Package: TSA 1.3.1

Kung-Sik Chan
TSA: Time Series Analysis
Contains R functions and datasets detailed in the book "Time Series Analysis with Applications in R (second edition)" by Jonathan Cryer and Kung-Sik Chan.
TSA.pdf |TSA.html✨
TSA/json (API)
# Install 'TSA' in R: |
install.packages('TSA', repos = c('', '')) |
- CREF - Daily CREF Values
- JJ - Quarterly earnings per share for the Johnson & Johnson Company
- SP - Quarterly Standard & Poor's Composite Index of stock price values / time series
- airmiles - Monthly Airline Passenger-Miles in the US
- airpass - Monthly total international airline passengers
- ar1.2.s - A simulated AR(1) series
- ar1.s - A simulated AR(1) series
- ar2.s - Asimulated AR(2) series / time series
- arma11.s - A Simulated ARMA(1,1) Series/ time series
- beersales - Monthly beer sales / time series
- bluebird - Blue Bird Potato Chip Data
- bluebirdlite - Bluebird Lite potato chip data
- boardings - Monthly public transit boardings and gasoline price in Denver
- co2 - Levels of Carbon Dioxide at Alert, Canada / Time series
- color - Color property/time series
- - Daily CREF Bond Values
- days - Number of days between payment to Winegard Corp. / time series
- deere1 - Deviations of an industrial process at Deere & Co. - Series 1
- deere2 - Deviations of an industrial process at Deere & Co. - Series 2
- deere3 - Deviations of an industrial process at Deere & Co. - Series 3
- eeg - EEG Data
- electricity - Monthly US electricity production / time series
- euph - A digitized sound file of a B flat played on a euphonium
- explode.s - A simulated explosive AR(1) series
- flow - Monthly River Flow for the Iowa River
- gold - Gold Price / time series
- google - Daily returns of the google stock
- hare - Canadian hare data/ time series
- hours - Average hours worked in US manufacturing sector / time series
- ima22.s - Simulated IMA(2,2) series / time series
- larain - Annual rainfall in Los Angeles / time series
- ma1.1.s - A simulated MA(1) series / time series
- ma1.2.s - A simulated MA(1) series / time series
- ma2.s - A simulated MA(2) series
- milk - Monthly Milk Production
- oil.price - Monthly Oil Price / time series
- oilfilters - Monthly sales to dealers of a specialty oil filter/time series
- prescrip - Cost per prescription / time series
- prey.eq - Prey series / time series
- retail - U.K. retail sales / time series
- robot - The distance of a robot from a desired position / time series
- rwalk - A simulated random walk / Time series
- spots - Relative annual sunspot number / time series
- spots1 - Annual international sunspot numbers
- star - Star Brightness
- tbone - A digitized sound file of a B flat played on a tenor trombone
- tempdub - Monthly average temperature in Dubuque/time series
- tuba - A digitized sound file of a B flat played on a BB flat tuba
- units - Annual sales of certain large equipment
- usd.hkd - Daily US Dollar to Hong Kong Dollar Exchange Rates
- veilleux - An experimental prey-predator time series
- wages - Average hourly wages in the apparel industry / time series
- winnebago - Monthly unit sales of recreational vehicles / time series
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 3 years agofrom:5050db06a6. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 27 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | NOTE | Feb 27 2025 |