Package: fishgrowth 1.0.1

Arni Magnusson

fishgrowth: Fit Growth Curves to Fish Data

Fit growth models to otoliths and/or tagging data, using the 'RTMB' package and maximum likelihood. The otoliths (or similar measurements of age) provide direct observed coordinates of age and length. The tagging data provide information about the observed length at release and length at recapture at a later time, where the age at release is unknown and estimated as a vector of parameters. The growth models provided by this package can be fitted to otoliths only, tagging data only, or a combination of the two. Growth variability can be modelled as constant or increasing with length.

Authors:Arni Magnusson [aut, cre], Mark Maunder [aut]

fishgrowth.pdf |fishgrowth.html
fishgrowth/json (API)

# Install 'fishgrowth' in R:
install.packages('fishgrowth', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:


1.00 score 5 scripts 25 exports 7 dependencies

Last updated 1 days agofrom:13d4840f14. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 18 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 18 2025



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Fit Growth Curves to Fish Datafishgrowth-package fishgrowth
Growth Cessation Modelgcm gcm_curve gcm_objfun
Gompertz Growth Modelgompertz gompertz_curve gompertz_objfun
Gompertz Growth Model (Old Style)gompertzo gompertzo_curve gompertzo_objfun
Otolith Data (Haddock)otoliths_had
Otolith Data (Skipjack)otoliths_skj
Prediction Bandpred_band
Richards Growth Modelrichards richards_curve richards_objfun
Richards Growth Model (Old Style)richardso richardso_curve richardso_objfun
Schnute Case 3 Modelschnute3 schnute3_curve schnute3_objfun
Tagging Data (Skipjack)tags_skj
Von Bertalanffy Growth Modelvonbert vonbert_curve vonbert_objfun
Von Bertalanffy Growth Model (Old Style)vonberto vonberto_curve vonberto_objfun