Package: catSurv 1.5.0
catSurv: Computerized Adaptive Testing for Survey Research
Provides methods of computerized adaptive testing for survey researchers. See Montgomery and Rossiter (2020) <doi:10.1093/jssam/smz027>. Includes functionality for data fit with the classic item response methods including the latent trait model, Birnbaum`s three parameter model, the graded response, and the generalized partial credit model. Additionally, includes several ability parameter estimation and item selection routines. During item selection, all calculations are done in compiled C++ code.
catSurv.pdf |catSurv.html✨
catSurv/json (API)
# Install 'catSurv' in R: |
install.packages('catSurv', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
- agree_cat - Agreeableness Cat Object
- consc_cat - Conscientiousness Cat Object
- empathy_cat - Empathizing Quotient Cat Object
- ex_qualtrics_results - Example Qualtrics Data for Adaptive Inventory
- ex_qualtrics_results_multiple - Example Qualtrics Data for Multiple Adaptive Inventories
- extra_cat - Extraversion Cat Object
- gpcm_cat - Gpcm Cat Object
- grm_cat - Grm Cat Object
- ltm_cat - Ltm Cat Object
- mach_cat - Machiavellianism Personality Cat Object
- neuro_cat - Neuroticism Cat Object
- nfa_cat - Need for Affect Cat Object
- nfc - Need For Cognition
- nfc_cat - Need for Cognition Cat Object
- npi - Narcissistic Personality Inventory
- npi_battery - Narcissistic personality inventory question items
- npi_cat - Narcissistic Personality Cat Object
- nte - Need to Evaluate
- nte_cat - Need to Evaluate Cat Object
- open_cat - Openness to Experience Cat Object
- polknowMT - MTurk Political Knowledge
- polknowOrdered - TAPS Political Knowledge
- polknowTAPS - TAPS Political Knowledge
- rwa_cat - Right Wing Authoritarianism Cat Object
- sdo_cat - Social Dominance Orientation Cat Object
- sv_conservation_cat - Conservation (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
- sv_open_cat - Openness to Change (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
- sv_selfenhance_cat - Self-Enhancement (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
- sv_selftransc_cat - Self-Transcendence (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
- systemizing_cat - Systemizing Quotient Cat Object
- tpm_cat - Tpm Cat Object
Last updated 2 years agofrom:e2de86a5ed. Checks:1 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: no.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 10 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | NOTE | Mar 10 2025 |
R-4.4-linux-x86_64 | NOTE | Mar 10 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Agreeableness Cat Object | agree_cat |
Computerized Adaptive Testing Survey (catSurv) Object | Cat-class initialize,Cat-method |
Check if Stop and/or Override Rules are Met | checkStopRules |
Conscientiousness Cat Object | consc_cat |
The First Derivative of the Log-Likelihood | d1LL |
The Second Derivative of the Log-Likelihood | d2LL |
Empathizing Quotient Cat Object | empathy_cat |
Standard Error of Ability Parameter Estimate | estimateSE |
Estimate of the Respondent's Ability Parameter | estimateTheta |
Estimates of Ability Parameters for a Dataset of Response Profiles | estimateThetas estimateThetas,Cat-method |
Example Qualtrics Data for Adaptive Inventory | ex_qualtrics_results |
Example Qualtrics Data for Multiple Adaptive Inventories | ex_qualtrics_results_multiple |
Expected Kullback-Leibler Information | expectedKL |
Expected Observed Information | expectedObsInf |
Expected Posterior Variance | expectedPV |
Extraversion Cat Object | extra_cat |
Fisher's Information | fisherInf |
Fisher's Test Information | fisherTestInfo |
Convert JSON object to Cat object | fromJSONCat fromJSONCat,character-method fromJSONCat,json-method |
Methods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots | getAnswers getAnswers,Cat-method getDifficulty getDifficulty,Cat-method getDiscrimination getDiscrimination,Cat-method getEstimation getEstimation,Cat-method getEstimationDefault getEstimationDefault,Cat-method getGainOverride getGainOverride,Cat-method getGainThreshold getGainThreshold,Cat-method getGuessing getGuessing,Cat-method getIds getIds,Cat-method getInfoThreshold getInfoThreshold,Cat-method getLengthOverride getLengthOverride,Cat-method getLengthThreshold getLengthThreshold,Cat-method getLowerBound getLowerBound,Cat-method getModel getModel,Cat-method getPriorName getPriorName,Cat-method getPriorParams getPriorParams,Cat-method getSelection getSelection,Cat-method getSeThreshold getSeThreshold,Cat-method getters getUpperBound getUpperBound,Cat-method getZ getZ,Cat-method |
gpcm Cat Object | gpcm_cat |
Computerized Adaptive Testing Generalized Partial Credit Model | gpcm gpcmCat gpcmCat,data.frame-method gpcmCat,gpcm-method |
grm Cat Object | grm_cat |
Computerized Adaptive Testing Graded Response Model | grm grmCat grmCat,data.frame-method grmCat,grm-method |
Likelihood of the Specified Response Set | likelihood |
Expected Kullback-Leibler Information, Weighted by Likelihood | likelihoodKL |
Look Ahead to Select Next Item | lookAhead |
ltm Cat Object | ltm_cat |
Computerized Adaptive Testing Latent Trait Model | ltm ltmCat ltmCat,data.frame-method ltmCat,ltm-method |
Machiavellianism Personality Cat Object | mach_cat |
Make Tree of Possible Question Combinations | makeTree |
Neuroticism Cat Object | neuro_cat |
Need for Affect Cat Object | nfa_cat |
Need For Cognition | nfc |
Need for Cognition Cat Object | nfc_cat |
Narcissistic Personality Inventory | npi |
Narcissistic personality inventory question items | npi_battery |
Narcissistic Personality Cat Object | npi_cat |
Need to Evaluate | nte |
Need to Evaluate Cat Object | nte_cat |
Observed Information | obsInf |
Openness to Experience Cat Object | open_cat |
Find Answer Profile that Minimizes Bias | oracle oracle,Cat-method |
Plotting function for Cat object | plot,Cat plot,Cat-method plot.Cat |
MTurk Political Knowledge | polknowMT |
TAPS Political Knowledge (Ordered Response Options) | polknowOrdered |
TAPS Political Knowledge | polknowTAPS |
Expected Kullback-Leibler Information, Weighted by the Prior | posteriorKL |
Evaluate the Prior Density Distribution at Position theta | prior |
Probability of Responses to a Question Item or the Left-Cumulative Probability of Responses | probability |
Qualtrics AJAX Handler | processAJAX processAJAX,character-method |
Clean adaptive inventory responses from Qualtrics | readQualtrics readQualtrics,character-method |
Right Wing Authoritarianism Cat Object | rwa_cat |
Social Dominance Orientation Cat Object | sdo_cat |
Select Next Item | selectItem |
Methods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots | setAnswers<- setAnswers<-,Cat-method setDifficulty<- setDifficulty<-,Cat-method setDiscrimination<- setDiscrimination<-,Cat-method setEstimation<- setEstimation<-,Cat-method setEstimationDefault<- setEstimationDefault<-,Cat-method setGainOverride<- setGainOverride<-,Cat-method setGainThreshold<- setGainThreshold<-,Cat-method setGuessing<- setGuessing<-,Cat-method setIds<- setIds<-,Cat-method setInfoThreshold<- setInfoThreshold<-,Cat-method setLengthOverride<- setLengthOverride<-,Cat-method setLengthThreshold<- setLengthThreshold<-,Cat-method setLowerBound<- setLowerBound<-,Cat-method setModel<- setModel<-,Cat-method setPriorName<- setPriorName<-,Cat-method setPriorParams<- setPriorParams<-,Cat-method setSelection<- setSelection<-,Cat-method setSeThreshold<- setSeThreshold<-,Cat-method setters setUpperBound<- setUpperBound<-,Cat-method setZ<- setZ<-,Cat-method |
Calculates Fisher Information under different adaptive battery specifications | simulateFisherInfo |
Simulate answer profiles given some true value of theta | simulateRespondents simulateRespondents,Cat-method |
Estimates theta under different adaptive battery specifications | simulateThetas |
Update Answer to Single Item | storeAnswer storeAnswer,Cat-method storeAnswer,character-method |
Conservation (Schwartz Values) Cat Object | sv_conservation_cat |
Openness to Change (Schwartz Values) Cat Object | sv_open_cat |
Self-Enhancement (Schwartz Values) Cat Object | sv_selfenhance_cat |
Self-Transcendence (Schwartz Values) Cat Object | sv_selftransc_cat |
Systemizing Quotient Cat Object | systemizing_cat |
Convert Cat object to JSON | toJSONCat toJSONCat,Cat-method |
tpm Cat Object | tpm_cat |
Computerized Adaptive Testing Birnbaum's Three Parameter Model | tpm tpmCat tpmCat,data.frame-method tpmCat,tpm-method |