Package: cold 2.0-3

M. Helena Goncalves
cold: Count Longitudinal Data
Performs regression analysis for longitudinal count data, allowing for serial dependence among observations from a given individual and two dimensional random effects on the linear predictor. Estimation is via maximization of the exact likelihood of a suitably defined model. Missing values and unbalanced data are allowed. Details can be found in the accompanying scientific papers: Goncalves & Cabral (2021, Journal of Statistical Software, <doi:10.18637/jss.v099.i03>) and Goncalves et al. (2007, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2007.03.002>).
cold.pdf |cold.html✨
cold/json (API)
# Install 'cold' in R: |
install.packages('cold', repos = c('', '')) |
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Last updated 4 years agofrom:16be37d906. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 09 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | OK | Feb 09 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Count Longitudinal Data | cold-package |
Methods for function 'anova' | anova,cold-method anova-methods |
Bolus data | bolus |
Extract summary statistics | coeftest |
Methods for function 'coeftest' | coeftest,cold-method coeftest-methods |
Fit of parametric models via likelihood method | cold |
Class 'cold' of a maximum likelihood estimation | cold-class |
Internal functions | gintp gintp0 gradlogL.pss0 gradLogL.pss0I gradLogL.pss0Ic gradLogL.pss0Ic2 gradLogL.pss0MC gradLogL.pss0MC2 gradLogL.pss1 gradLogL.pss1I gradLogL.pss1Ic gradLogL.pss1Ic2 gradLogL.pssMC gradLogL.pssMC2 intp intp0 logL.pss0 LogL.pss0I LogL.pss0I.aux LogL.pss0Ic LogL.pss0Ic2 LogL.pss0Ic2.aux LogL.pss0MC LogL.pss0MC2 LogL.pss1 LogL.pss1I LogL.pss1I.aux LogL.pss1Ic LogL.pss1Ic2 LogL.pss1Ic2.aux LogL.pssMC1 LogL.pssMC2 num.infoI num.infoIc num.infoMC pssgrd pssgrd0 psslik psslik0 |
Auxiliary for controlling "cold" fitting | coldControl |
Auxiliary for controlling "cold" fitting | coldcublim |
Auxiliary for controlling "cold" fitting | coldIntegrate |
Data | datacold |
Data with missing values | datacoldM |
Methods for function 'fitted' | fitted,cold-method fitted-methods |
Extract fixed effects estimates | fixeff |
Methods for function 'fixeff' | fixeff,cold-method fixeff-methods |
Extract the Akaike Information Criterion | getAIC |
Methods for function 'getAIC' | getAIC,cold-method getAIC-methods |
Extract the coefficient estimates | getcoef |
Methods for function 'getcoef' | getcoef,cold-method getcoef-methods |
Extract Log-Likelihood | getLogLik |
Methods for function 'getLogLik' | getLogLik,cold-method getLogLik-methods |
Extract variance-covariance matrix | getvcov |
Methods for function 'getvcov' | getvcov,cold-method getvcov-methods |
Extract the fixed effects model matrix | model.mat |
Methods for function 'model.mat' | model.mat,cold-method model.mat-methods |
Methods for function 'plot' | plot,cold,missing-method plot-methods |
Extract conditional random effects | randeff |
Methods for function 'randeff' | randeff,cold-method randeff-methods |
Methods for function 'residd' | resid,cold-method resid-methods |
Epileptic Seizure | seizure |
Methods for function 'show' | show,cold-method show,summary.cold-method show-methods |
Methods for function 'summary' | summary,cold-method summary-methods |
Class 'summary.cold', summary of 'cold' objects | summary.cold-class |
Extract variance of random effects | vareff |
Methods for function 'vareff' | vareff,cold-method vareff-methods |