Package: anoint 1.5

Ravi Varadhan

anoint: Analysis of Interactions

The tools in this package are intended to help researchers assess multiple treatment-covariate interactions with data from a parallel-group randomized controlled clinical trial. The methods implemented in the package were proposed in Kovalchik, Varadhan and Weiss (2013) <doi:10.1002/sim.5881>.

Authors:Ravi Varadhan [aut, cre], Stephanie Kovalchik [aut], Leon Wang [ctb]

anoint.pdf |anoint.html
anoint/json (API)

# Install 'anoint' in R:
install.packages('anoint', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • simsolvd - Simulated SOLVD-Trial data set

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.15 score 14 scripts 233 downloads 19 exports 11 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:60f0900f26. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 08 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 08 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Analysis of interactions for generalized linear models (GLM) or Cox proportional hazards regression models.anoint-package
Create analysis of interactions objectanoint anoint-class
Fits and global tests of analysis of interaction
Create a 'formula.anoint' objectanoint.formula
Perform one-by-one subgroup analysesanoint.subgroups
Get coefs from 'pim' object.coef coef,pim-method
Compute confindence intervals of 'pim' model terms.confint confint,pim-method
Generate a clinical trial data set under a specified multiple interaction modeldata.anoint
Extract fits from '' objectfits fits,
Construct a forestplot from a 'anoint' objectforest
Subsets forest plot for proportional interactions modelsforest.subsets
Class "formula.anoint"formula.anoint-class
Perform one-by-one (OBO) estimates of treatment-covariate interactionobo
Fit proportional interaction modelpim
Class "pim"pim-class
Fit proportional interactions
Perform all subsets proportional interactions modelingpim.subsets
Prognostic response plot (PR-plot) for 'anoint' class.plot plot,anoint-method
Get risk predictions for 'pim' object.predict predict,pim-method
Print coefficients of 'pim'print print,pim-method
Prognostic scores for 'pim' object.prognostic.score prognostic.score,pim-method
Show coefficients of 'pim'show show,pim-method
Show table of LRT global test results for '' objectshow,
Show 'anoint' objectshow,anoint-method
Show 'formula.anoint' objectshow,formula.anoint-method
Simulated SOLVD-Trial data setsimsolvd
Summary of 'anoint' model fit.summary summary,anoint-method
Perform unrestricted multiple treatment-covariate interaction regressionuim
Get variance-covariance from 'pim' object.vcov vcov,pim-method