Package: SpatialVx 1.0-3

Eric Gilleland

SpatialVx: Spatial Forecast Verification

Spatial forecast verification refers to verifying weather forecasts when the verification set (forecast and observations) is on a spatial field, usually a high-resolution gridded spatial field. Most of the functions here require the forecast and observed fields to be gridded and on the same grid. For a thorough review of most of the methods in this package, please see Gilleland et al. (2009) <doi:10.1175/2009WAF2222269.1> and for a tutorial on some of the main functions available here, see Gilleland (2022) <doi:10.5065/4px3-5a05>.

Authors:Eric Gilleland [aut, cre], Kim Elmore [ctb], Caren Marzban [ctb], Matt Pocernich [ctb], Gregor Skok [ctb]

SpatialVx.pdf |SpatialVx.html
SpatialVx/json (API)

# Install 'SpatialVx' in R:
install.packages('SpatialVx', repos = c('', ''))
  • ExampleSpatialVxSet - Simulated Spatial Verification Set
  • GFSNAMfcstEx - Example Verification Set
  • GFSNAMlocEx - Example Verification Set
  • GFSNAMobsEx - Example Verification Set
  • ICPg240Locs - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
  • UKfcst6 - Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set
  • UKloc - Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set
  • UKobs6 - Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set
  • geom000 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
  • geom001 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
  • geom002 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
  • geom003 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
  • geom004 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
  • geom005 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
  • hump - Simulated Forecast and Verification Fields
  • obs0601 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets
  • wrf4ncar0531 - Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification sets



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.83 score 1 stars 68 scripts 723 downloads 288 exports 45 dependencies

Last updated 3 months agofrom:629e39f143. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 25 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 25 2025



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Spatial Forecast VerificationSpatialVx-package SpatialVx
Loss functions for the spatial prediction comparison test (SPCT)abserrloss corrskill distmaploss sqerrloss
Area IndexAindex Aindex.default Aindex.SpatialVx
Bearing from One Spatial Location to Anotherbearing
Create Binary Fieldsbinarizer
Calculate dFSS Score Valuecalculate_dFSS
Calculate FSS Valuescalculate_FSSvector_from_binary_fields
Calculate FSSwind Score Valuecalculate_FSSwind
Centered on Square Domain Baddeley's Delta Metriccensqdelta
Centroid Distance Between Two Identified Objectscentdist
Connectivity IndexCindex Cindex.default Cindex.SpatialVx
Circular HistogramCircleHistogram
Cluster Analysis Verificationclusterer clusterer.default clusterer.SpatialVx plot.clusterer plot.summary.clusterer print.clusterer summary.clusterer
Combine Features/Matched Objectscombiner
Create Composite Featurescompositer compositer.combined compositer.features compositer.matched plot.composited
Forecast Verification with Cluster Analysis: The VariationCSIsamples CSIsamples.default CSIsamples.SpatialVx plot.CSIsamples plot.summary.CSIsamples print.CSIsamples summary.CSIsamples
Merge and/or Match Identified Features Within Two Fieldscentmatch deltamm plot.matched print.matched summary.matched
Identify Disjoint Sets of Connected Componentsdisjointer
Elmore, Baldwin and Schultz Method for Field Significance for Spatial Bias ErrorsEBS plot.EBS
Simulated Spatial Verification SetExampleSpatialVxSet
Exponential Variogramexpvg predict.flossdiff.expvg print.flossdiff.expvg
Exponential Variogramexpvgram
Major and Minor Axes of a FeatureFeatureAxis plot.FeatureAxis summary.FeatureAxis
Threshold-based Feature FinderFeatureFinder plot.features plot.summary.features print.features summary.features
Analyze Features of a Verification Setdistill.FeatureComps FeatureComps FeatureMatchAnalyzer FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.centmatch FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.deltamm plot.FeatureMatchAnalyzer print.FeatureMatchAnalyzer summary.FeatureMatchAnalyzer
Single Feature PropertiesFeatureProps
Feature-Based Contingency Tableci.FeatureTable FeatureTable print.FeatureTable summary.FeatureTable
2-d InterpolationFint2d
Forecast Quality Indexampstats FQI print.fqi summary.fqi UIQI
Various Verification Statistics on Possibly Neighborhood-Smoothed Fields.fss2dfun fuzzyjoint2dfun MinCvg2dfun multicon2dfun pragmatic2dfun upscale2dfun
Create Several Graphics for List Objects Returned from hoods2dfss2dPlot upscale2dPlot
Spatial-Alignment Summary MeasuresG2IL Gbeta GbetaIL
Geographic Box PlotGeoBoxPlot
Example Verification SetGFSNAMfcstEx GFSNAMlocEx GFSNAMobsEx
2-d Gaussian Mixture Models Verificationgmm2d gmm2d.default gmm2d.SpatialVx plot.gmm2d predict.gmm2d print.gmm2d summary.gmm2d
Variograms for a Gridded Verification SetgriddedVgram plot.griddedVgram
Spatial Forecast Verification Shape Analysisdistill.hiw hiw plot.hiw print.hiw summary.hiw
Neighborhood Verification Statistics for a Gridded Verification Set.hoods2d plot.hoods2d print.hoods2d
Quilt Plot and a Matrix Plot.hoods2dPlot
Simulated Forecast and Verification Fieldshump
Image Momentsimomenter imomenter.matrix print.imomented
Feature Interestinterester print.interester summary.interester
Image Warping By Handiwarper
Binary Image Measureslocmeasures2d locmeasures2d.default locmeasures2d.SpatialVx print.locmeasures2d summary.locmeasures2d
Localization Performance Measuresdistmapfun distob locperf
Temporal Block Bootstrap Keeping Locations in Space ConstantLocSig plot.LocSig
Test for Equal Predictive Ability on Average Over a Regularly Gridded SpaceempiricalVG.lossdiff flossdiff lossdiff lossdiff.default lossdiff.SpatialVx plot.lossdiff print.lossdiff summary.lossdiff
Spatial Verification Sets - SpatialVx Objecthist.SpatialVx make.SpatialVx plot.SpatialVx print.SpatialVx summary.SpatialVx
Monte Carlo Degrees of Freedomfisherz MCdof sig.cor.t sig.cor.Z
Force Merges in Matched Feature ObjectsMergeForce
Binary Location Metric Proposed in Zhu et al. (2011)metrV metrV.default metrV.SpatialVx print.metrV
Raw Image Moments.Mij
Minimum Boundary Separation Feature Matchingminboundmatch
Spatial Forecast Verification Methods Inter-Comparison Project (ICP) Test Cases and other example verification setsgeom000 geom001 geom002 geom003 geom004 geom005 ICPg240Locs obs0601 wrf4ncar0531
Optical Flow Verificationhist.OF OF OF.default OF.SpatialVx plot.OF print.OF summary.OF
Optical Flowoptflow
Practically Perfect Hindcast Neighborhood Verification Methodplot.pphindcast2d pphindcast2d print.pphindcast2d
Rigid Transformationplot.rigided print.rigided rigider rigidTransform summary.rigided
S1 Score, Anomaly CorrelationACC ACC.default ACC.SpatialVx S1 S1.default S1.SpatialVx
Feature-based Analysis of a Field (Image)print.saller saller summary.saller
Shape IndexSindex Sindex.default Sindex.SpatialVx
Field Significance Method of Elmore et al. (2006)plot.spatbiasFS spatbiasFS summary.spatbiasFS
Spatial Prediction Comparison Testspct
Structure Function for Non-Gridded Spatial Fields.plot.structurogram structurogram
Structure Function for Gridded Fieldsplot.structurogram.matrix structurogram.matrix
Create Surrogate Fieldsaaft2d fft2d mae surrogater2d
The Spatial Alignment Summary Measure Called GTheBigG
Apply a Threshold to a Fieldthresholder thresholder.default thresholder.SpatialVx
Example Precipitation Rate Verification Set (NIMROD)UKfcst6 UKloc UKobs6
Upscaling Neighborhood Verification on a 2-d Verification Setplot.upscale2d print.upscale2d upscale2d
Variography Scorevariographier variographier.default variographier.SpatialVx
Some Common Traditional Forecast Verification Statistics.vxstats
Image Warpwarper
Intensity Scale (IS) Verificationplot.waveIS summary.waveIS waveIS waveIS.default waveIS.SpatialVx
Apply Traditional Forecast Verification After Wavelet Denoisingplot.wavePurifyVx summary.wavePurifyVx wavePurifyVx wavePurifyVx.default wavePurifyVx.SpatialVx
High-Resolution Gridded Forecast Verification Using Discrete Wavelet Decompositionmowaverify2d mowaverify2d.default mowaverify2d.SpatialVx plot.waverify2d print.waverify2d waverify2d waverify2d.default waverify2d.SpatialVx