Package: aiRthermo 1.2.1

Santos J. González-Rojí

aiRthermo: Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Visualization

Deals with many computations related to the thermodynamics of atmospheric processes. It includes many functions designed to consider the density of air with varying degrees of water vapour in it, saturation pressures and mixing ratios, conversion of moisture indices, computation of atmospheric states of parcels subject to dry or pseudoadiabatic vertical evolutions and atmospheric instability indices that are routinely used for operational weather forecasts or meteorological diagnostics.

Authors:Jon Sáenz, Santos J. González-Rojí, Sheila Carreno-Madinabeitia and Gabriel Ibarra-Berastegi

aiRthermo.pdf |aiRthermo.html
aiRthermo/json (API)

# Install 'aiRthermo' in R:
install.packages('aiRthermo', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.48 score 1 packages 343 downloads 1 mentions 41 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 6 years agofrom:3e8289b806. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKMar 01 2025



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Help pageTopics
Atmospheric Thermodynamics and VisualizationaiRthermo-package aiRthermo
Properties of an air parcel after adiabatic ascentadiabatic_ascent
Thermodynamical ConstanstsaiRthermoConstants
Adiabatic Downwards EvolutionAnyAdiabaticDown
Find the Temperature at the Lifting Condensation Level (LCL)boltonTLCL
Brunt-Vaisalla (angular) frequency (squared)bruntVaisallaOmegaSquared
From Celsius to Kelvin degreesC2K
Calculation of CAPE and CINCAPE_CIN
Density of Dry AirdensityDry
Density of water vapourdensityH2Ov
Density of Moist AirdensityMoistAir
Relative Humidity from the dew point depressiondewpointdepression2rh
Compute Mixing Ratio from partial pressure of water vapoure2w
Equivalent Potential TemperatureequivalentPotentialTemperature
Export the constantsexport_constants
Export the lines for the thermodynamic diagramexport_lines
Calculation of the Lifted Condensation Level (LCL)find_lcl
Data for plotting the lines of the thermodynamic (STUVE) diagramfixedlines
Saturated Adiabat Gammagamma_saturated
From Kelvin to Celsius degreesK2C
K Instability IndexKindex
Latent heat of vaporization or sublimation of waterlatent_heat_H2O
Lifted indexLIindex
Moist Adiabatic Lapse RatemoistAdiabaticLapseRate
Moist CpmoistCp
Moist cv valuemoistCv
State of a parcelparcelState
Potential Temperature from pressure and temperaturePT2Theta
Temperature from pressure and potential temperaturePTheta2T
Vertically integrated water vapour columnPW
Partial Vapour Pressureq2e
Water vapour mixing Ratio to specific humidityq2w
Radiosonde ARadiosondeA
Radiosonde DRadiosondeD
Radiosonde DavenportRadiosondeDavenport
Specific Humidity from relative humidityrh2shum
Mixing Ratio from relative humidityrh2w
Saturation Mixing Ratiosaturation_mixing_ratio
Saturation Pressuresaturation_pressure_H2O
Showalter Instability IndexSindex
Thermodynamic (STUVE) Diagramstuve_diagram
Relative Humidity from temperature, pressure and dew point temperatureTTdP2rh
Pressure from temperature and potential temperatureTTheta2P
Total-Totals Instability IndexTTindex
Virtual Temperaturevirtual_temperature
Specific Humidity from mixing ratiow2q
Dew point temperature from mixing ratiow2Td