Package: cta 1.3.0

Qiansheng Zhu

cta: Contingency Table Analysis Based on ML Fitting of MPH Models

Contingency table analysis is performed based on maximum likelihood (ML) fitting of multinomial-Poisson homogeneous (MPH) and homogeneous linear predictor (HLP) models. See Lang (2004) <doi:10.1214/aos/1079120140> and Lang (2005) <doi:10.1198/016214504000001042> for MPH and HLP models. Objects computed include model goodness-of-fit statistics; likelihood- based (cell- and link-specific) residuals; and cell probability and expected count estimates along with standard errors. This package can also compute test-inversion--e.g. Wald, profile likelihood, score, power-divergence--confidence intervals for contingency table estimands, when table probabilities are potentially subject to equality constraints. For test-inversion intervals, see Lang (2008) <doi:10.1002/sim.3391> and Zhu (2020) <doi:10.17077/etd.005331>.

Authors:Joseph B. Lang [aut], Qiansheng Zhu [aut, cre]

cta.pdf |cta.html
cta/json (API)

# Install 'cta' in R:
install.packages('cta', repos = c('', ''))



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Last updated 4 years agofrom:7970b1ced0. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 21 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 21 2025


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Help pageTopics
cta: Contingency Table Analysis Based on ML Fitting of MPH Modelscta-package
Matrix Direct Sumblock.fct
HLP Link Status Checkcheck.HLP
Z Homogeneity Checkcheck.homog
Zero-Order Z Homogeneity
Test-Inversion CIs for Estimands in Contingency Tablesci.table
Constrained MLE and ASEcompute_cons_MLE_ase
Orthogonal Complement of the Column Space of a Matrixcreate.U
Population Matrix and Sampling Constraint Matrixcreate.Z.ZF
Difference in G-Squared Statistic Based CIs (Non-Robust)diff_Gsq_nr
Difference in G-Squared Statistic Based CIs (Robust)diff_Gsq_robust
Difference in Power-Divergence Statistic Based CIs (Non-Robust)diff_PD_nr
Difference in Power-Divergence Statistic Based CIs (Robust)diff_PD_robust
Difference in X-Squared Statistic Based CIs (Non-Robust)diff_Xsq_nr
Difference in X-Squared Statistic Based CIs (Robust)diff_Xsq_robust
Model Comparison Statisticsf.psi
Marginalizing Matrix Based on Strata InformationM.fct
Fitting MPH and HLP
Summary Statistics of the Fitted MPH Modelmph.summary
Nested G-Squared Statistic Based CIs (Non-Robust)nested_Gsq_nr
Nested G-Squared Statistic Based CIs (Robust)nested_Gsq_robust
Nested Power-Divergence Statistic Based CIs (Non-Robust)nested_PD_nr
Nested Power-Divergence Statistic Based CIs (Robust)nested_PD_robust
Nested X-Squared Statistic Based CIs (Non-Robust)nested_Xsq_nr
Nested X-Squared Statistic Based CIs (Robust)nested_Xsq_robust
Numerical Derivatives Based on Central Difference Formulanum.deriv.fct
Solve for Real Root(s) to the Quadratic Equationsolve_quadratic
Wald-Type CIs (Non-Robust)Wald_trans.Wald_nr
Wald-Type CIs (Robust)Wald_trans.Wald_robust