Package: funcharts 1.6.0

Christian Capezza

funcharts: Functional Control Charts

Provides functional control charts for statistical process monitoring of functional data, using the methods of Capezza et al. (2020) <doi:10.1002/asmb.2507>, Centofanti et al. (2021) <doi:10.1080/00401706.2020.1753581>, Capezza et al. (2024) <doi:10.1080/00401706.2024.2327346>, Capezza et al. (2024) <doi:10.1080/00224065.2024.2383674>, Centofanti et al. (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2205.06256>. The package is thoroughly illustrated in the paper of Capezza et al (2023) <doi:10.1080/00224065.2023.2219012>.

Authors:Christian Capezza [cre, aut], Fabio Centofanti [aut], Antonio Lepore [aut], Biagio Palumbo [aut], Alessandra Menafoglio [ctb], Simone Vantini [ctb]

funcharts.pdf |funcharts.html
funcharts/json (API)

# Install 'funcharts' in R:
install.packages('funcharts', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • air - Air quality data




2.90 score 476 downloads 66 exports 113 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:113386e67a. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 12 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKMar 12 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64OKMar 12 2025




Rendered fromcapezza2020.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 12 2025.

Last update: 2023-02-13
Started: 2021-03-15


Rendered fromcentofanti2021.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 12 2025.

Last update: 2023-02-13
Started: 2022-06-15


Rendered fromcolosimo2010.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 12 2025.

Last update: 2023-02-13
Started: 2023-02-13


Rendered frommfd.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 12 2025.

Last update: 2023-02-13
Started: 2021-03-15

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Extract observations and/or variables from 'mfd' objects.[.mfd
Air quality dataair
Adaptive Multivariate Functional EWMA control chart - Phase IAMFEWMA_PhaseI
Adaptive Multivariate Functional EWMA control chart - Phase IIAMFEWMA_PhaseII
Bind variables of two Multivariate Functional Data Objectscbind_mfd
Produce contribution plotscont_plot
T2 and SPE control charts for multivariate functional datacontrol_charts_pca
Real-time T2 and SPE control charts for multivariate functional datacontrol_charts_pca_mfd_real_time
Control charts for monitoring a scalar quality characteristic adjusted for by the effect of multivariate functional covariatescontrol_charts_sof_pc
Real-time scalar-on-function regression control chartscontrol_charts_sof_pc_real_time
Correlation Function for Multivariate Functional Datacor_mfd
Covariance Function for Multivariate Functional Datacov_mfd
Simulate multivariate functional datadata_sim_mfd
Function-on-function linear regression based on principal componentsfof_pc
Get a list of function-on-function linear regression models estimated on functional data each evolving up to an intermediate domain point.fof_pc_real_time
Phase I of the FRTM method.FRTM_PhaseI
Phase II of the FRTM method.FRTM_PhaseII
Finds functional componentwise outliersfunctional_filter
Get Multivariate Functional Data from a three-dimensional arrayget_mfd_array
Get a list of functional data objects each evolving up to an intermediate domain point.get_mfd_array_real_time
Get Multivariate Functional Data from a data frameget_mfd_df
Get a list of functional data objects each evolving up to an intermediate domain point.get_mfd_df_real_time
Convert a 'fd' object into a Multivariate Functional Data object.get_mfd_fd
Get Multivariate Functional Data from a list of matricesget_mfd_list
Get a list of functional data objects each evolving up to an intermediate domain point.get_mfd_list_real_time
Get out of control observations from control chartsget_ooc
Get outliers from multivariate functional dataget_outliers_mfd
Get possible outliers of a training data set of a scalar-on-function regression model.get_sof_pc_outliers
Inner products of functional data contained in 'mfd' objects.inprod_mfd
Inner product of two multivariate functional data objects, for each observationinprod_mfd_diag
Confirm Object has Class 'mfd'is.mfd
Add the plot of a new multivariate functional data object to an existing plot.lines_mfd
Mean Function for Multivariate Functional Datamean_mfd
Define a Multivariate Functional Data Objectmfd
Mixed Functional Principal Component Analysis (mFPCA)mFPCA
Norm of Multivariate Functional Datanorm.mfd
Open-end/open-begin Functional Dynamic Time Warping (OEB-FDTW)OEBFDTW
Setting open-end/open-begin functional dynamic time warping (OEB-FDTW) defaultspar.FDTW
Setting mixed functional principal component analysis (mFPCA) defaultspar.mFPCA
Setting real-time registration step defaultspar.rtr
Multivariate functional principal components analysispca_mfd
Get a list of multivariate functional principal component analysis models estimated on functional data each evolving up to an intermediate domain point.pca_mfd_real_time
Plot a Bivariate Functional Data Object.plot_bifd
Plot bootstrapped estimates of the scalar-on-function regression coefficientplot_bootstrap_sof_pc
Plot control chartsplot_control_charts
Plot real-time control chartsplot_control_charts_real_time
Plot a Multivariate Functional Data Object.plot_mfd
Plot multivariate functional object over the training data setplot_mon
Plot the harmonics of a 'pca_mfd' objectplot_pca_mfd
Plot the results of the Phase I and the Phase II of the FRTMplot.FRTM_PhaseI plot.FRTM_PhaseII
Plot the results of the Mixed Functional Principal Component Analysis (mFPCA)plot.mFPCA
Use a function-on-function linear regression model for predictionpredict_fof_pc
Use a scalar-on-function linear regression model for predictionpredict_sof_pc
Bind replications of two Multivariate Functional Data Objectsrbind_mfd
Functional Regression Control Chartregr_cc_fof
Real-time functional regression control chartregr_cc_fof_real_time
Scalar-on-Function Regression Control Chartregr_cc_sof
Real-time Scalar-on-Function Regression Control Chartregr_cc_sof_real_time
Robust Multivariate Functional Control Charts - Phase IRoMFCC_PhaseI
Robust Multivariate Functional Control Charts - Phase IIRoMFCC_PhaseII
Robust Multivariate Functional Data Imputation (RoMFDI)RoMFDI
Robust multivariate functional principal components analysisrpca_mfd
Standardize Multivariate Functional Data.scale_mfd
Simulate example data for funchartssim_funcharts
Simulate data for real-time monitoring of univariate functional datasimulate_data_FRTM
Simulate a data set for funchartssimulate_mfd
Scalar-on-function linear regression based on principal componentssof_pc
Get a list of scalar-on-function linear regression models estimated on functional data each evolving up to an intermediate domain point.sof_pc_real_time
Tensor product of two Multivariate Functional Data objectstensor_product_mfd
Get the index of the out of control observations from control chartswhich_ooc