Title: | Various Methods for Measuring Agreement |
Description: | Bland-Altman plot and scatter plot with identity line for visualization and point and interval estimates for different metrics related to reproducibility/repeatability/agreement including the concordance correlation coefficient, intraclass correlation coefficient, within-subject coefficient of variation, smallest detectable difference, and mean normalized smallest detectable difference. |
Authors: | Dai Feng |
Maintainer: | Dai Feng <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL |
Version: | 0.5-3 |
Built: | 2025-03-06 07:04:24 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Obtain confidence interval and point estimate of the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) proposed in Lin (1989).
agree.ccc(ratings, conf.level=0.95, method=c("jackknifeZ", "jackknife", "bootstrap","bootstrapBC", "mvn.jeffreys", "mvn.conjugate", "mvt", "lognormalNormal", "mvsn", "mvst"), nboot=999, nmcmc=10000, mvt.para=list(prior=list(lower.v=4, upper.v=25, Mu0=rep(0, ncol(ratings)), Sigma0=diag(10000, ncol(ratings)), p=ncol(ratings), V=diag(1, ncol(ratings))), initial=list(v=NULL, Sigma=NULL)), NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
agree.ccc(ratings, conf.level=0.95, method=c("jackknifeZ", "jackknife", "bootstrap","bootstrapBC", "mvn.jeffreys", "mvn.conjugate", "mvt", "lognormalNormal", "mvsn", "mvst"), nboot=999, nmcmc=10000, mvt.para=list(prior=list(lower.v=4, upper.v=25, Mu0=rep(0, ncol(ratings)), Sigma0=diag(10000, ncol(ratings)), p=ncol(ratings), V=diag(1, ncol(ratings))), initial=list(v=NULL, Sigma=NULL)), NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
ratings |
a matrix of observations with one subject per row and one rater per column. |
conf.level |
confidence level of the interval. The default is 0.95. |
method |
a character string specifying the method used to obtain the estimate of the CCC. It must be one of "jackknifeZ", "jackknife", "bootstrap", "bootstrapBC", "mvn.jeffreys", "mvn.conjugate","mvt", "lognormalNormal", "mvsn", and "mvst". It can be abbreviated. The default is "jackknifeZ". |
nboot |
number of bootstrap replicates. The default value is 999. |
nmcmc |
number of iterations used in the Bayesian approach. The default value is 10000. |
mvt.para |
values of hyper-parameters and initial values of
parameters for multivariate t (MVT) distribution.
NAaction |
a character string specifying what should happen
when the data contain |
To obtain point estimate and confidence interval, the methods available include the jackknife method with and without Z-transformation, the bootstrap, and the Bayesian approach for the multivariate normal, multivariate t, lognormal-normal, multivariate skew normal, and multivariate skew t distributions.
Point estimate and lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval of the CCC.
Dai Feng, Richard Baumgartner and Vladimir Svetnik (2016) Estimating the concordance correlation coefficient using a unified Bayesian framework under review
Dai Feng, Richard Baumgartner and Vladimir Svetnik (2015) A Bayesian estimate of the concordance correlation coefficient with skewed data. Pharmaceutical Statistics, DOI: 10.1002/pst.1692
Dai Feng, Richard Baumgartner and Vladimir Svetnik (2015) A robust Bayesian estimate of the concordance correlation coefficient. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 25(3) 490-507, DOI: 10.1080/10543406.2014.920342
Dai Feng, Vladimir Svetnik, Alexandre Coimbra and Richard Baumgartner (2014) A comparison of confidence interval methods for the concordance correlation coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient with small number of raters. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 24(2) 272-293, DOI: 10.1080/10543406.2013.863780.
Dai Feng, Richard Baumgartner and Vladimir Svetnik (2014) A short note on jackknifing the concordance correlation coefficient. Statistics in Medicine 33(3) 514-516, DOI: 10.1002/sim.5931
Lawrence I-Kuei Lin (1989) A concordance correlation coefficient to evaluate reproducibility. Biometrics 45 255-268
data(judgeRatings) agree.ccc(judgeRatings[,2:3])
data(judgeRatings) agree.ccc(judgeRatings[,2:3])
Obtain confidence interval and point estimate of the intraclass correlation coefficient for one-way random anova model (ICC1).
agree.icc1(ratings, conf.level=0.95, method=c("sf"), NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
agree.icc1(ratings, conf.level=0.95, method=c("sf"), NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
ratings |
a matrix of observations with one subject per row and one rater per column. |
conf.level |
confidence level of the interval. The default is 0.95. |
method |
a character string specifying the method used to obtain confidence interval of the ICC1. Now only the "sf" method is supported. |
NAaction |
a character string specifying what should happen
when the data contain |
The point estimate and confidence interval are based on a one-way random anova model as proposed in Shrout and Fleiss (1979).
Point estimate of the ICC1 and lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval.
Patrick E Shrout and Joseph L Fleiss (1979). Intraclass correlations: uses in assessing rater reliability. Psychological Bulletin 86 420-428
data(lesionBurden) agree.icc1(lesionBurden.M)
data(lesionBurden) agree.icc1(lesionBurden.M)
Draw Bland-Altman plot(s) and scatter plot(s) with identity line.
agree.plot(ratings, NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
agree.plot(ratings, NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
ratings |
a matrix of ratings from different raters, one rater per column. |
NAaction |
a character string specifying what should happen
when the data contain |
The function produces a matrix of plots. The upper panel consists of scatter plot(s) with identity line. The lower panel consists of the Bland-Altman plot(s) with confidence bounds and bias using dotted line in red color and the horizontal line passing through the origin in black, respectively.
The confidence bounds are mean of the difference between two raters plus or minus twice of the SD of difference.
J. Martin Bland and Douglas G. Altman (1986) Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. Lancet 1 307-310
data(judgeRatings) agree.plot(judgeRatings)
data(judgeRatings) agree.plot(judgeRatings)
Obtain confidence interval and point estimate of the smallest detectable difference (SDD).
agree.sdd(ratings, conf.level=0.95, NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
agree.sdd(ratings, conf.level=0.95, NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
ratings |
a matrix of observations with one subject per row and one rater per column. |
conf.level |
confidence level of the interval. The default is 0.95. |
NAaction |
a character string specifying what should happen
when the data contain |
The calculation is based on one-way random-effects ANOVA and the details can be found in Baumgartner et al. (2015).
Point estimate of the SDD and lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval.
Richard Baumgartner, Dai Feng and Aniket Joshi (2015) Determination of smallest detectable difference for PET tracers using test-retest data: application in receptor occupancy studies (under review)
data(petVT) agree.sdd(petVT$cerebellum)
data(petVT) agree.sdd(petVT$cerebellum)
Obtain confidence interval and point estimate of the mean normalized smallest detectable difference (SDDm).
agree.sddm(ratings, conf.level=0.95, method=c("vst", "delta"), NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
agree.sddm(ratings, conf.level=0.95, method=c("vst", "delta"), NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
ratings |
a matrix of observations with one subject per row and one rater per column. |
conf.level |
confidence level of the interval. The default is 0.95. |
method |
a character string specifying the method used to obtain confidence interval of the WSCV, based on what the SDDm is calculated. It must be one of "vst" and "delta" and may be abbreviated. The default is "vst". |
NAaction |
a character string specifying what should happen
when the data contain |
The calculation is based on the relationship with the WSCV and the details can be found in Baumgartner et al. (2015).
Point estimate of the SDDm and lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval.
Richard Baumgartner, Dai Feng and Aniket Joshi (2015) Determination of smallest detectable difference for PET tracers using test-retest data: application in receptor occupancy studies (under review)
data(petVT) agree.sddm(petVT$cerebellum)
data(petVT) agree.sddm(petVT$cerebellum)
Obtain confidence interval and point estimate of the within-subject coefficient of variation (WSCV).
agree.wscv(ratings, conf.level=0.95, method=c("vst", "delta"), NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
agree.wscv(ratings, conf.level=0.95, method=c("vst", "delta"), NAaction=c("fail", "omit"))
ratings |
a matrix of observations with one subject per row and one rater per column. |
conf.level |
confidence level of the interval. The default is 0.95. |
method |
a character string specifying the method used to obtain confidence interval of the WSCV. It must be one of "vst" and "delta" and may be abbreviated. The default is "vst". |
NAaction |
a character string specifying what should happen
when the data contain |
The point estimate is based on what proposed in Quan and Shih (1996). To obtain confidence interval, the methods available include the delta method proposed in Quan and Shih (1996) and the variance stabilizing transformation in Shoukri et al. (2006).
Point estimate of the WSCV and lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval.
Hui Quan and Weichung J. Shih (1996) Assessing reproducibility by the within-subject coefficient of variation with random effects models. Biometrics 52 1195-1203
Mohamed M Shoukri, Nasser Elkum and Stephen D Walter (2006) Interval estimation and optimal design for the within-subject coefficient of variation for continuous and binary variables. BMC Medical Research Methodology 6 24
data(lesionBurden) agree.wscv(lesionBurden.M)
data(lesionBurden) agree.wscv(lesionBurden.M)
The ratings of judges on a specific characteristic.
A matrix presenting the ratings of four judges on six people.
B. J. Winer (1971) Statistical principles in experimental design, (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill, New York
The total lesion volumes measured manually and by an automated technique known as Geometrically Constrained Region Growth.
lesionBurden.M is a matrix presenting the manually measured volumes on three patients each with ten replicates.
lesionBurden.G is a matrix presenting the automatically measured volumes on three patients each with ten replicates.
Mohamed M Shoukri, Nasser Elkum and Stephen D Walter (2006) Interval estimation and optimal design for the within-subject coefficient of variation for continuous and binary variables. BMC Medical Research Methodology 6 24
Test/retest data for total volume of distribution (VT) from three published PET studies.
A list presenting the VT from three studies. The first component is the data from Table 6 of Ogden et al. (2007). The second component is the data from Table 3 of Hostetler et al. (2013). The third component is the data from Table II of Gunn et al. (2011).
R Todd Ogden et al. (2007) In vivo quantification of serotonin transporters using [11C]DASB and positron emission tomography in humans: modeling considerations Journal of Cerbral Blood Flow & Metabolism 27 205-217
Eric D. Hostetler et al. (2013) In vivo quantification of calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor occupancy by telcagepant in rhesus monkey and human brain using the positron emission tomography tracer [11C]MK-4232 The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 347 478-486
Roger N. Gunn et al. (2011) Translational characterization of [11C]GSK931145, a PET ligand for the Glycine transporter type 1 SYNAPSE 65 1319-1332