Package: SpatialVx 1.0-3

Eric Gilleland
SpatialVx: Spatial Forecast Verification
Spatial forecast verification refers to verifying weather forecasts when the verification set (forecast and observations) is on a spatial field, usually a high-resolution gridded spatial field. Most of the functions here require the forecast and observed fields to be gridded and on the same grid. For a thorough review of most of the methods in this package, please see Gilleland et al. (2009) <doi:10.1175/2009WAF2222269.1> and for a tutorial on some of the main functions available here, see Gilleland (2022) <doi:10.5065/4px3-5a05>.
SpatialVx.pdf |SpatialVx.html✨
SpatialVx/json (API)
# Install 'SpatialVx' in R: |
install.packages('SpatialVx', repos = c('', '')) |
- ExampleSpatialVxSet - Simulated Spatial Verification Set
- GFSNAMfcstEx - Example Verification Set
- GFSNAMlocEx - Example Verification Set
- GFSNAMobsEx - Example Verification Set
- ICPg240Locs - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- UKfcst6 - Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set
- UKloc - Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set
- UKobs6 - Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set
- geom000 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- geom001 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- geom002 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- geom003 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- geom004 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- geom005 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- hump - Simulated Forecast and Verification Fields
- obs0601 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
- wrf4ncar0531 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.
Last updated 3 months agofrom:629e39f143. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 25 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Feb 25 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Spatial Forecast Verification | SpatialVx-package SpatialVx |
Loss functions for the spatial prediction comparison test (SPCT) | abserrloss corrskill distmaploss sqerrloss |
Area Index | Aindex Aindex.default Aindex.SpatialVx |
Bearing from One Spatial Location to Another | bearing |
Create Binary Fields | binarizer |
Calculate dFSS Score Value | calculate_dFSS |
Calculate FSS Values | calculate_FSSvector_from_binary_fields |
Calculate FSSwind Score Value | calculate_FSSwind |
Centered on Square Domain Baddeley's Delta Metric | censqdelta |
Centroid Distance Between Two Identified Objects | centdist |
Connectivity Index | Cindex Cindex.default Cindex.SpatialVx |
Circular Histogram | CircleHistogram |
Cluster Analysis Verification | clusterer clusterer.default clusterer.SpatialVx plot.clusterer plot.summary.clusterer print.clusterer summary.clusterer |
Combine Features/Matched Objects | combiner |
Create Composite Features | compositer compositer.combined compositer.features compositer.matched plot.composited |
Forecast Verification with Cluster Analysis: The Variation | CSIsamples CSIsamples.default CSIsamples.SpatialVx plot.CSIsamples plot.summary.CSIsamples print.CSIsamples summary.CSIsamples |
Merge and/or Match Identified Features Within Two Fields | centmatch deltamm plot.matched print.matched summary.matched |
Identify Disjoint Sets of Connected Components | disjointer |
Elmore, Baldwin and Schultz Method for Field Significance for Spatial Bias Errors | EBS plot.EBS |
Simulated Spatial Verification Set | ExampleSpatialVxSet |
Exponential Variogram | expvg predict.flossdiff.expvg print.flossdiff.expvg |
Exponential Variogram | expvgram |
Major and Minor Axes of a Feature | FeatureAxis plot.FeatureAxis summary.FeatureAxis |
Threshold-based Feature Finder | FeatureFinder plot.features plot.summary.features print.features summary.features |
Analyze Features of a Verification Set | distill.FeatureComps FeatureComps FeatureMatchAnalyzer FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.centmatch FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.deltamm plot.FeatureMatchAnalyzer print.FeatureMatchAnalyzer summary.FeatureMatchAnalyzer |
Single Feature Properties | FeatureProps |
Feature-Based Contingency Table | ci.FeatureTable FeatureTable print.FeatureTable summary.FeatureTable |
2-d Interpolation | Fint2d |
Forecast Quality Index | ampstats FQI print.fqi summary.fqi UIQI |
Various Verification Statistics on Possibly Neighborhood-Smoothed Fields. | fss2dfun fuzzyjoint2dfun MinCvg2dfun multicon2dfun pragmatic2dfun upscale2dfun |
Create Several Graphics for List Objects Returned from hoods2d | fss2dPlot upscale2dPlot |
Spatial-Alignment Summary Measures | G2IL Gbeta GbetaIL |
Geographic Box Plot | GeoBoxPlot |
Example Verification Set | GFSNAMfcstEx GFSNAMlocEx GFSNAMobsEx |
2-d Gaussian Mixture Models Verification | gmm2d gmm2d.default gmm2d.SpatialVx plot.gmm2d predict.gmm2d print.gmm2d summary.gmm2d |
Variograms for a Gridded Verification Set | griddedVgram plot.griddedVgram |
Spatial Forecast Verification Shape Analysis | distill.hiw hiw plot.hiw print.hiw summary.hiw |
Neighborhood Verification Statistics for a Gridded Verification Set. | hoods2d plot.hoods2d print.hoods2d |
Quilt Plot and a Matrix Plot. | hoods2dPlot |
Simulated Forecast and Verification Fields | hump |
Image Moments | imomenter imomenter.matrix print.imomented |
Feature Interest | interester print.interester summary.interester |
Image Warping By Hand | iwarper |
Binary Image Measures | locmeasures2d locmeasures2d.default locmeasures2d.SpatialVx print.locmeasures2d summary.locmeasures2d |
Localization Performance Measures | distmapfun distob locperf |
Temporal Block Bootstrap Keeping Locations in Space Constant | LocSig plot.LocSig |
Test for Equal Predictive Ability on Average Over a Regularly Gridded Space | empiricalVG.lossdiff flossdiff lossdiff lossdiff.default lossdiff.SpatialVx plot.lossdiff print.lossdiff summary.lossdiff |
Spatial Verification Sets - SpatialVx Object | hist.SpatialVx make.SpatialVx plot.SpatialVx print.SpatialVx summary.SpatialVx |
Monte Carlo Degrees of Freedom | fisherz MCdof sig.cor.t sig.cor.Z |
Force Merges in Matched Feature Objects | MergeForce |
Binary Location Metric Proposed in Zhu et al. (2011) | metrV metrV.default metrV.SpatialVx print.metrV |
Raw Image Moments. | Mij |
Minimum Boundary Separation Feature Matching | minboundmatch |
Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets | geom000 geom001 geom002 geom003 geom004 geom005 ICPg240Locs obs0601 wrf4ncar0531 |
Optical Flow Verification | hist.OF OF OF.default OF.SpatialVx plot.OF print.OF summary.OF |
Optical Flow | optflow |
Practically Perfect Hindcast Neighborhood Verification Method | plot.pphindcast2d pphindcast2d print.pphindcast2d |
Rigid Transformation | plot.rigided print.rigided rigider rigidTransform summary.rigided |
S1 Score, Anomaly Correlation | ACC ACC.default ACC.SpatialVx S1 S1.default S1.SpatialVx |
Feature-based Analysis of a Field (Image) | print.saller saller summary.saller |
Shape Index | Sindex Sindex.default Sindex.SpatialVx |
Field Significance Method of Elmore et al. (2006) | plot.spatbiasFS spatbiasFS summary.spatbiasFS |
Spatial Prediction Comparison Test | spct |
Structure Function for Non-Gridded Spatial Fields. | plot.structurogram structurogram |
Structure Function for Gridded Fields | plot.structurogram.matrix structurogram.matrix |
Create Surrogate Fields | aaft2d fft2d mae surrogater2d |
The Spatial Alignment Summary Measure Called G | TheBigG |
Apply a Threshold to a Field | thresholder thresholder.default thresholder.SpatialVx |
Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set (NIMROD) | UKfcst6 UKloc UKobs6 |
Upscaling Neighborhood Verification on a 2-d Verification Set | plot.upscale2d print.upscale2d upscale2d |
Variography Score | variographier variographier.default variographier.SpatialVx |
Some Common Traditional Forecast Verification Statistics. | vxstats |
Image Warp | warper |
Intensity Scale (IS) Verification | plot.waveIS summary.waveIS waveIS waveIS.default waveIS.SpatialVx |
Apply Traditional Forecast Verification After Wavelet Denoising | plot.wavePurifyVx summary.wavePurifyVx wavePurifyVx wavePurifyVx.default wavePurifyVx.SpatialVx |
High-Resolution Gridded Forecast Verification Using Discrete Wavelet Decomposition | mowaverify2d mowaverify2d.default mowaverify2d.SpatialVx plot.waverify2d print.waverify2d waverify2d waverify2d.default waverify2d.SpatialVx |