Package: cpr 0.4.0

Peter DeWitt

cpr: Control Polygon Reduction

Implementation of the Control Polygon Reduction and Control Net Reduction methods for finding parsimonious B-spline regression models.

Authors:Peter DeWitt [aut, cre], Samantha MaWhinney [ths], Nichole Carlson [ths]

cpr.pdf |cpr.html
cpr/json (API)

# Install 'cpr' in R:
install.packages('cpr', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • spdg - Simulated Pregnanediol glucuronide (PDG) Data
  • us_covid_cases - United States Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Cases




3.78 score 1 packages 240 downloads 2 mentions 29 exports 63 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:3e8f515056. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 12 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKMar 12 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64OKMar 12 2025



Control Polygon Reduction

Rendered fromcpr.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 12 2025.

Last update: 2024-02-16
Started: 2024-02-16

Tensor Products of B-Splines, Control Nets, and Control Net Reduction

Rendered fromcnr.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 12 2025.

Last update: 2024-02-16
Started: 2024-02-16

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
B-spline DerivativesbsplineD
Build Tensorbuild_tensor
Control Netscn cn.cpr_bt cn.formula
Control Net Reductioncnr
Extract Regression Coefficients for B-Splines and Tensor Products of B-splinescoef_vcov
Control Polygonscp cp.cpr_bs cp.formula
Vertical Difference between two Control Polygonscp_diff
Control Polygon Valuecp_value
Control Polygon Reductioncpr
Defunct Functionscoarsen_ordinate cpr-defunct hat_ordinate influence_of influence_weights insertion_matrix refine_ordinate wiegh_iknots
Generate Control Polygon Formula and Datagenerate_cp_formula_data
Get the Control Polygon and the Spline Functionget_spline
Get Surfaceget_surface
Internal Knots or Degrees of Freedomiknots_or_df
Determine the influence of the internal knots of a control polygoninfluence_of_iknots influence_of_iknots.cpr_cn
Insert a Knot into a Control Polygoninsert_a_knot
Knot Expressionsknot_expr
Determine the (quasi) Log Likelihood for a regression object.loglikelihood
Rank of a Matrixmatrix_rank
New Knots for CPs and CNs in CPR and CNRnewknots
Distribution of Order Statisticsd_order_statistic order_statistics p_order_statistic
Plot B-spline Basisplot.cpr_bs
Plotting Control Netsplot.cpr_cn
Control Net Reduction Plotsplot.cpr_cnr
Plotting Control Polygonsplot.cpr_cp
Control Polygon Reduction Plotsplot.cpr_cpr
Plotting Summaries of Control Polygon Reductionsplot.cpr_summary_cpr_cpr
Model Predictionpredict.cpr_cp
Print bsplinesprint.cpr_bs
Sign Changessign_changes
Simulated Pregnanediol glucuronide (PDG) Dataspdg
Summary of Control Netsummary.cpr_cn
Summarize Control Net Reduction Objectssummary.cpr_cnr
Summarize a Control Polygon Objectsummary.cpr_cp
Summarize a Control Polygon Reduction Objectsummary.cpr_cpr
Trimmed Quantilestrimmed_quantile
Update bsplines or btensor callsupdate_bsplines update_btensor
United States Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Casesus_covid_cases
Wiggliness of a Spline functionwiggle