Package: SCCS 1.7

"Yonas Ghebremichael Weldeselassie"

SCCS: The Self-Controlled Case Series Method

Various self-controlled case series models used to investigate associations between time-varying exposures such as vaccines or other drugs or non drug exposures and an adverse event can be fitted. Detailed information on the self-controlled case series method and its extensions with more examples can be found in Farrington, P., Whitaker, H., and Ghebremichael Weldeselassie, Y. (2018, ISBN: 978-1-4987-8159-6. Self-controlled Case Series studies: A modelling Guide with R. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press) and <>.

Authors:Yonas Ghebremichael Weldeselassie, Heather Whitaker, Paddy Farrington

SCCS.pdf |SCCS.html
SCCS/json (API)

# Install 'SCCS' in R:
install.packages('SCCS', repos = c('', ''))
  • addat - Data on NSAID and antidepressant exposure and first GI bleed
  • adidat - Data on antidiabetics and fractures
  • amdat - Data on MMR and aseptic meningitis
  • apdat - Data on antipsychotics and stroke
  • autdat - Data on MMR vaccine and autism
  • bpdat - Data on blood pressure and headaches
  • bupdat - Data on bupropion and sudden death
  • condat - Data on DTP and convulsions
  • dtpdat - Data on DTP and convulsions
  • febdat - Data on multitype convulsions and MMR
  • gbsdat - Data on influenza vaccine and GBS
  • gidat - Data on NSAID and first GI bleed
  • hibdat - Data on DTP, Hib and convulsions
  • hipdat - Data on antidepressants and hip fracture
  • intdat - Data on intussusception and OPV
  • itpdat - Data on MMR and ITP
  • midat - Data on respiratory tract infections and myocardial infarction
  • nrtdat - Data on NRT and MI
  • opvdat - Data on OPV and intussusception
  • pmdat - Data on asthma admissions and air pollution
  • rotdat - Data on Rotavirus vaccine and intussusception
  • rsvdat - Data on RSV and ambient temperature
  • siddat - Data on hexavalent vaccine and sudden infant death syndrome



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.00 score 25 scripts 521 downloads 4 mentions 13 exports 55 dependencies

Last updated 11 months agofrom:bd6c6d4362. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 26 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 26 2025



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The Self-Controlled Case Series (SCCS) MethodSCCS-package SCCS
Data on NSAID and antidepressant exposure and first GI bleedaddat
Data on antidiabetics and fracturesadidat
Data on MMR and aseptic meningitisamdat
Data on antipsychotics and strokeapdat
Data on MMR vaccine and autismautdat
Data on blood pressure and headachesbpdat
Data on bupropion and sudden deathbupdat
Data on DTP and convulsionscondat
Data on DTP and convulsionsdtpdat
SCCS with event-dependent exposureeventdepenexp
SCCS with event-dependent observation periodseventdepenobs
Data on multitype convulsions and MMRfebdat
Formatting dataformatdata
Data on influenza vaccine and GBSgbsdat
Data on NSAID and first GI bleedgidat
Data on DTP, Hib and convulsionshibdat
Data on antidepressants and hip fracturehipdat
Data on intussusception and OPVintdat
Integral of I-splinesintegrateIspline
Data on MMR and ITPitpdat
Likelihood ratio test for SCCS modelslrtsccs
Data on respiratory tract infections and myocardial infarctionmidat
Spline-based non parametric SCCS methodnonparasccs
Data on NRT and MInrtdat
Data on OPV and intussusceptionopvdat
Data on asthma admissions and air pollutionpmdat
Quantitative exposures in self controlled case series methodquantsccs
Data on Rotavirus vaccine and intussusceptionrotdat
Data on RSV and ambient temperaturersvdat
Sample size calculation in SCCSsamplesize
Semiparametric self-controlled case series methodsemisccs
Data on hexavalent vaccine and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)siddat
Simulation of SCCS datasimulatesccsdata
Spline-based semiparametric SCCS, smooth agesmoothagesccs
Spline-based semiparametric SCCS, smooth exposuresmoothexposccs
The standard SCCS methodstandardsccs