Package: acid 1.1

Alexander Sohn

acid: Analysing Conditional Income Distributions

Functions for the analysis of income distributions for subgroups of the population as defined by a set of variables like age, gender, region, etc. This entails a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for a mixture distribution as well as functions for moments, inequality measures, entropy measures and polarisation measures of income distributions. This package thus aides the analysis of income inequality by offering tools for the exploratory analysis of income distributions at the disaggregated level.

Authors:Alexander Sohn

acid.pdf |acid.html
acid/json (API)

# Install 'acid' in R:
install.packages('acid', repos = c('', ''))
  • dat - ACID Simulated Data
  • dist.para.t - Distributions and their Parameters
  • params - Parameter estimators obtained from Structured Additive Distributional Regression



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.00 score 375 downloads 1 mentions 40 exports 69 dependencies

Last updated 9 years agofrom:f4c40c281f. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 01 2025



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Analysing Conditional Income Distributionsacid-package acid
Mean of the Generalised Beta Distribution of Second Kindarithmean.GB2
Atkinson Inequality Indexatkinson
Atkinson Index for an Income Distributionatkinson.den
Atkinson Index for a Generalised Beta Distribution of Second Kindatkinson.GB2
Atkinson Index for a Mixture of Income
Cumulative Density Function of Dagum Mixture Distributioncdf.mix.dag
Cumulative Density Function of Log-Normal Mixture Distributioncdf.mix.LN
Coefficient of Variationcoeffvar
Simultaneous Confidence Bandsconfband.kneib
Pointwise Confidence
ACID Simulated Datadat
Density for a Mixture of Income
Distributions and their Parametersdist.para.t
Measures of the Generalised Entropy Familyentropy
Entropy Measures for a Generalised Beta Distribution of Second Kindentropy.GB2
Generalised Entropy Measure for a Mixture of Income
Fractional Ranksfrac.ranks
Gini Coefficientgini
Gini Coefficient for the Dagum Distributiongini.Dag
Gini Coefficient for an Income Distributiongini.den
Gini Coefficient for the Gamma Distributiongini.gamma
Gini Coefficient for a Mixture of Income
Three Inequality Measures for a Mixture of Income
k-th Moment of the Generalised Beta Distribution of Second Kindkm.GB2
Plot Comparing Parametric and Empirical Cumulative Density Functionsmidks.plot
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test assessing a Parametric Mixture for a Conditional Income Distributionmidks.test
Parameter estimators obtained from Structured Additive Distributional Regressionparams
Pen's Paradepens.parade
Polarisation Measure from Esteban, Gradin and Ray (2007)polarisation.EGR
Polarisation Measure from Esteban and and Ray (1994)polarisation.ER
P-Value for a Mixture of Income
Misspecification Test assessing a Parametric Conditional Income Distributionsadr.test
Standard Deviation of the Generalised Beta Distribution of Second Kindsd.GB2
Single-parameter Gini Coefficientsgini
Single-parameter Gini Coefficient for an Income Distributionsgini.den
Skewness of the Generalised Beta Distribution of Second Kindskewness.GB2
Theil Index for the Gamma Distributiontheil.gamma
Atkinson Inequality Indexweighted.atkinson
Coefficient of Variationweighted.coeffvar
Measures of the Generalised Entropy Familyweighted.entropy
Gini Coefficientweighted.gini
Moments of a Random Variableweighted.moments
Sampling Incomes from a Mixture of Income