Package: datarobot 2.18.6

AJ Alon

datarobot: 'DataRobot' Predictive Modeling API

For working with the 'DataRobot' predictive modeling platform's API <>.

Authors:Ron Pearson [aut], Zachary Deane-Mayer [aut], David Chudzicki [aut], Dallin Akagi [aut], Sergey Yurgenson [aut], Thakur Raj Anand [aut], Peter Hurford [aut], Chester Ismay [aut], AJ Alon [aut], Andrew Watson [aut], Gregory Williams [aut], Anastasiia Tamazlykar [ctb], Mykhailo Poliakov [ctb], DataRobot, Inc. [cph]

datarobot.pdf |datarobot.html
datarobot/json (API)

# Install 'datarobot' in R:
install.packages('datarobot', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

3.48 score 2 stars 804 downloads 270 exports 9 dependencies

Last updated 12 months agofrom:114b9de790. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 09 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 09 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 09 2025



Introduction to Lift Chart, ROC Curve and Word Cloud

Rendered fromAdvancedVignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2023-08-07
Started: 2017-09-20

Advanced Tuning for Models

Rendered fromAdvancedTuning.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2019-11-18
Started: 2019-05-24

Assessing Variable Importance for Predictive Models of Arbitrary Type

Rendered fromVariableImportance.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2022-04-12
Started: 2016-05-17

Compliance Documentation

Rendered fromComplianceDocumentation.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2020-02-22
Started: 2019-07-22

Datetime Partitioning

Rendered fromDatetimePartitionedProjects.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2020-07-01
Started: 2017-04-16

Interpreting Predictive Models Using Partial Dependence Plots

Rendered fromPartialDependence.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2019-11-18
Started: 2016-05-17

Introduction to Model Deployment

Rendered fromDeployment.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2020-02-22
Started: 2020-02-22

Introduction to Multiclass

Rendered fromMulticlass.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2024-03-14
Started: 2018-01-17

Introduction to the DataRobot R Package

Rendered fromIntroductionToDataRobot.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2023-08-07
Started: 2016-05-17

Introduction to Time Series

Rendered fromTimeSeries.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2020-02-22
Started: 2018-01-17

Introduction to Calendars

Rendered fromCalendars.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2019-11-18
Started: 2019-11-18

Using Many Models to Compare Datasets

Rendered fromComparingSubsets.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2019-11-18
Started: 2016-05-17

Introduction to Prediction Explanations

Rendered fromPredictionExplanations.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2023-08-07
Started: 2019-05-24

Introduction to Rating Tables

Rendered fromRatingTables.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2019-01-12
Started: 2018-01-17

Introduction to Training Predictions

Rendered fromTrainingPredictions.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 09 2025.

Last update: 2019-05-24
Started: 2018-01-17

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
datarobot: 'DataRobot' Predictive Modeling APIdatarobot-package datarobot
Add a Eureqa solution to the list of models for the project.AddEureqaSolution
Apply a schema to DataRobot objects (lists, frames)ApplySchema
DataRobot S3 object methods for R's generic
Information on a data
Return value for GetMultiSeriesProperties() and othersas.dataRobotMultiSeriesProperties
Return value for SetupProject() and othersas.dataRobotProjectShort
Autopilot modesAutopilotMode
Create new features by transforming the type of an existing ones.BatchFeaturesTypeTransform
Blend methodsBlendMethods
Convert a blueprint chart into graphviz DOT formatBlueprintChartToGraphviz
Make sure the path is a reasonable URLCheckUrl
Accuracy metrics for classification deploymentsClassificationDeploymentAccuracyMetric
Reformat paginated data returned from the server.CleanServerData
Clone a projectCloneProject
Compute datetime trend plots for datetime partitioned model.ComputeDatetimeTrendPlots
Establish a connection to the DataRobot modeling engineConnectToDataRobot
Construct a valid string representing a duration in accordance with ISO8601ConstructDurationString
Create a list describing backtest parametersCreateBacktestSpecification
Create a calendar from an uploaded CSV.CreateCalendar
Create compliance documentation from a model.CreateComplianceDocumentation
Create a data source.CreateDataSource
Create a data store.CreateDataStore
Create a list describing datetime partition parametersCreateDatetimePartitionSpecification
Create a deployment.CreateDeployment
Derived FeaturesCreateDerivedFeatureAsCategorical CreateDerivedFeatureAsNumeric CreateDerivedFeatureAsText CreateDerivedFeatureIntAsCategorical CreateDerivedFeatures
Create a new featurelist in a DataRobot projectCreateFeaturelist
Create a group-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget functionCreateGroupPartition
This function allows the user to create a new featurelist in a project by specifying its name and a list of variables to be includedCreateModelingFeaturelist
Create and validate the downloadable code for the ruleset associated with this modelCreatePrimeCode
Create a random sampling-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget functionCreateRandomPartition
Creates and validates a new rating table from an uploaded CSV.CreateRatingTable
Create a stratified sampling-based S3 object of class partition for the SetTarget functionCreateStratifiedPartition
Create a class partition object for use in the SetTarget function representing a user-defined partition.CreateUserPartition
Run cross validation on a model.CrossValidateModel
CV methodscvMethods
Data Partition methodsDataPartition
Get the data path.DataPathFromDataArg
Data subset for training predictionsDataSubset
Datetime trend plots resolutionsDatetimeTrendPlotsResolutions
Datetime trend plots statusesDatetimeTrendPlotsStatuses
Delete anomaly assessment record.DeleteAnomalyAssessmentRecord
Delete a calendarDeleteCalendar
Deletes a compliance doc template.DeleteComplianceDocTemplate
Delete a data store.DeleteDataSource
Delete a data store.DeleteDataStore
Delete a deployment.DeleteDeployment
Delete a featurelistDeleteFeaturelist
Cancel a running jobDeleteJob
Delete a specified DataRobot modelDeleteModel
Delete a modeling featurelistDeleteModelingFeaturelist
Delete a model job from the modeling queueDeleteModelJob
Delete a specified prediction datasetDeletePredictionDataset
Function to delete prediction explanationsDeletePredictionExplanations
Delete the prediction explanations initialization for a model.DeletePredictionExplanationsInitialization
Function to delete one predict job from the DataRobot queueDeletePredictJob
Delete a specified element from the DataRobot project listDeleteProject
Delete this imported model.DeleteTransferableModel
Deployment accuracy metricsDeploymentAccuracyMetric
Deployment service health metricsDeploymentServiceHealthMetric
Differencing methodDifferencingMethod
Download a compliance doc template (in JSON format).DownloadComplianceDocTemplate
Download compliance documentation (in DOCX format).DownloadComplianceDocumentation
Function to download and save prediction explanations rows as csv fileDownloadPredictionExplanations
Download the code of DataRobot Prime model and save it to a file.DownloadPrimeCode
Download a rating table to a CSV.DownloadRatingTable
Download scoring code JARDownloadScoringCode
Download the series accuracy for a model, computing it if not already computed.DownloadSeriesAccuracy
Download the time series feature derivation log as a text file.DownloadTimeSeriesFeatureDerivationLog
Download training predictions on a specified data set.DownloadTrainingPredictions
Download an transferable model file for use in an on-premise DataRobot standalone prediction environment.DownloadTransferableModel
Make sure that the object has all of the keys specified. Also tests that there are not additional keys if 'allowAdditional' is FALSE (default).ExpectHasKeys
Retrieve a feature from the creation URLFeatureFromAsyncUrl
Preview the full partitioning determined by a DatetimePartitioningSpecificationGenerateDatetimePartition
Retrieve Accuracy over Time plot for a model.GetAccuracyOverTimePlot
Retrieve Accuracy over Time preview plot for a model.GetAccuracyOverTimePlotPreview
Retrieve Accuracy over Time plots metadata for a model.GetAccuracyOverTimePlotsMetadata
Retrieve anomaly assessment explanations.GetAnomalyAssessmentExplanations
Retrieve anomaly assessment predictions preview.GetAnomalyAssessmentPredictionsPreview
Retrieve the details of a specified blender modelGetBlenderModel
Retrieve a new or updated blender model defined by modelJobIdGetBlenderModelFromJobId
Retrieve a blueprintGetBlueprint
Retrieve a blueprint chartGetBlueprintChart
Get documentation for tasks used in the blueprintGetBlueprintDocumentation
Retrieve a calendarGetCalendar
Retrieve the calendar for a particular project.GetCalendarFromProject
Get a compliance doc template.GetComplianceDocTemplate
Retrieve a model's confusion chart for a specified source.GetConfusionChart
Get cross validation scoresGetCrossValidationScores
Returns information about a particular data source.GetDataSource
Returns information about a particular data store.GetDataStore
Get the schemas associated with a data store.GetDataStoreSchemas
Get all tables associated with a data store.GetDataStoreTables
Retrieve the details of a specified datetime model.GetDatetimeModel
Retrieve a new or updated datetime model defined by modelJobIdGetDatetimeModelFromJobId
Retrieve the DatetimePartitioning from a projectGetDatetimePartition
Get information on a particular deployment.GetDeployment
Retrieve accuracy statistics for a deployment.GetDeploymentAccuracy
Retrieves accuracy statistics over time on given metrics for a deployment.GetDeploymentAccuracyOverTime
Deployment Association IDGetDeploymentAssociationId UpdateDeploymentAssociationId
Get drift tracking settings for a deployment.GetDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings
Retrieve service health statistics for a deployment.GetDeploymentServiceStats
Retrieves service health statistics over time on given metrics for a deployment.GetDeploymentServiceStatsOverTime
Returns information about a particular driver.GetDriver
Get pairwise feature association statistics for a project's informative featuresGetFeatureAssociationMatrix
Get a sample of the actual values used to measure the association between a pair of features.GetFeatureAssociationMatrixDetails
Retrieve histogram plot data for a specific featureGetFeatureHistogram
Get the feature impact for a model, requesting the feature impact if it is not already available.GetFeatureImpact
Retrieve completed Feature Impact results given a job IDGetFeatureImpactForJobId
Retrieve completed Feature Impact results given a modelGetFeatureImpactForModel
Details about a featureGetFeatureInfo
Retrieve a specific featurelist from a DataRobot projectGetFeaturelist
Retrieve the details of a specified frozen modelGetFrozenModel
Retrieve a frozen model defined by modelJobIdGetFrozenModelFromJobId
An internal function to help fetch insights.GetGeneralizedInsight
Request information about a jobGetJob
Retrieve lift chart data for a model for a data partition (see DataPartition)GetLiftChart
Get a report on missing values for the model.GetMissingValuesReport
Retrieve the details of a specified modelGetModel
Retrieve a model blueprint chartGetModelBlueprintChart
Get documentation for tasks used in the model blueprintGetModelBlueprintDocumentation
Get supported capabilities for a model, e.g., whether it has a word cloud.GetModelCapabilities
Retrieve a new or updated model defined by modelJobIdGetModelFromJobId
Retrieve a specific modeling featurelist from a DataRobot projectGetModelingFeaturelist
Request information about a single model jobGetModelJob
Retrieve model parametersGetModelParameters
Retrieve a model recommendation from DataRobot for your project.GetModelRecommendation
Retrieve time series properties for a potential multiseries datetime partition columnGetMultiSeriesProperties
Pareto Front data for a Eureqa modelGetParetoFront
Retrieve data on a prediction datasetGetPredictionDataset
Get prediction explanationsGetPredictionExplanations
Retrieve the prediction explanations initialization for a model.GetPredictionExplanationsInitialization
Retrieve the prediction explanations initialization for a model using jobIdGetPredictionExplanationsInitializationFromJobId
Retrieve metadata for specified prediction explanationsGetPredictionExplanationsMetadata
Retrieve the prediction explanations metadata for a model using jobIdGetPredictionExplanationsMetadataFromJobId
Retrieve all prediction explanations rowsGetPredictionExplanationsRows
Retrieve all prediction explanations rows and return them as a data frameGetPredictionExplanationsRowsAsDataFrame
Retrieve model predictionsGetPredictions
Request information about a predict jobGetPredictJob
Function to list all prediction jobs in a projectGetPredictJobs
Check if model can be approximated with DataRobot PrimeGetPrimeEligibility
Retrieve a specific Prime file from a DataRobot projectGetPrimeFile
Retrieve a specific Prime file from a DataRobot project for corresponding jobIdGetPrimeFileFromJobId
Retrieve information about specified DataRobot Prime model.GetPrimeModel
Retrieve information about specified DataRobot Prime model using corresponding jobId.GetPrimeModelFromJobId
Retrieve details about a specified DataRobot modeling projectGetProject
Request Autopilot status for a specified DataRobot projectGetProjectStatus
Retrieve a single rating table.GetRatingTable
Get a rating table from the rating table job metadata.GetRatingTableFromJobId
Retrieve information about specified model with a rating table.GetRatingTableModel
Retrieve a new or updated rating table model defined by a job ID.GetRatingTableModelFromJobId
Retrieve the model object that DataRobot recommends for your project.GetRecommendedModel
Retrieve residuals chart data for a model for a data partition (see DataPartition).GetResidualsChart
Retrieve ROC curve data for a model for a particular data partition (see DataPartition)GetRocCurve
List the rulesets approximating a model generated by DataRobot PrimeGetRulesets
Get the computed series accuracy for a model, computing it if not already computed.GetSeriesAccuracy
Get the series accuracy associated with a particular model.GetSeriesAccuracyForModel
Handle server side pagination.GetServerDataInRows
Retrieve the time series feature derivation log contentGetTimeSeriesFeatureDerivationLog
Simplify the training prediction rows into a tidy format dataframe.GetTrainingPredictionDataFrame
Retrieve training predictions on a specified data set.GetTrainingPredictions
Get training predictions for a particular model.GetTrainingPredictionsForModel
Retrieve the training predictions for a model using a job id.GetTrainingPredictionsFromJobId
Retrieve imported model info using import idGetTransferableModel
Retrieve data on tuning parameters for a particular model.GetTuningParameters
Retrieve the valid fitting metrics for a specified project and targetGetValidMetrics
Retrieve word cloud data for a model.GetWordCloud
Request anomaly assessment insight computation on the specified subset.InitializeAnomalyAssessment
Check whether individual models can be blended togetherIsBlenderEligible
Checks if an id is a valid DataRobot ID (24 character string)IsId
Check if a parameter is in a list of possibilities.IsParameterIn
Job statusesJobStatus
Job typeJobType
Retrieve anomaly assessment records.ListAnomalyAssessmentRecords
Retrieve the list of available blueprints for a projectListBlueprints
List all available calendars.ListCalendars
Retrieve information about all compliance doc templates.ListComplianceDocTemplates
Returns all available confusion charts for the model.ListConfusionCharts
Returns a dataframe with information on available data sources.ListDataSources
Returns a dataframe with information on available data stores.ListDataStores
List all current model deployments.ListDeployments
Returns a dataframe with information on available drivers.ListDrivers
Details about all features for this projectListFeatureInfo
Retrieve all featurelists associated with a projectListFeaturelists
Retrieve information about jobsListJobs
Retrieve lift chart data for a model for all available data partitions (see DataPartition)ListLiftCharts
Returns the list of features (i.e., variables) on which a specified model is basedListModelFeatures
Retrieve all modeling featurelists associated with a projectListModelingFeaturelists
Retrieve status of Autopilot modeling jobs that are not completeListModelJobs
Retrieve information about model recommendation made by DataRobot for your project.ListModelRecommendations
Retrieve all available model information for a DataRobot projectListModels
Retrieve all prediction datasets associated with a projectListPredictionDatasets
Retrieve metadata for prediction explanations in specified projectListPredictionExplanationsMetadata
Fetch all computed predictions for a project.ListPredictions
List all available prediction servers.ListPredictionServers
List all downloadable code files from DataRobot Prime for the projectListPrimeFiles
Retrieve information about all DataRobot Prime models for a DataRobot projectListPrimeModels
Retrieve a list of all DataRobot projectsListProjects
Retrieve information about all DataRobot models with a rating table.ListRatingTableModels
Retrieve information about all rating tables.ListRatingTables
Retrieve residuals chart data for a model for all available data partitions (see 'DataPartition'). This chart is only available for regression models that are not time-aware.ListResidualsCharts
Retrieve ROC curve data for a model for all available data partitions (see DataPartition)ListRocCurves
List information about which users have what kinds of access to a shared object.ListSharingAccess
List all the starred models in a project.ListStarredModels
Retrieve information about all training prediction datasets in a project.ListTrainingPredictions
Retrieve information about all imported models This function returns a data.frame that describes all imported modelsListTransferableModels
Make a HTTP requestMakeDataRobotRequest
Model capabilitiesModelCapability
Model replacement reasonModelReplacementReason
Accuracy metrics for multiclass deploymentsMulticlassDeploymentAccuracyMetric
Pause the DataRobot modeling queuePauseQueue
Periodicity max time stepPeriodicityMaxTimeStep
Periodicity time unitsPeriodicityTimeUnits
Plot method for DataRobot S3 objects of class listOfModelsplot.listOfModels
PostgreSQL driversPostgreSQLdrivers
Retrieve model predictionsPredict
Retrieve model predictions using R's default S3 'predict' method.predict.dataRobotModel
Retrieve prediction dataset info from the dataset creation URLPredictionDatasetFromAsyncUrl
Prime LanguagePrimeLanguage
Retrieve a project from the job response, which has a project-creation URLProjectFromJobResponse
Project stageProjectStage
Recommended model type valuesRecommendedModelType
replace NULL in $metrics list elements with NAReformatMetrics
Accuracy metrics for regression deploymentsRegressionDeploymentAccuracyMetric
Renames a rating table to a different name.RenameRatingTable
Reorder the columns in a data.framereorderColumns
Replace a model in a deployment with another model.ReplaceDeployedModel
Request an approximation of a model using DataRobot PrimeRequestApproximation
Submit a job for creating blender model. Upon success, the new job will be added to the end of the queue.RequestBlender
Format a cross series with group by columns.RequestCrossSeriesDetection
Request Feature Impact to be computed.RequestFeatureImpact
Train a new frozen datetime model with parameters from the specified modelRequestFrozenDatetimeModel
Train a new frozen model with parameters from specified modelRequestFrozenModel
Format a multiseries.RequestMultiSeriesDetection
Adds a new datetime model of the type specified by the blueprint to a DataRobot projectRequestNewDatetimeModel
Adds a new model of type specified by blueprint to a DataRobot projectRequestNewModel
Create a new model from a rating table.RequestNewRatingTableModel
Request prediction explanations computation for a specified model and dataset.RequestPredictionExplanations
Request prediction explanations initialization for specified modelRequestPredictionExplanationsInitialization
Request predictions from a model against a previously uploaded datasetRequestPredictions
Request training for a DataRobot Prime model using a specified rulesetRequestPrimeModel
Refits an existing model to a different fraction of the training datasetRequestSampleSizeUpdate
Compute the series accuracy for a model.RequestSeriesAccuracy
Request training predictions for a specific model.RequestTrainingPredictions
Request creation of a transferable modelRequestTransferableModel
RFC 3339 datetime formatRFC3339DateTimeFormat
Run an interactive model tuning session.RunInteractiveTuning
Compute the scores for all available backtests.ScoreBacktests
Segment analysis attributesSegmentAnalysisAttribute
Series aggregation typeSeriesAggregationType
Set a custom prediction threshold for binary classification models.SetPredictionThreshold
Set the target variable (and by default, start the DataRobot Autopilot)SetTarget
Function to set up a new DataRobot projectSetupProject
Create a project from a data source.SetupProjectFromDataSource
Function to set up a new DataRobot project using datasource on a WebHDFS server (deprecated)SetupProjectFromHDFS
Share a shareable object with a particular user.Share
Sharing roleSharingRole
Source typesSourceType
Star a model.StarModel
Starts autopilot on provided featurelist. Only one autopilot can be running at the time. That's why any ongoing autopilot on different featurelist will be halted - modeling jobs in queue would not be affected but new jobs would not be added to queue by halted autopilot.StartNewAutoPilot
Start a project, set the target, and run autopilot.StartProject
Creates a waiter function that can be used in a loop while trying some task many times. The waiter sleeps while waiting to try again, with sleep times determined by exponential back-off.StartRetryWaiter
Create a function to initiate hyperparameter tuning for a particular model.StartTuningSession
Convert a function into a single string for DataRobotStringify
Submit actuals for processing.SubmitActuals
DataRobot S3 object methods for R's generic summary functionsummary.dataRobotModel summary.dataRobotProject summary.listOfBlueprints summary.listOfFeaturelists summary.listOfModels summary.projectSummaryList
Summarize the list of tuning parameters available for a model.summary.listOfDataRobotTuningParameters
Target leakage report valuesTargetLeakageType
Target Type modesTargetType
Test the database connection to the data store.TestDataStore
Tidies a ServiceOverTime response object for use in a DFtidyServiceOverTimeObject
Time unitsTimeUnits
Star a model if it is unstarred, otherwise unstar the model.ToggleStarForModel
The DataRobot Monitoring APIs return dates formatted as RFC 3339 strings. This is the same as ISO 8601. Specifically, 'T' is the date/time separator and 'Z' is used to denote UTC. Fractional seconds are returned. e.g. 2020-01-01T05:00:00.000000ZtransformRFC3339Period
Treat as exponentialTreatAsExponential
Checks to see if we are trying to submit `NULL` as a value.TryingToSubmitNull
Re-start the DataRobot modeling queueUnpauseQueue
Unstar a model.UnstarModel
Update access to a particular object.UpdateAccess
Update a calendarUpdateCalendar
Update the name or sections of an existing doc template.UpdateComplianceDocTemplate
Update a data store.UpdateDataSource
Update a data store.UpdateDataStore
Update drift tracking settings for a deployment.UpdateDeploymentDriftTrackingSettings
Update a featurelistUpdateFeaturelist
Update a modeling featurelistUpdateModelingFeaturelist
Update parameters for an existing projectUpdateProject
Update the display name or note for an imported model.UpdateTransferableModel
Upload a compliance doc template.UploadComplianceDocTemplate
Upload a data source.UploadData
Function to upload new data to a DataRobot project for predictionsUploadPredictionDataset
Upload a prediction dataset from a data source.UploadPredictionDatasetFromDataSource
Import a previously exported model for predictions.UploadTransferableModel
Validate that the actuals are a dataframe and contain required columns.ValidateActuals
Get a calendar id from a calendar object.ValidateCalendar
Validate that model belongs to class 'dataRobotModel' and includes projectId and modelId.ValidateModel
Validate that the multiseries properties indicate a successful multiseries setup.ValidateMultiSeriesProperties
Ensure a parameter is validValidateParameterIn
Checks if a partition is valid.ValidatePartition
Get a projectId from a project object.ValidateProject
Validate a potential deployment model replacement.ValidateReplaceDeployedModel
Helper function for validating reporting period objects used by the deployment monitoring functions. See 'GetDeploymentServiceStats', 'GetDeploymentAccuracy', 'GetDeploymentServiceStatsOverTime', and 'GetDeploymentAccuracyOverTime'.validateReportingPeriodTime
Types of variable transformationsVariableTransformTypes
Retrieve a DataRobot web page that displays detailed model informationViewWebModel
Retrieve a DataRobot web page that displays detailed project informationViewWebProject
This function periodically checks whether Autopilot is finished and returns only after it is.WaitForAutopilot
Wait for specified job to completeWaitForJobToComplete