Package: faraway 1.0.9

Julian Faraway

faraway: Datasets and Functions for Books by Julian Faraway

Books are "Linear Models with R" published 1st Ed. August 2004, 2nd Ed. July 2014, 3rd Ed. February 2025 by CRC press, ISBN 9781439887332, and "Extending the Linear Model with R" published by CRC press in 1st Ed. December 2005 and 2nd Ed. March 2016, ISBN 9781584884248 and "Practical Regression and ANOVA in R" contributed documentation on CRAN (now very dated).

Authors:Julian Faraway [aut, cre]

faraway.pdf |faraway.html
faraway/json (API)

# Install 'faraway' in R:
install.packages('faraway', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • aatemp - Annual mean temperatures in Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • abrasion - Wear on materials according to type, run and position
  • aflatoxin - Aflatoxin dosage and liver cancer in lab animals
  • africa - Miltary coups and politics in sub-Saharan Africa
  • airpass - Airline passengers
  • alfalfa - Effects of seed inoculum, irrigation and shade on alfalfa yield
  • amlxray - Match pair study for AML and Xray link
  • anaesthetic - Time in minutes to eye opening after reversal of anaesthetic.
  • babyfood - Respiratory disease rates of babies fed in different ways
  • beetle - Beetles exposed to fumigant
  • bliss - Insect mortality due to insecticide
  • breaking - Breaking strength of materials
  • broccoli - Broccoli weight variation
  • butterfat - Butterfat content of milk by breed
  • cathedral - Cathedral nave heights and lengths in England
  • cheddar - Taste of Cheddar cheese
  • chicago - Chicago insurance redlining
  • chiczip - Chicago zip codes north-south
  • chmiss - Chicago insurance redlining
  • choccake - Chocolate cake experiment with split plot design
  • chredlin - Chicago insurance redlining
  • clot - Blood clotting times
  • cmob - Social class mobility from 1971 to 1981 in the UK
  • cns - Malformations of the central nervous system
  • coagulation - Blood coagulation times by diet
  • composite - Strength of a thermoplastic composite depending on two factors
  • cornnit - Corn yields from nitrogen application
  • corrosion - Corrosion loss in Cu-Ni alloys
  • cpd - Projected and actual sales of 20 consumer products
  • crawl - Crawling babies by month
  • ctsib - Effects of surface and vision on balance.
  • death - Death penalty in Florida 1977
  • debt - Psychology of debt
  • denim - Denim wastage by supplier
  • diabetes - Diabetes and obesity, cardiovascular risk factors
  • dicentric - Radiation dose effects on chromosomal abnormality
  • divusa - Divorce in the USA 1920-1996
  • drugpsy - Choice of drug treatment for psychiatry patients
  • dvisits - Doctor visits in Australia
  • eco - Ecological regression example
  • eggprod - Treatment and block effects on egg production
  • eggs - Nested data on lab testing of eggs
  • epilepsy - Epileptic seizures in clinical trial of drug
  • esdcomp - Complaints about emergency room doctors
  • exa - Simulated non-parametric regression data
  • exb - Simulated non-parametric regression data
  • eyegrade - Grading of eye pairs for distance vision
  • fat - Percentage of Body Fat and Body Measurements in Men
  • femsmoke - Mortality due to smoking according age group in women
  • fortune - Billionaires' wealth and age
  • fpe - 1981 French Presidential Election
  • fruitfly - Longevity of fruitflies depending on sexual activity and thorax length
  • gala - Species diversity on the Galapagos Islands
  • galamiss - Species diversity on the Galapagos Islands
  • gammaray - Xray decay from a gamma ray burst
  • gavote - Undercounted votes in Georgia in 2000 presidential election
  • globwarm - Northern Hemisphere temperatures and climate proxies in the last millenia
  • haireye - Hair and eye color
  • happy - MBA students experience love, sex, work and happiness
  • hemoglobin - Treatment of insulin dependent diabetic children
  • hips - Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • hormone - Hormone concentrations in gay and straight men
  • hprice - Housing prices in US cities 86-94
  • hsb - Career choice of high school students
  • infmort - Infant mortality according to income and region
  • insulgas - Effects of insulation on gas consumption
  • irrigation - Irrigation methods in an agricultural field trial
  • jsp - Junior School Project
  • kanga - Kangaroo skull measurements
  • lawn - Cut-off times of lawnmowers
  • leafblotch - Leaf blotch on barley
  • leafburn - Data on the burning time of samples of tobacco leaves
  • mammalsleep - Sleep in Mammals: Ecological and Constitutional Correlates
  • manilius - Mayer's 1750 data on the Manilius crater on the moon
  • mba - MBA students experience love, sex, work and happiness
  • meatspec - Meat spectrometry to determine fat content
  • melanoma - Melanoma by type and location
  • motorins - Third party motor insurance claims in Sweden in 1977
  • neighbor - Questionnaire study of neighborly help
  • nels88 - National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988
  • nepali - Nepali child heath study
  • nes96 - US 1996 national election study
  • newhamp - New Hampshire Democratic Party Primary 2008
  • oatvar - Yields of oat varieties planted in blocks
  • odor - Odor of chemical by production settings
  • ohio - Ohio Children Wheeze Status
  • orings - Spache Shuttle Challenger O-rings
  • ozone - Ozone in LA in 1976
  • parstum - Marijuana and parent alcohol and drug use
  • peanut - Carbon dioxide effects on peanut oil extraction
  • penicillin - Penicillin yield by block and treatment
  • phbirths - Birth weights in Philadelphia
  • pima - Diabetes survey on Pima Indians
  • pipeline - NIST data on ultrasonic measurements of defects in the Alaska pipeline
  • pneumo - Pneumonoconiosis in coal miners
  • potuse - Marijuana usage by youth
  • prostate - Prostate cancer surgery
  • psid - Panel Study of Income Dynamics subset
  • pulp - Brightness of paper pulp depending on shift operator
  • punting - Leg strength and punting
  • pvc - Production of PVC by operator and resin railcar
  • pyrimidines - Activity in pyrimidines
  • rabbit - Rabbit weight gain by diet and litter
  • ratdrink - Rat growth weights affected by additives
  • rats - Effect of toxic agents on rats
  • resceram - Shape and plate effects on current noise in resistors
  • salmonella - Salmonella reverse mutagenicity assay
  • sat - School expenditure and test scores from USA in 1994-95
  • savings - Savings rates in 50 countries
  • seatpos - Car seat position depending driver size
  • seeds - Germination of seeds depending on moisture and covering
  • semicond - Semiconductor split-plot experiment
  • sexab - Post traumatic stress disorder in abused adult females
  • sexfun - Marital sex ratings
  • snail - Snail production
  • solder - Solder skips in printing circuit boards
  • solv - Block design task testing child ability
  • sono - Sonoluminescence
  • soybean - Germination failures for soybean seeds
  • spector - Teaching methods in Economics
  • speedo - Speedometer cable shrinkage
  • star - Star temperatures and light intensites
  • stat500 - Marks in a statistics class
  • stepping - Stepping and effect on heart rate
  • strongx - Strong interaction experiment data
  • suicide - Suicide method data from the UK
  • teengamb - Study of teenage gambling in Britain
  • toenail - Toenail infection treatment study
  • troutegg - Survival of trout eggs depending on time and location
  • truck - Truck leaf spring experiment
  • turtle - Incubation temperature and the sex of turtles
  • tvdoctor - Life, TVs and Doctors
  • twins - Twin IQs from Burt
  • uncviet - UNC student opinions about the Vietnam War
  • uswages - Weekly wages of US male workers in 1988
  • vision - Acuity of vision in response to light flash
  • wafer - Resitivity of wafer in semiconductor experiment
  • wavesolder - Defects in a wave soldering process
  • wbca - Wisconsin breast cancer database
  • wcgs - Western Collaborative Group Study
  • weldstrength - Welding strength DOE
  • wfat - Percentage of Body Fat and Body Measurements in Women
  • wheat - Insect damage to wheat by variety
  • worldcup - Data on players from the 2010 World Cup



4.15 score 1 stars 1 packages 16k downloads 6 mentions 12 exports 13 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:5c64099c3d. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 09 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 09 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 09 2025



Readme and manuals

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Help pageTopics
Annual mean temperatures in Ann Arbor, Michiganaatemp
Wear on materials according to type, run and positionabrasion
aflatoxin dosage and liver cancer in lab animalsaflatoxin
miltary coups and politics in sub-Saharan Africaafrica
Airline passengersairpass
Effects of seed inoculum, irrigation and shade on alfalfa yieldalfalfa
Match pair study for AML and Xray linkamlxray
Time in minutes to eye opening after reversal of anaesthetic.anaesthetic
Respiratory disease rates of babies fed in different waysbabyfood
Beetles exposed to fumigantbeetle
Insect mortality due to insecticidebliss
Breaking strength of materialsbreaking
Broccoli weight variationbroccoli
Butterfat content of milk by breedbutterfat
Cathedral nave heights and lengths in Englandcathedral
Taste of Cheddar cheesecheddar
Chicago insurance redliningchicago
Chicago zip codes north-southchiczip
Chicago insurance redliningchmiss
Chocolate cake experiment with split plot designchoccake
Chicago insurance redliningchredlin
Blood clotting timesclot
Social class mobility from 1971 to 1981 in the UKcmob
Malformations of the central nervous systemcns
Blood coagulation times by dietcoagulation
Strength of a thermoplastic composite depending on two factorscomposite
Corn yields from nitrogen applicationcornnit
Corrosion loss in Cu-Ni alloyscorrosion
Projected and actual sales of 20 consumer productscpd
Cp plotCpplot
Crawling babies by monthcrawl
Effects of surface and vision on balance.ctsib
Death penalty in Florida 1977death
psychology of debtdebt
Denim wastage by supplierdenim
Diabetes and obesity, cardiovascular risk factorsdiabetes
Radiation dose effects on chromosomal abnormalitydicentric
Divorce in the USA 1920-1996divusa
Choice of drug treatment for psychiatry patientsdrugpsy
Doctor visits in Australiadvisits
Ecological regression exampleeco
Treatment and block effects on egg productioneggprod
Nested data on lab testing of eggseggs
Epileptic seizures in clinical trial of drugepilepsy
Complaints about emergency room doctorsesdcomp
Simulated non-parametric regression dataexa
Simulated non-parametric regression dataexb
grading of eye pairs for distance visioneyegrade
Percentage of Body Fat and Body Measurements in Menfat
Mortality due to smoking according age group in womenfemsmoke
Billionaires' wealth and agefortune
1981 French Presidential Electionfpe
Formating the Rounding of Numbersfround pfround
Longevity of fruitflies depending on sexual activity and thorax lengthfruitfly
Species diversity on the Galapagos Islandsgala
Species diversity on the Galapagos Islandsgalamiss
Xray decay from a gamma ray burstgammaray
Undercounted votes in Georgia in 2000 presidential electiongavote
Northern Hemisphere temperatures and climate proxies in the last milleniaglobwarm
Hair and eye colorhaireye
Half Normal Plothalfnorm
MBA students experience love, sex, work and happinesshappy mba
Treatment of insulin dependent diabetic childrenhemoglobin
Ankylosing Spondylitiships
Hormone concentrations in gay and straight menhormone
Housing prices in US cities 86-94hprice
Career choice of high school studentshsb
Inverse Logit Transformationilogit
Infant mortality according to income and regioninfmort
Effects of insulation on gas consumptioninsulgas
Irrigation methods in an agricultural field trialirrigation
Junior School Projectjsp
Kangaroo skull measurementskanga
Cut-off times of lawnmowerslawn
Leaf blotch on barleyleafblotch
Data on the burning time of samples of tobacco leavesleafburn
Logit transformationlogit
Sleep in Mammals: Ecological and Constitutional Correlatesmammalsleep
Mayer's 1750 data on the Manilius crater on the moonmanilius
Maximum Adjusted R-squaredmaxadjr
Meat spectrometry to determine fat contentmeatspec
Melanoma by type and locationmelanoma
Third party motor insurance claims in Sweden in 1977motorins
Questionnaire study of neighborly helpneighbor
National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988nels88
Nepali child heath studynepali
US 1996 national election studynes96
New Hampshire Democratic Party Primary 2008newhamp
Yields of oat varieties planted in blocksoatvar
Odor of chemical by production settingsodor
Ohio Children Wheeze Statusohio
Spache Shuttle Challenger O-ringsorings
Ozone in LA in 1976ozone
Marijuana and parent alcohol and drug useparstum
Carbon dioxide effects on peanut oil extractionpeanut
Penicillin yield by block and treatmentpenicillin
Birth weights in Philadelphiaphbirths
Diabetes survey on Pima Indianspima
NIST data on ultrasonic measurements of defects in the Alaska pipelinepipeline
Pneumonoconiosis in coal minerspneumo
Marijuana usage by youthpotuse
Prostate cancer surgeryprostate
Partial Residual Plotprplot
Panel Study of Income Dynamics subsetpsid
Brightness of paper pulp depending on shift operatorpulp
Leg strength and puntingpunting
Production of PVC by operator and resin railcarpvc
Activity in pyrimidinespyrimidines
Labeled QQ plotqqnorml
Rabbit weight gain by diet and litterrabbit
Rat growth weights affected by additivesratdrink
Effect of toxic agents on ratsrats
Shape and plate effects on current noise in resistorsresceram
Salmonella reverse mutagenicity assaysalmonella
School expenditure and test scores from USA in 1994-95sat
Savings rates in 50 countriessavings
Car seat position depending driver sizeseatpos
Germination of seeds depending on moisture and coveringseeds
Semiconductor split-plot experimentsemicond
Post traumatic stress disorder in abused adult femalessexab
Marital sex ratingssexfun
Snail productionsnail
Solder skips in printing circuit boardssolder
Block design task testing child abilitysolv
Germination failures for soybean seedssoybean
Teaching methods in Economicsspector
Speedometer cable shrinkagespeedo
Star temperatures and light intensitesstar
Marks in a statistics classstat500
Stepping and effect on heart ratestepping
Strong interaction experiment datastrongx
Suicide method data from the UKsuicide
Abbreviated Regression Summarysumary sumary,glm-method sumary,lm-method sumary,merMod-method sumary,sumary-methods
Study of teenage gambling in Britainteengamb
Toenail infection treatment studytoenail
Survival of trout eggs depending on time and locationtroutegg
Truck leaf spring experimenttruck
Incubation temperature and the sex of turtlesturtle
Life, TVs and Doctorstvdoctor
Twin IQs from Burttwins
UNC student opinions about the Vietnam Waruncviet
Weekly wages of US male workers in 1988uswages
vifvif vif.default vif.lm
Acuity of vision in response to light flashvision
resitivity of wafer in semiconductor experimentwafer
Defects in a wave soldering processwavesolder
Wisconsin breast cancer databasewbca
Western Collaborative Group Studywcgs
welding strength DOEweldstrength
Percentage of Body Fat and Body Measurements in Womenwfat
Insect damage to wheat by varietywheat
Data on players from the 2010 World Cupworldcup