Package: UKFE 0.4.0

Anthony Hammond

UKFE: UK Flood Estimation

Functions to implement the methods of the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH), associated updates and the revitalised flood hydrograph model (ReFH). Currently the package uses NRFA peak flow dataset version 13. Aside from FEH functionality, further hydrological functions are available. Most of the methods implemented in this package are described in one or more of the following: "Flood Estimation Handbook", Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (1999, ISBN:0 948540 94 X). "Flood Estimation Handbook Supplementary Report No. 1", Kjeldsen (2007, ISBN:0 903741 15 7). "Regional Frequency Analysis - an approach based on L-moments", Hosking & Wallis (1997, ISBN: 978 0 521 01940 8). "Proposal of the extreme rank plot for extreme value analysis: with an emphasis on flood frequency studies", Hammond (2019, <doi:10.2166/nh.2019.157>). "Making better use of local data in flood frequency estimation", Environment Agency (2017, ISBN: 978 1 84911 387 8). "Sampling uncertainty of UK design flood estimation" , Hammond (2021, <doi:10.2166/nh.2021.059>). "Improving the FEH statistical procedures for flood frequency estimation", Environment Agency (2008, ISBN: 978 1 84432 920 5). "Low flow estimation in the United Kingdom", Institute of Hydrology (1992, ISBN 0 948540 45 1). Wallingford HydroSolutions, (2016, <>). Data from the UK National River Flow Archive (<>, terms and conditions: <>).

Authors:Anthony Hammond [aut, cre]

UKFE.pdf |UKFE.html
UKFE/json (API)

# Install 'UKFE' in R:
install.packages('UKFE', repos = c('', ''))
  • AMSP - National River Flow Archive (NRFA) annual maximum data for sites suitable for pooling
  • NRFAData - National River Flow Archive descriptors and calculated statistics for sites suitable for pooling
  • QMEDData - National River Flow Archive descriptors and calculated statistics for sites suitable for QMED & pooling
  • ThamesPQ - Kingston upon Thames daily flow and catchment precipitation 2000-10-01 to 2015-09-30
  • UKOutline - UK outline



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.78 score 1 stars 828 downloads 99 exports 16 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:8877eaf4b6. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 11 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 11 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 11 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add an AMAX sampleAddGauge
Aggregate a time seriesAggDayHour
Import an annual maximum (AMAX) sample from NRFA peak flow .AM filesAMImport
Plot of the annual maximum sampleAMplot
National River Flow Archive (NRFA) annual maximum data for sites suitable for poolingAMSP
Annual statistics extractionAnnualStat
Areal reduction factor (ARF)ARF
Baseflow index (BFI)BFI
Import catchment descriptors from .xml filesCDsXML
Convert between British National Grid Reference (BNG) and Latitude and Longitude or Irish Grid references.ConvertGridRef
DDF results from a DDFImport objectDDF
FEH99 depth duration frequency precipitation modelDDF99
DDF99 parameters from .xml filesDDF99Pars
Derive and plot rainfall Depth Duration Frequency curves.DDFExtract
DDF13 or DDF22 results from .xml filesDDFImport
Design hydrograph extractionDesHydro
Linearly detrend a sampleDeTrend
Diagnostic plots for pooling groupsDiagPlots
Donor adjustment candidates & resultsDonAdj
Encounter probabilitiesEncProb
Extreme rank plotERPlot
Extreme value plot (frequency and growth curves)EVPlot
Add lines and/or points to an extreme value plotEVPlotAdd
Extreme value plot for pooling groupsEVPool
Flow duration curveFlowDurationCurve
Flow splitterFlowSplit
Generalised logistic distribution - estimates directly from sampleGenLogAM
Generalised logistic distribution estimates from parametersGenLogEst
Generalised logistic distribution growth factorsGenLogGF
Generalised logistic distribution parameter estimatesGenLogPars
Generalised Pareto distribution estimates from parametersGenParetoEst
Generalised Pareto distribution growth factorsGenParetoGF
Generalised Pareto distribution parameter estimatesGenParetoPars
Generalised Pareto distribution - estimates directly from sampleGenParetoPOT
Get an annual maximum sample from the National River Flow Archive sites suitable for poolingGetAM
Get catchment descriptors from the National River Flow Archive sites considered suitable for median annual maximum flow estimation (QMED) and pooling.GetCDs
Get flow or level data from the Environment Agency's Hydrology Data ExplorerGetDataEA_QH
Get Environment Agency rainfall data (England).GetDataEA_Rain
Get regional Met Office average temperature or rainfall series (monthly, seasonal, and annual).GetDataMetOffice
Get National River Flow Archive data using gauge ID.GetDataNRFA
Get flow or level data from the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency.GetDataSEPA_QH
Get Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) hourly rainfall data.GetDataSEPA_Rain
QMED from a gauged site suitable for QMEDGetQMED
Generalised extreme value distribution - estimates directly from sampleGEVAM
Generalised extreme value distribution estimates from parametersGEVEst
Generalised extreme value distribution growth factorsGEVGF
Generalised extreme value distribution parameter estimatesGEVPars
Goodness of fit comparison (single sample)GoFCompare
Goodness of fit comparison (for a pooling group)GoFComparePool
Gumbel distribution - estimates directly from sampleGumbelAM
Gumbel distribution estimates from parametersGumbelEst
Gumbel distribution growth factorsGumbelGF
Gumbel distribution parameter estimatesGumbelPars
Heterogeneity measure (H2) for pooling groups.H2
Hydrological plot of concurrent discharge and precipitationHydroPlot
Kappa3 distribution - estimates directly from sampleKappa3AM
Kappa3 distribution estimates from parametersKappa3Est
Kappa3 distribution growth factorsKappa3GF
Kappa3 distribution parameter estimatesKappa3Pars
Linear coefficient of variation (Lcv)Lcv
Urban adjustment for the linear coefficient of variation (Lcv)LcvUrb
Linear Kurtosis (LKurt)LKurt
Lmoments & Lmoment ratiosLMoments
Adjust L-Ratios in a pooling groupLRatioChange
Linear Skewness (LSkew)LSkew
Urban adjustment for the linear skewness (LSkew)LSkewUrb
Monthly StatisticsMonthlyStats
British national grid reference (NGR) distancesNGRDist
Non-flood adjustmentNonFloodAdj
Non-flood adjustment for pooling groupsNonFloodAdjPool
National River Flow Archive descriptors and calculated statistics for sites suitable for poolingNRFAData
Optimise distribution parametersOptimPars
Create pooling groupPool
Pooled flood estimatesPoolEst
Create pooling group for small catchmentsPoolSmall
Peaks over threshold (POT) data extractionPOTextract
Peaks over threshold (POT) data extraction (quick)POTt
QMED (median annual maximum flow) estimate from catchment descriptorsQMED
National River Flow Archive descriptors and calculated statistics for sites suitable for QMED & poolingQMEDData
QMED donor adjustmentQMEDDonEq
QMED factorial standard error for gauged sitesQMEDfseSS
QMED Linking equationQMEDLink
Empirical estimate of QMED from peaks over threshold (POT) dataQMEDPOT
Quick pooled resultsQuickResults
Stage-Discharge equation optimisationRating
Revitalised Flood Hydrograph Model (ReFH)ReFH
Seasonal correction factor (SCF)SCF
Data simulatorSimData
Kingston upon Thames daily flow and catchment precipitation 2000-10-01 to 2015-09-30ThamesPQ
Trend hypothesis testTrendTest
Urban adjustment factor (UAF) and percentage runoff urban adjustment factor (PRUAF)UAF
Urban expansion factorUEF
UK outlineUKOutline
Uncertainty quantification for gauged and ungauged pooled estimatesUncertainty
Site gauged linear coefficient of variation (Lcv) weightingsWeightsGLcv
Site gauged linear skewness (LSkew) weightingsWeightsGLSkew
Site ungauged linear coefficient of variation (Lcv) weightingsWeightsUnLcv
Site ungauged linear skewness (LSkew) weightingsWeightsUnLSkew
Gauged pool weighted linear coefficient of variation (Lcv)WGaugLcv
Gauged pool weighted linear skewness (LSkew)WGaugLSkew
Ungauged pool weighted linear coefficient of variation (Lcv)WungLcv
Ungauged pool weighted linear skewness (LSkew)WungLSkew
Zdist Goodness of fit measure for pooling groupsZdists