datarobot: 'DataRobot' Predictive Modeling API | datarobot-package datarobot |
Add a Eureqa solution to the list of models for the project. | AddEureqaSolution |
Apply a schema to DataRobot objects (lists, frames) | ApplySchema |
DataRobot S3 object methods for R's generic function | |
Information on a data feature. | as.dataRobotFeatureInfo |
Return value for GetMultiSeriesProperties() and others | as.dataRobotMultiSeriesProperties |
Return value for SetupProject() and others | as.dataRobotProjectShort |
Autopilot modes | AutopilotMode |
Create new features by transforming the type of an existing ones. | BatchFeaturesTypeTransform |
Blend methods | BlendMethods |
Convert a blueprint chart into graphviz DOT format | BlueprintChartToGraphviz |
Make sure the path is a reasonable URL | CheckUrl |
Accuracy metrics for classification deployments | ClassificationDeploymentAccuracyMetric |
Reformat paginated data returned from the server. | CleanServerData |
Clone a project | CloneProject |
Compute datetime trend plots for datetime partitioned model. | ComputeDatetimeTrendPlots |
Establish a connection to the DataRobot modeling engine | ConnectToDataRobot |
Construct a valid string representing a duration in accordance with ISO8601 | ConstructDurationString |
Create a list describing backtest parameters | CreateBacktestSpecification |
Create a calendar from an uploaded CSV. | CreateCalendar |
Create compliance documentation from a model. | CreateComplianceDocumentation |
Create a data source. | CreateDataSource |
Create a data store. | CreateDataStore |
Create a list describing datetime partition parameters | CreateDatetimePartitionSpecification |
Create a deployment. | CreateDeployment |
Derived Features | CreateDerivedFeatureAsCategorical CreateDerivedFeatureAsNumeric CreateDerivedFeatureAsText CreateDerivedFeatureIntAsCategorical CreateDerivedFeatures |
Create a new featurelist in a DataRobot project | CreateFeaturelist |
Create a group-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget function | CreateGroupPartition |
This function allows the user to create a new featurelist in a project by specifying its name and a list of variables to be included | CreateModelingFeaturelist |
Create and validate the downloadable code for the ruleset associated with this model | CreatePrimeCode |
Create a random sampling-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget function | CreateRandomPartition |
Creates and validates a new rating table from an uploaded CSV. | CreateRatingTable |
Create a stratified sampling-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget function | CreateStratifiedPartition |
Create a class partition object for use in the SetTarget function representing a user-defined partition. | CreateUserPartition |
Run cross validation on a model. | CrossValidateModel |
CV methods | cvMethods |
Data Partition methods | DataPartition |
Get the data path. | DataPathFromDataArg |
Data subset for training predictions | DataSubset |
Datetime trend plots resolutions | DatetimeTrendPlotsResolutions |
Datetime trend plots statuses | DatetimeTrendPlotsStatuses |
Delete anomaly assessment record. | DeleteAnomalyAssessmentRecord |
Delete a calendar | DeleteCalendar |
Deletes a compliance doc template. | DeleteComplianceDocTemplate |
Delete a data store. | DeleteDataSource |
Delete a data store. | DeleteDataStore |
Delete a deployment. | DeleteDeployment |
Delete a featurelist | DeleteFeaturelist |
Cancel a running job | DeleteJob |
Delete a specified DataRobot model | DeleteModel |
Delete a modeling featurelist | DeleteModelingFeaturelist |
Delete a model job from the modeling queue | DeleteModelJob |
Delete a specified prediction dataset | DeletePredictionDataset |
Function to delete prediction explanations | DeletePredictionExplanations |
Delete the prediction explanations initialization for a model. | DeletePredictionExplanationsInitialization |
Function to delete one predict job from the DataRobot queue | DeletePredictJob |
Delete a specified element from the DataRobot project list | DeleteProject |
Delete this imported model. | DeleteTransferableModel |
Deployment accuracy metrics | DeploymentAccuracyMetric |
Deployment service health metrics | DeploymentServiceHealthMetric |
Differencing method | DifferencingMethod |
Download a compliance doc template (in JSON format). | DownloadComplianceDocTemplate |
Download compliance documentation (in DOCX format). | DownloadComplianceDocumentation |
Function to download and save prediction explanations rows as csv file | DownloadPredictionExplanations |
Download the code of DataRobot Prime model and save it to a file. | DownloadPrimeCode |
Download a rating table to a CSV. | DownloadRatingTable |
Download scoring code JAR | DownloadScoringCode |
Download the series accuracy for a model, computing it if not already computed. | DownloadSeriesAccuracy |
Download the time series feature derivation log as a text file. | DownloadTimeSeriesFeatureDerivationLog |
Download training predictions on a specified data set. | DownloadTrainingPredictions |
Download an transferable model file for use in an on-premise DataRobot standalone prediction environment. | DownloadTransferableModel |
Make sure that the object has all of the keys specified. Also tests that there are not additional keys if 'allowAdditional' is FALSE (default). | ExpectHasKeys |
Retrieve a feature from the creation URL | FeatureFromAsyncUrl |
formatRFC3339Timestamp | formatRFC3339Timestamp |
Preview the full partitioning determined by a DatetimePartitioningSpecification | GenerateDatetimePartition |
Retrieve Accuracy over Time plot for a model. | GetAccuracyOverTimePlot |
Retrieve Accuracy over Time preview plot for a model. | GetAccuracyOverTimePlotPreview |
Retrieve Accuracy over Time plots metadata for a model. | GetAccuracyOverTimePlotsMetadata |
Retrieve anomaly assessment explanations. | GetAnomalyAssessmentExplanations |
Retrieve anomaly assessment predictions preview. | GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview |
Retrieve the details of a specified blender model | GetBlenderModel |
Retrieve a new or updated blender model defined by modelJobId | GetBlenderModelFromJobId |
Retrieve a blueprint | GetBlueprint |
Retrieve a blueprint chart | GetBlueprintChart |
Get documentation for tasks used in the blueprint | GetBlueprintDocumentation |
Retrieve a calendar | GetCalendar |
Retrieve the calendar for a particular project. | GetCalendarFromProject |
Get a compliance doc template. | GetComplianceDocTemplate |
Retrieve a model's confusion chart for a specified source. | GetConfusionChart |
Get cross validation scores | GetCrossValidationScores |
Returns information about a particular data source. | GetDataSource |
Returns information about a particular data store. | GetDataStore |
Get the schemas associated with a data store. | GetDataStoreSchemas |
Get all tables associated with a data store. | GetDataStoreTables |
Retrieve the details of a specified datetime model. | GetDatetimeModel |
Retrieve a new or updated datetime model defined by modelJobId | GetDatetimeModelFromJobId |
Retrieve the DatetimePartitioning from a project | GetDatetimePartition |
Get information on a particular deployment. | GetDeployment |
Retrieve accuracy statistics for a deployment. | GetDeploymentAccuracy |
Retrieves accuracy statistics over time on given metrics for a deployment. | GetDeploymentAccuracyOverTime |
Deployment Association ID | GetDeploymentAssociationId UpdateDeploymentAssociationId |
Get drift tracking settings for a deployment. | GetDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings |
Retrieve service health statistics for a deployment. | GetDeploymentServiceStats |
Retrieves service health statistics over time on given metrics for a deployment. | GetDeploymentServiceStatsOverTime |
Returns information about a particular driver. | GetDriver |
Get pairwise feature association statistics for a project's informative features | GetFeatureAssociationMatrix |
Get a sample of the actual values used to measure the association between a pair of features. | GetFeatureAssociationMatrixDetails |
Retrieve histogram plot data for a specific feature | GetFeatureHistogram |
Get the feature impact for a model, requesting the feature impact if it is not already available. | GetFeatureImpact |
Retrieve completed Feature Impact results given a job ID | GetFeatureImpactForJobId |
Retrieve completed Feature Impact results given a model | GetFeatureImpactForModel |
Details about a feature | GetFeatureInfo |
Retrieve a specific featurelist from a DataRobot project | GetFeaturelist |
Retrieve the details of a specified frozen model | GetFrozenModel |
Retrieve a frozen model defined by modelJobId | GetFrozenModelFromJobId |
An internal function to help fetch insights. | GetGeneralizedInsight |
Request information about a job | GetJob |
Retrieve lift chart data for a model for a data partition (see DataPartition) | GetLiftChart |
Get a report on missing values for the model. | GetMissingValuesReport |
Retrieve the details of a specified model | GetModel |
Retrieve a model blueprint chart | GetModelBlueprintChart |
Get documentation for tasks used in the model blueprint | GetModelBlueprintDocumentation |
Get supported capabilities for a model, e.g., whether it has a word cloud. | GetModelCapabilities |
Retrieve a new or updated model defined by modelJobId | GetModelFromJobId |
Retrieve a specific modeling featurelist from a DataRobot project | GetModelingFeaturelist |
Request information about a single model job | GetModelJob |
Retrieve model parameters | GetModelParameters |
Retrieve a model recommendation from DataRobot for your project. | GetModelRecommendation |
Retrieve time series properties for a potential multiseries datetime partition column | GetMultiSeriesProperties |
Pareto Front data for a Eureqa model | GetParetoFront |
Retrieve data on a prediction dataset | GetPredictionDataset |
Get prediction explanations | GetPredictionExplanations |
Retrieve the prediction explanations initialization for a model. | GetPredictionExplanationsInitialization |
Retrieve the prediction explanations initialization for a model using jobId | GetPredictionExplanationsInitializationFromJobId |
Retrieve metadata for specified prediction explanations | GetPredictionExplanationsMetadata |
Retrieve the prediction explanations metadata for a model using jobId | GetPredictionExplanationsMetadataFromJobId |
Retrieve all prediction explanations rows | GetPredictionExplanationsRows |
Retrieve all prediction explanations rows and return them as a data frame | GetPredictionExplanationsRowsAsDataFrame |
Retrieve model predictions | GetPredictions |
Request information about a predict job | GetPredictJob |
Function to list all prediction jobs in a project | GetPredictJobs |
Check if model can be approximated with DataRobot Prime | GetPrimeEligibility |
Retrieve a specific Prime file from a DataRobot project | GetPrimeFile |
Retrieve a specific Prime file from a DataRobot project for corresponding jobId | GetPrimeFileFromJobId |
Retrieve information about specified DataRobot Prime model. | GetPrimeModel |
Retrieve information about specified DataRobot Prime model using corresponding jobId. | GetPrimeModelFromJobId |
Retrieve details about a specified DataRobot modeling project | GetProject |
Request Autopilot status for a specified DataRobot project | GetProjectStatus |
Retrieve a single rating table. | GetRatingTable |
Get a rating table from the rating table job metadata. | GetRatingTableFromJobId |
Retrieve information about specified model with a rating table. | GetRatingTableModel |
Retrieve a new or updated rating table model defined by a job ID. | GetRatingTableModelFromJobId |
Retrieve the model object that DataRobot recommends for your project. | GetRecommendedModel |
Retrieve residuals chart data for a model for a data partition (see DataPartition). | GetResidualsChart |
Retrieve ROC curve data for a model for a particular data partition (see DataPartition) | GetRocCurve |
List the rulesets approximating a model generated by DataRobot Prime | GetRulesets |
Get the computed series accuracy for a model, computing it if not already computed. | GetSeriesAccuracy |
Get the series accuracy associated with a particular model. | GetSeriesAccuracyForModel |
Handle server side pagination. | GetServerDataInRows |
Retrieve the time series feature derivation log content | GetTimeSeriesFeatureDerivationLog |
Simplify the training prediction rows into a tidy format dataframe. | GetTrainingPredictionDataFrame |
Retrieve training predictions on a specified data set. | GetTrainingPredictions |
Get training predictions for a particular model. | GetTrainingPredictionsForModel |
Retrieve the training predictions for a model using a job id. | GetTrainingPredictionsFromJobId |
Retrieve imported model info using import id | GetTransferableModel |
Retrieve data on tuning parameters for a particular model. | GetTuningParameters |
Retrieve the valid fitting metrics for a specified project and target | GetValidMetrics |
Retrieve word cloud data for a model. | GetWordCloud |
Request anomaly assessment insight computation on the specified subset. | InitializeAnomalyAssessment |
Check whether individual models can be blended together | IsBlenderEligible |
Checks if an id is a valid DataRobot ID (24 character string) | IsId |
Check if a parameter is in a list of possibilities. | IsParameterIn |
Job statuses | JobStatus |
Job type | JobType |
Retrieve anomaly assessment records. | ListAnomalyAssessmentRecords |
Retrieve the list of available blueprints for a project | ListBlueprints |
List all available calendars. | ListCalendars |
Retrieve information about all compliance doc templates. | ListComplianceDocTemplates |
Returns all available confusion charts for the model. | ListConfusionCharts |
Returns a dataframe with information on available data sources. | ListDataSources |
Returns a dataframe with information on available data stores. | ListDataStores |
List all current model deployments. | ListDeployments |
Returns a dataframe with information on available drivers. | ListDrivers |
Details about all features for this project | ListFeatureInfo |
Retrieve all featurelists associated with a project | ListFeaturelists |
Retrieve information about jobs | ListJobs |
Retrieve lift chart data for a model for all available data partitions (see DataPartition) | ListLiftCharts |
Returns the list of features (i.e., variables) on which a specified model is based | ListModelFeatures |
Retrieve all modeling featurelists associated with a project | ListModelingFeaturelists |
Retrieve status of Autopilot modeling jobs that are not complete | ListModelJobs |
Retrieve information about model recommendation made by DataRobot for your project. | ListModelRecommendations |
Retrieve all available model information for a DataRobot project | ListModels |
Retrieve all prediction datasets associated with a project | ListPredictionDatasets |
Retrieve metadata for prediction explanations in specified project | ListPredictionExplanationsMetadata |
Fetch all computed predictions for a project. | ListPredictions |
List all available prediction servers. | ListPredictionServers |
List all downloadable code files from DataRobot Prime for the project | ListPrimeFiles |
Retrieve information about all DataRobot Prime models for a DataRobot project | ListPrimeModels |
Retrieve a list of all DataRobot projects | ListProjects |
Retrieve information about all DataRobot models with a rating table. | ListRatingTableModels |
Retrieve information about all rating tables. | ListRatingTables |
Retrieve residuals chart data for a model for all available data partitions (see 'DataPartition'). This chart is only available for regression models that are not time-aware. | ListResidualsCharts |
Retrieve ROC curve data for a model for all available data partitions (see DataPartition) | ListRocCurves |
List information about which users have what kinds of access to a shared object. | ListSharingAccess |
List all the starred models in a project. | ListStarredModels |
Retrieve information about all training prediction datasets in a project. | ListTrainingPredictions |
Retrieve information about all imported models This function returns a data.frame that describes all imported models | ListTransferableModels |
Make a HTTP request | MakeDataRobotRequest |
Model capabilities | ModelCapability |
Model replacement reason | ModelReplacementReason |
Accuracy metrics for multiclass deployments | MulticlassDeploymentAccuracyMetric |
parseRFC3339Timestamp | parseRFC3339Timestamp |
Pause the DataRobot modeling queue | PauseQueue |
Periodicity max time step | PeriodicityMaxTimeStep |
Periodicity time units | PeriodicityTimeUnits |
Plot method for DataRobot S3 objects of class listOfModels | plot.listOfModels |
PostgreSQL drivers | PostgreSQLdrivers |
Retrieve model predictions | Predict |
Retrieve model predictions using R's default S3 'predict' method. | predict.dataRobotModel |
Retrieve prediction dataset info from the dataset creation URL | PredictionDatasetFromAsyncUrl |
Prime Language | PrimeLanguage |
Retrieve a project from the job response, which has a project-creation URL | ProjectFromJobResponse |
Project stage | ProjectStage |
Recommended model type values | RecommendedModelType |
replace NULL in $metrics list elements with NA | ReformatMetrics |
Accuracy metrics for regression deployments | RegressionDeploymentAccuracyMetric |
Renames a rating table to a different name. | RenameRatingTable |
Reorder the columns in a data.frame | reorderColumns |
Replace a model in a deployment with another model. | ReplaceDeployedModel |
Request an approximation of a model using DataRobot Prime | RequestApproximation |
Submit a job for creating blender model. Upon success, the new job will be added to the end of the queue. | RequestBlender |
Format a cross series with group by columns. | RequestCrossSeriesDetection |
Request Feature Impact to be computed. | RequestFeatureImpact |
Train a new frozen datetime model with parameters from the specified model | RequestFrozenDatetimeModel |
Train a new frozen model with parameters from specified model | RequestFrozenModel |
Format a multiseries. | RequestMultiSeriesDetection |
Adds a new datetime model of the type specified by the blueprint to a DataRobot project | RequestNewDatetimeModel |
Adds a new model of type specified by blueprint to a DataRobot project | RequestNewModel |
Create a new model from a rating table. | RequestNewRatingTableModel |
Request prediction explanations computation for a specified model and dataset. | RequestPredictionExplanations |
Request prediction explanations initialization for specified model | RequestPredictionExplanationsInitialization |
Request predictions from a model against a previously uploaded dataset | RequestPredictions |
Request training for a DataRobot Prime model using a specified ruleset | RequestPrimeModel |
Refits an existing model to a different fraction of the training dataset | RequestSampleSizeUpdate |
Compute the series accuracy for a model. | RequestSeriesAccuracy |
Request training predictions for a specific model. | RequestTrainingPredictions |
Request creation of a transferable model | RequestTransferableModel |
RFC 3339 datetime format | RFC3339DateTimeFormat |
Run an interactive model tuning session. | RunInteractiveTuning |
Compute the scores for all available backtests. | ScoreBacktests |
Segment analysis attributes | SegmentAnalysisAttribute |
Series aggregation type | SeriesAggregationType |
Set a custom prediction threshold for binary classification models. | SetPredictionThreshold |
Set the target variable (and by default, start the DataRobot Autopilot) | SetTarget |
Function to set up a new DataRobot project | SetupProject |
Create a project from a data source. | SetupProjectFromDataSource |
Function to set up a new DataRobot project using datasource on a WebHDFS server (deprecated) | SetupProjectFromHDFS |
Share a shareable object with a particular user. | Share |
Sharing role | SharingRole |
Source types | SourceType |
Star a model. | StarModel |
Starts autopilot on provided featurelist. Only one autopilot can be running at the time. That's why any ongoing autopilot on different featurelist will be halted - modeling jobs in queue would not be affected but new jobs would not be added to queue by halted autopilot. | StartNewAutoPilot |
Start a project, set the target, and run autopilot. | StartProject |
Creates a waiter function that can be used in a loop while trying some task many times. The waiter sleeps while waiting to try again, with sleep times determined by exponential back-off. | StartRetryWaiter |
Create a function to initiate hyperparameter tuning for a particular model. | StartTuningSession |
Convert a function into a single string for DataRobot | Stringify |
Submit actuals for processing. | SubmitActuals |
DataRobot S3 object methods for R's generic summary function | summary.dataRobotModel summary.dataRobotProject summary.listOfBlueprints summary.listOfFeaturelists summary.listOfModels summary.projectSummaryList |
Summarize the list of tuning parameters available for a model. | summary.listOfDataRobotTuningParameters |
Target leakage report values | TargetLeakageType |
Target Type modes | TargetType |
Test the database connection to the data store. | TestDataStore |
Tidies a ServiceOverTime response object for use in a DF | tidyServiceOverTimeObject |
Time units | TimeUnits |
Star a model if it is unstarred, otherwise unstar the model. | ToggleStarForModel |
The DataRobot Monitoring APIs return dates formatted as RFC 3339 strings. This is the same as ISO 8601. Specifically, 'T' is the date/time separator and 'Z' is used to denote UTC. Fractional seconds are returned. e.g. 2020-01-01T05:00:00.000000Z | transformRFC3339Period |
Treat as exponential | TreatAsExponential |
Checks to see if we are trying to submit `NULL` as a value. | TryingToSubmitNull |
Re-start the DataRobot modeling queue | UnpauseQueue |
Unstar a model. | UnstarModel |
Update access to a particular object. | UpdateAccess |
Update a calendar | UpdateCalendar |
Update the name or sections of an existing doc template. | UpdateComplianceDocTemplate |
Update a data store. | UpdateDataSource |
Update a data store. | UpdateDataStore |
Update drift tracking settings for a deployment. | UpdateDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings |
Update a featurelist | UpdateFeaturelist |
Update a modeling featurelist | UpdateModelingFeaturelist |
Update parameters for an existing project | UpdateProject |
Update the display name or note for an imported model. | UpdateTransferableModel |
Upload a compliance doc template. | UploadComplianceDocTemplate |
Upload a data source. | UploadData |
Function to upload new data to a DataRobot project for predictions | UploadPredictionDataset |
Upload a prediction dataset from a data source. | UploadPredictionDatasetFromDataSource |
Import a previously exported model for predictions. | UploadTransferableModel |
Validate that the actuals are a dataframe and contain required columns. | ValidateActuals |
Get a calendar id from a calendar object. | ValidateCalendar |
Validate that model belongs to class 'dataRobotModel' and includes projectId and modelId. | ValidateModel |
Validate that the multiseries properties indicate a successful multiseries setup. | ValidateMultiSeriesProperties |
Ensure a parameter is valid | ValidateParameterIn |
Checks if a partition is valid. | ValidatePartition |
Get a projectId from a project object. | ValidateProject |
Validate a potential deployment model replacement. | ValidateReplaceDeployedModel |
Helper function for validating reporting period objects used by the deployment monitoring functions. See 'GetDeploymentServiceStats', 'GetDeploymentAccuracy', 'GetDeploymentServiceStatsOverTime', and 'GetDeploymentAccuracyOverTime'. | validateReportingPeriodTime |
Types of variable transformations | VariableTransformTypes |
Retrieve a DataRobot web page that displays detailed model information | ViewWebModel |
Retrieve a DataRobot web page that displays detailed project information | ViewWebProject |
This function periodically checks whether Autopilot is finished and returns only after it is. | WaitForAutopilot |
Wait for specified job to complete | WaitForJobToComplete |