Package: SampleSizeMeans 1.2.3

Patrick Bélisle

SampleSizeMeans: Sample Size Calculations for Normal Means

Sample size requirements calculation using three different Bayesian criteria in the context of designing an experiment to estimate a normal mean or the difference between two normal means. Functions for calculation of required sample sizes for the Average Length Criterion, the Average Coverage Criterion and the Worst Outcome Criterion in the context of normal means are provided. Functions for both the fully Bayesian and the mixed Bayesian/likelihood approaches are provided. For reference see Joseph L. and Bélisle P. (1997) <>.

Authors:Lawrence Joseph [aut], Patrick Bélisle [aut, cre]

SampleSizeMeans.pdf |SampleSizeMeans.html
SampleSizeMeans/json (API)

# Install 'SampleSizeMeans' in R:
install.packages('SampleSizeMeans', repos = c('', ''))



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Last updated 2 years agofrom:84f536e8fa. Checks:3 OK. Indexed: yes.

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Doc / VignettesOKMar 16 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 16 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 16 2025



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Bayesian Sample Sizes Calculations Based on Highest Posterior Density Intervals for Normal Means and Differences between Normal MeansSampleSizeMeans-package
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Average Coverage Criterionmu.acc
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Average Length Criterionmu.alc
Frequentist sample size determination for normal meansmu.freq
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean with known variance using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood criteriamu.mbl.varknown
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Coverage Criterionmu.mblacc
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Length Criterionmu.mblalc
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Modified Worst Outcome Criterionmu.mblmodwoc
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean using the Modified Worst Outcome Criterionmu.modwoc
Bayesian sample size determination for estimating a single normal mean with known variancemu.varknown
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Average Coverage Criterionmudiff.acc
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Average Coverage Criterionmudiff.acc.equalvar
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Average Length Criterionmudiff.alc
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Average Length Criterionmudiff.alc.equalvar
Frequentist sample size determination for differences in normal meansmudiff.freq
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are known using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood criteriamudiff.mbl.varknown
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the mixed Bayesian/likelihood Average Coverage Criterionmudiff.mblacc
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Coverage Criterionmudiff.mblacc.equalvar
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Length Criterionmudiff.mblalc
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Average Length Criterionmudiff.mblalc.equalvar
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Modified Worst Outcome Criterionmudiff.mblmodwoc
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Mixed Bayesian/Likelihood Modified Worst Outcome Criterionmudiff.mblmodwoc.equalvar
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means using the Modified Worst Outcome Criterionmudiff.modwoc
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are equal using the Modified Worst Outcome Criterionmudiff.modwoc.equalvar
Bayesian sample size determination for differences in normal means when variances are knownmudiff.varknown