Package: adana 1.1.0

Erkut Tekeli

adana: Adaptive Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Hybrid Genetic Optimization

The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a type of optimization method of Evolutionary Algorithms. It uses the biologically inspired operators such as mutation, crossover, selection and replacement.Because of their global search and robustness abilities, GAs have been widely utilized in machine learning, expert systems, data science, engineering, life sciences and many other areas of research and business. However, the regular GAs need the techniques to improve their efficiency in computing time and performance in finding global optimum using some adaptation and hybridization strategies. The adaptive GAs (AGA) increase the convergence speed and success of regular GAs by setting the parameters crossover and mutation probabilities dynamically. The hybrid GAs combine the exploration strength of a stochastic GAs with the exact convergence ability of any type of deterministic local search algorithms such as simulated-annealing, in addition to other nature-inspired algorithms such as ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization etc. The package 'adana' includes a rich working environment with its many functions that make possible to build and work regular GA, adaptive GA, hybrid GA and hybrid adaptive GA for any kind of optimization problems. Cebeci, Z. (2021, ISBN: 9786254397448).

Authors:Zeynel Cebeci [aut, cre], Erkut Tekeli [aut], Cagatay Cebeci [aut]

adana.pdf |adana.html
adana/json (API)

# Install 'adana' in R:
install.packages('adana', repos = c('', ''))



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Last updated 3 years agofrom:de348650eb. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 21 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 21 2025



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Adaptive Nature-inspired Algorithms for Hybrid Genetic Optimizationadana-package
Adaptive Nature-inspired Algorithms for Hybrid Genetic Optimizationadana
Adaptive Dynamic Algorithm (Adana 1)adana1
Adaptive Dynamic Algorithm (Adana 2)adana2
Dynamic mutation and crossover function (Adana 3)adana3
Asymmetric Two-Point Crossover (ATC)atc
Avarage Crossoverax
Best solution monitoring functionbestsol
Convert from binary to gray code integerbin2gray
Convert Binary Numbers to Integersbin2int
Bit Flip Mutationbitmut
Blended Crossover (BLX-alpha)blxa
Blended crossover-alphabeta (BLX-alphabeta)blxab
Boundary Mutationboundmut
Boundary Search Mutation 1bsearchmut1
Boundary Search Mutation 2bsearchmut2
Box Crossover / Flat Crossoverbx
Calculate the number of bits in the binary representation of the integer vectorcalcM
Count-preserving Crossover (CPC)cpc
Cycle Crossover (CX)cx
Discrete Crossoverdc
Convert from binary number to real numberdecode
Convert binary vectors to integer vectorsdecode4int
Convert binary number matrix to real number matrixdecodepop
Disrespectful Crossover (DISC)disc
Displacement mutationdismut
Extended Box Crossoverebx
Exchange/Linkage Crossover (EC,LC)eclc
Elistist Replacement (Elitism) Functionelitism
Extended-Line Crossover (ELX)elx
Convert from real number to binary numberencode
Convert integer vectors to binary vectorsencode4int
Binary encoding of real number matrixencodepop
Edge Recombination Crossover (ERX)erx
Calculate the fitness values of populationevaluate
Finds peaks and valleys on the curve of a function with single variablefindoptima
Static crossover and mutation ratefixpcmut
Gauss Mutationgaussmut
Gauss Mutation 2gaussmut2
Gauss Mutation 3gaussmut3
Geometric Crossovergeomx
Convert gray code to binary integer #1gray2bin
Convert gray code to binary integer #2gray2bin2
Delete-All Replacementgrdelall
Mu+Lambda replacement function 1grmuplambda
Mu+Lambda replacement function 2 (delete the worst lambda)grmuplambda2
Mu+Lambda replacement function 3grmuplambda3
Mu+Lambda replacement function 4grmuplambda4
Mu & Lambda Replacement Functiongrmuvlambda
Round Robin Replacement Functiongrrobin
Heuristic Crossoverhc
GA + optim hybridization functionhgaoptim
GA + optimx hybridization functionhgaoptimx
GA + ROI hybridization functionhgaroi
Heuristic Uniform Crossoverhux
Improved Cycle Crossover (ICX)icx
ILM/DHC adaptation functionilmdhc
Initialize the population with binary encodinginitbin
Initialize functioninitialize
Normal distribution based initializationinitnorm
Permutation coded initializationinitperm
Value encoded initializationinitval
Insertation Mutationinsmut
Insertion + Inversion Mutationinsswapmut
Convert an integer to binary coded numberint2bin
Displacement + Inversion Mutationinvdismut
Inversion Mutationinvmut
Swap + Inversion Mutationinvswapmut
k-point Crossoverkpx
Laplace Crossoverlapx
Local Arithmetic Crossoverlax
Lei & Tingzhi Adaptation Functionleitingzhi
MAXONE fitness functionmaxone
MAXONE1 fitness functionmaxone1
maxone2 fitness functionmaxone2
minone fitness functionminone
Monitor Fitness Value Progressmonprogress
Modified Partially Mapped Crossovermpmx
Maximal Preservative Crossover (MPX)mpx
Function of Mutation Applicationmutate
Mask crossovermx
Non-uniform Mutationnunimut
Adaptive Non-uniform mutationnunimut2
Order Crossover (OX)ox
Order-based crossover (OX2)ox2
Position-Based Crossover (PBX)pbx
Position-Based Crossover 2 (PBX2)pbx2
Fitness statistics graph by GA generationsplotfitness
Partially Mapped Crossoverpmx
Power Mutationpowmut
Power Mutation 2powmut2
One-point Crossoverpx1
Random Resetting Mutationrandmut
Random mutation 2randmut2
Random mutation 3randmut3
Random mutation 4randmut4
Randomized And/Or Crossover (RAOC)raoc
Random Respectful Crossover (RRC)rrc
Reduced Surrogate Crossrsc
Single Arithmetic Crossoversax
Shuffle Crossoversc
Boltzmann Tournament Selectionselboltour
Deterministic Selectionseldet
Select parents for the mating poolselect
Exponantial Ranking Selectionselers
Exponent Scalingselescale
Linear Ranking Selection 1sellrs
Linear Ranking Selection 2sellrs2
Linear Ranking Selection 3sellrs3
Fitness Linear Scalingsellscale
Nonlinear Ranking Selectionselnlrs
Power-law Scalingselpscale
Random selectionselrand
Rank Scalingselrscale
Rank Scaling 2selrscale2
Remainder Stochastic Selectionselrss
Random selection with replacement and proportionselrswrp
Roulette wheel selection 1selrws
Roulette wheel selection 2selrws2
Sigma Scalingselsscale
Sigma scaling 2selsscale2
Stochastic Universal Selectionselsus
Tournament Selectionseltour
Tournament Selection 2seltour2
Truncation Selectionseltrunc
Window Scalingselwscale
Function to visualize iteration resultsshow
Shuffle Mutationshufmut
Sinusoidal Motion Crossover (SMC)smc
Sphere Crossoverspherex
Replacement function via family tournamentssrfamtour
Genitor replacement functionssrgenitor
Mu+1 replacement functionssrmup1
Mixed replacement functionssrx
Swap Mutationswapmut
Termination Control Functionterminate
Uniform Mutationunimut
Uniform Partial Mapped Crossoverupmx
Uniform crossover 1ux
Uniform Crossover 2ux2
Whole Arithmetic Crossoverwax