Package: educationR 0.1.0
educationR: A Comprehensive Collection of Educational Datasets
Provides a comprehensive collection of datasets related to education, covering topics such as student performance, learning methods, test scores, absenteeism, and other educational metrics. This package serves as a resource for educational researchers, data analysts, and statisticians to explore and analyze data in the field of education.
educationR.pdf |educationR.html✨
educationR/json (API)
# Install 'educationR' in R: |
install.packages('educationR', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
Pkgdown site:
- Achieve_tbl_df - Math Achievement Test Scores by Gender
- Anxiety_tbl_df - Math Test Scores versus Anxiety Scores
- Bigten_tbl_df - Grad Rates: Athletes vs. Non-Athletes Big Ten Conf.
- Biology_tbl_df - Test Scores on First Exam in Biology Class
- Blackedu_tbl_df - Education Level of Blacks by Gender
- Books_tbl_df - Books Read & Spelling Scores: 17 Third Graders
- Detroit_tbl_df - Detroit Auto Workers: Education Levels
- Develop_tbl_df - Dev Students: 2-Year & 4-Year College Demographics
- Devmath_tbl_df - Fall '95 Developmental Math: Failed Student Scores
- Dyslexia_tbl_df - Dyslexia: Data on College Students Diagnosed with Dyslexia
- Engineer_tbl_df - Engineering Grads Salary: 10 Years Post-Graduation
- Entrance_tbl_df - College entrance exam scores for 24 high school seniors
- GPA_college_tbl_df - High School GPA versus College GPA
- German_tbl_df - Before and after German copying errors post-course
- Grades_stats_tbl_df - Test Grades in a Beginning Statistics Class
- Graduate_tbl_df - Graduation Rates for Student Athletes in the Southeastern Conf.
- Habits_tbl_df - Study Habits of Students in Two Matched School Districts
- HedgesOlkin85_df - Effects of Open Education Reported by Hedges and Olkin
- Homework_tbl_df - Homework Hours: Private vs. Public High Schools
- Jobsat_tbl_df - Job satisfaction and stress level for 9 school teachers
- Kinder_tbl_df - First Grade Reading Scores: With vs. Without Kindergarten
- Lowabil_tbl_df - Reading skills of 24 matched low ability students
- Math_scores_tbl_df - Standardized Math Test Scores for 30 Students
- Mathcomp_tbl_df - Incoming Freshmen Math Competency at a Community College
- Mathpro_tbl_df - Math Proficiency and SAT Math Scores by State
- Miller_scores_tbl_df - Graduate School Applicants' Miller Personality Test Scores
- Music_tbl_df - Music Recognition Learning in Identical Twins
- PSAT_SAT_tbl_df - Relationship Between PSAT and SAT Scores
- Parented_tbl_df - State University Freshmen: Parental Education Profiles
- Prejudic_tbl_df - Racial Prejudice Scores of High School Students
- Program_stats_tbl_df - Effects of Learning Methods on Statistics Students
- QuizPulse10_df - Quiz vs Lecture Pulse Rates
- Readiq_tbl_df - Reading Scores vs IQ Scores
- Schizoph_tbl_df - Schizophrenic Learning Ability After Tranquilizer Dose
- Study_freshmen_tbl_df - Hours Studied by Freshmen
- Tennessee_gifted_df - Tennessee Self-Concept Scores for Gifted Students
- TextbookCosts_df - Textbook Costs for Different Fields
- UCBAdmissions_table - Student Admissions at UC Berkeley
- ability_list - Ability and Intelligence Tests
- absenteeism_tbl_df - Absenteeism from School in New South Wales
- cchousing_tbl_df - Community college housing
- credits_tbl_df - College Credits
- crime_degree_tbl_df - US Crime Rates vs. High School Dropout
- drug_use_tbl_df - Drug use of students and parents
- exams_tbl_df - Exam Scores: Class of 19 Students
- fheights_tbl_df - Female College Student Heights
- gifted_tbl_df - Analytical Skills of Young Gifted Children
- gpa_tbl_df - Survey of Duke Students on GPA, Studying, and More
- gradestv_tbl_df - Relationship Between Watching TV and Grades
- major_survey_tbl_df - Survey of Duke students and the area of their major
- sat_improve_tbl_df - Simulated data for SAT score improvement
- stats_scores_tbl_df - Final exam scores for twenty students
- student_sleep_tbl_df - Sleep for 110 college students
Last updated 21 days agofrom:3ff69239b4. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Date |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Dec 06 2024 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Dec 06 2024 |