOutline
Write landmark data to tps filewriteland.tps