Package: evclust 2.0.3

Thierry Denoeux

evclust: Evidential Clustering

Various clustering algorithms that produce a credal partition, i.e., a set of Dempster-Shafer mass functions representing the membership of objects to clusters. The mass functions quantify the cluster-membership uncertainty of the objects. The algorithms are: Evidential c-Means, Relational Evidential c-Means, Constrained Evidential c-Means, Evidential Clustering, Constrained Evidential Clustering, Evidential K-nearest-neighbor-based Clustering, Bootstrap Model-Based Evidential Clustering, Belief Peak Evidential Clustering, Neural-Network-based Evidential Clustering.

Authors:Thierry Denoeux

evclust.pdf |evclust.html
evclust/json (API)

# Install 'evclust' in R:
install.packages('evclust', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.48 score 1 packages 324 downloads 28 exports 13 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:db11b91c67. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 03 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 03 2025




Rendered fromevclust_vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Mar 03 2025.

Last update: 2021-05-10
Started: 2021-03-05

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Generation of "bananas" datasetsbananas
Generating a credal partition by bootstraping Gaussian Mixture Modelsbootclus
Belief Peak Evidential Clustering (BPEC)bpec
Butterfly datasetbutterfly
Constrained Evidential c-means algorithmcecm
Creation of a "credpart" object from a from a fuzzy or possibilistic partition matrixcreate_fuzzy_credpart
Creation of a "credpart" object from a vector of class labelscreate_hard_credpart
Random generation of Must-Link and Cannot-Link constraintscreate_MLCL
Computation of a Euclidean distance matrixcreateD
Finding overlapping pairs of clusterscreatePairs
Credal Rand indicescredal_RI
Delta-Bel graph for Belief Peak Evidential Clustering (BPEC)delta_Bel
Evidential c-means algorithmecm
EkNNclus algorithmEkNNclus
evclust: A package for evidential clusteringevclust-package evclust
Expansion of must-link and cannot-link constraintsexpandlink
Creates an object of class "credpart"extractMass
Synthetic four-class datasetfourclass
Harris gradient-based optimization algorithmharris
k-CEVCLUS algorithmkcevclus
k-EVCLUS algorithmkevclus
K nearest neighbors in a dissimilarity matrixknn_dist
Kernel Pairwise Constrained Component Analysis (KPCCA)kpcca
Creation of a matrix of focal setsmakeF
NN-EVCLUS algorithmnnevclus
NN-EVCLUS algorithm (minibatch version)nnevclus_mb
Nonspecificity of the relational representation of a credal partitionnonspecificity
Normalization of a credal partitionnormalize.credpart
Computes the relational representationpairwise_mass
Pairwise Constrained Component Analysis (PCCA)pcca
Plotting a credal partitionplot.credpart
Computation of a credal partition for new datapredict.credpart
Protein datasetprotein
Relational Evidential c-means algorithmrecm
S2 datasets2
Summary of a credal partitionsummary.credpart