Package: SeaVal 1.2.0

Claudio Heinrich-Mertsching

SeaVal: Validation of Seasonal Weather Forecasts

Provides tools for processing and evaluating seasonal weather forecasts, with an emphasis on tercile forecasts. We follow the World Meteorological Organization's "Guidance on Verification of Operational Seasonal Climate Forecasts", S.J.Mason (2018, ISBN: 978-92-63-11220-0, URL: <>). The development was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 869730 (CONFER). A comprehensive online tutorial is available at <>.

Authors:Claudio Heinrich-Mertsching [aut, cre, cph], Celine Cunen [ctb], Michael Scheuerer [ctb]

SeaVal.pdf |SeaVal.html
SeaVal/json (API)

# Install 'SeaVal' in R:
install.packages('SeaVal', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:




1.70 score 633 downloads 75 exports 40 dependencies

Last updated 9 months agofrom:15f4fea1e5. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 12 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 12 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 12 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add climatology to a data tableadd_climatology
Same as add_country_namesadd_country
Add country names to a data table with lon/lat coordinatesadd_country_names
Add a tercile-category column to a data tableadd_tercile_cat
Add tercile probabilities to ensemble forecastsadd_tercile_probs
Check if all elements of x are within tolerance eps of any element in yare_all_elements_within_eps
Auxiliary functionby_cols_ens_fc_score
Auxiliary functionby_cols_terc_fc_score
Auxiliary functionby_cols_terc_fc_score_sp
Auxiliary function for scores of ensemble forecasts.checks_ens_fc_score
Auxiliary function for scores for tercile forecasts.checks_terc_fc_score
CHIRPS directorychirps_dir
Monthly mean precipitationchirps_monthly
Calculates and saves the quantiles of CHIRPS data required for verification maps.chirps_ver_map_quantiles
Returns a leave-one-year-out climatology-based ensemble forecastclimatology_ens_forecast
Get climatological prediction for exceedence probabilities.climatology_threshold_exceedence
Combine two data tablescombine
Expand Regular Spatial Gridcomplete_regular_grid
Convert a data table from monthly to seasonal formatconvert_monthly_to_seasonal
Coefficients of Predictive AbilityCPA
Auxiliary function to simplify grouping for diagramscreate_diagram_by_level
Continuous Ranked Probability ScoreCRPS
Auxiliary function for calculating crps.crps_aux
Auxiliary function for calculating crps with ensemble size correction by Ferro et al. 2008.crps_aux_esc
Continuous Ranked Probability Skill ScoreCRPSS
Auxiliary function to access and change the directory used to load and save data.data_dir
Auxiliary function cleaning out the directories, called at the end of the CHIRPS download.delete_redundant_files
Get dimension variablesdimvars
Generalized Discrimination scoredisc_score_dt
Generalized discrimination scoreDISS
Download monthly CHIRPS-datadownload_chirps_monthly
Auxiliary function called by download_chirps_monthlydownload_chirps_monthly_high
Auxiliary function called by download_chirps_monthlydownload_chirps_monthly_low
Auxiliary function for downloading the preliminary CHIRPS monthly datadownload_chirps_prelim_aux
Write a netcdf from a long data tabledt_to_netcdf
Get names of countries in east AfricaEA_country_names
Monthly mean precipitation forecast example datasetecmwf_monthly
Effective Interest RateEIR
Forecast column namesfc_cols
Function to create a mask of dry regions from CHIRPSget_mask
Calculate quantiles from a data tableget_quantiles
get terciles from a data tableget_terciles
plotting function for spatial dataggplot_dt
Plotting function with different map for Greater Horn of Africaggplot_dt_gha_map ggplot_dt_shf gha_plot
Retrieve spatial grid information from a data tablegrid_info
Hit scoreHS
Hit Skill ScoreHSS
Ignorance ScoreIGS
Ignorance Skill scoreIGSS
Auxiliary function for multiplying two numbers such that 0 x infty is 0. Needed for the ignorance score: 0log(0) should be 0.indicator_times_value_aux
Function for loading CHIRPS (monthly) data.load_chirps
Data table column names that are recognized as leadtimelt_cols
Multicategory Brier scoreMB
Multicategory Brier Skill scoreMBS
Auxiliary function for checking dimensions for map-plottingmodify_dt_map_plotting
Converts time given as 'months since date' (MSD) into years and months (YM)MSD_to_YM
Mean Square Error of ensemble forecasts.MSE
Mean Square Error Skill scoreMSES
function for converting netcdfs to long data tables.netcdf_to_dt
Observation column namesobs_cols
Auxiliary function returning observation dimvars.obs_dimvars
Pearson Correlation CoefficientPCC
(Accumulative) profit graphsprofit_graph
Reliability scoreREL
Reliability Diagrams for tercile forecastsrel_diag
Reliability diagram from vectors of probabilities and observationsrel_diag_vec
Resolution scoreRES
restricts data to a specified countryrestrict_to_country
restricts data to the Greater Horn of Africarestrict_to_confer_region restrict_to_GHA
ROC curve for tercile forecastsROC_curve
ROC curvesroc_curve_vec
ROC score (AUC)roc_score_vec
ROC-score/Area Under Curve(AUC)ROCS
auxiliary function for rounding probabilitiesround_probs
Ranked Probability scoreRPS
Ranked Probability skill scoreRPSS
Auxiliary Functionrun_dimension_check_ens_fc_score
Auxiliary Functionrun_dimension_check_terc_forecast
Auxiliary function for decoding season-stringsseason_strings_to_int
Set Spatial Grid Attributes to a Data Tableset_spatial_grid
Auxiliary functionspace_dimvars
Compute the slope of the reliability curveSRC
Tercile column namestc_cols
Tendency diagram from a data table containing tercile forecasts.tendency_diag
Function for plotting tercilestercile_plot
Get tercile probability forecast from ensemble forecaststfc_from_efc
Plotting function with different map for Greater Horn of Africatfc_gha_plot
plotting function for tercile forecaststfc_plot
Auxiliary functiontime_dimvars
Upscales monthly CHIRPS data to a coarser gridupscale_chirps
Function for matching data between different gridsupscale_regular_lon_lat
Plot a verification map of percentilesver_map
Plot a verification map of percentiles based on precomputed CHIRPS quantiles.ver_map_chirps