Package: StrainRanking 1.2

Samuel Soubeyrand

StrainRanking: Ranking of Pathogen Strains

Regression-based ranking of pathogen strains with respect to their contributions to natural epidemics, using demographic and genetic data sampled in the curse of the epidemics. This package also includes the GMCPIC test.

Authors:Soubeyrand, S., Tollenaere, C., Haon-Lasportes, E. and Laine, A.-L.

StrainRanking.pdf |StrainRanking.html
StrainRanking/json (API)

# Install 'StrainRanking' in R:
install.packages('StrainRanking', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.00 score 149 downloads 1 mentions 8 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 7 years agofrom:7d01116099. Checks:1 OK, 1 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEMar 01 2025



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Ranking of Pathogen StrainsStrainRanking-package StrainRanking
Class '"DGobj"'DG DG class DG object DGobj DGobj-class names,DGobj-method show,DGobj-method summary,DGobj-method [,DGobj-method [<-,DGobj-method
Construction of a DG object from raw dataDGobj.rawdata
Simulation of a DG object under a mechanistic modelDGobj.simul.mechanistic
Simulation of a DG object under a regression modelDGobj.simul.regression
Generation of parameters for the simulations under the regression modelgeneration.alpha.3strains
Function implementing the Generalized Monte Carlo plug-in test with calibration (GMCPIC test)gmcpic.test
Compositions of Magnaporthe oryzae collected in ChinaChina MoryzaeChina PathogenCompositionMoryzaeChina
Compositions of Magnaporthe oryzae collected in MadagascarMadagascar MoryzaeMadagascar PathogenCompositionMoryzaeMadagascar
Compositions of Pseudomonas syringae at the clade resolutionClades PathogenCompositionPsyringaeClades PsyringaeClades
Compositions of Pseudomonas syringae at the haplotype resolutionHaplotypes PathogenCompositionPsyringaeHaplotypes PsyringaeHaplotypes
Compositions of Pseudomonas syringae at the phylogroup resolutionPathogenCompositionPsyringaePhylogroups Phylogroups PsyringaePhylogroups
Compositions of Puccinia triticina in Galibier cropsGalibier PathogenCompositionPtriticinaGalibier PtriticinaGalibier
Compositions of Puccinia triticina in Kalango cropsKalango PathogenCompositionPtriticinaKalango PtriticinaKalango
Demographic and genetic real datapowderymildew
Method for ranking pathogen strainsranking.strains