Package: Riemann 0.1.4

Kisung You

Riemann: Learning with Data on Riemannian Manifolds

We provide a variety of algorithms for manifold-valued data, including Fréchet summaries, hypothesis testing, clustering, visualization, and other learning tasks. See Bhattacharya and Bhattacharya (2012) <doi:10.1017/CBO9781139094764> for general exposition to statistics on manifolds.

Authors:Kisung You [aut, cre]

Riemann.pdf |Riemann.html
Riemann/json (API)

# Install 'Riemann' in R:
install.packages('Riemann', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • openblas– Optimized BLAS
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • openmp– GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library
  • ERP - Data : EEG Covariances for Event-Related Potentials
  • cities - Data : Populated Cities in the U.S.
  • gorilla - Data : Gorilla Skull
  • hands - Data : Left Hands
  • orbital - Data : Normal Vectors to the Orbital Planes of the 9 Planets
  • passiflora - Data : Passiflora Leaves

2.70 score 1 stars 8 scripts 224 downloads 78 exports 109 dependencies

Last updated 3 years agofrom:185ec97c7a. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 1. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 13 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEOct 13 2024



Riemann 101 : A First Step

Rendered fromRiemannStart.html.asisusingR.rsp::asison Oct 13 2024.

Last update: 2022-02-28
Started: 2022-02-28

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Angular Central Gaussian Distributionacg dacg mle.acg racg
Data : Populated Cities in the U.S.cities
S3 method for mixture model : evaluate densitydensity
Data : EEG Covariances for Event-Related PotentialsERP
Data : Gorilla Skullgorilla
Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with MACG Distributiongrassmann.optmacg
Generate Uniform Samples on Grassmann Manifoldgrassmann.runif
Test of Uniformity on Grassmann Manifoldgrassmann.utest
Data : Left Handshands
S3 method for mixture model : predict labelslabel
S3 method for mixture model : log-likelihoodloglkd
Matrix Angular Central Gaussian Distributiondmacg macg mle.macg rmacg
Finite Mixture of Spherical Laplace Distributionsdensity.moSL label.moSL loglkd.moSL moSL
Finite Mixture of Spherical Normal Distributionsdensity.moSN label.moSN loglkd.moSN moSN
Data : Normal Vectors to the Orbital Planes of the 9 Planetsorbital
Data : Passiflora Leavespassiflora
Prediction for Manifold-to-Scalar Kernel Regressionpredict.m2skreg
Competitive Learning Riemannian Quantizationriem.clrq
Build Lightweight Coresetriem.coreset18B
Distance between Two Curves on Manifoldsriem.distlp
Dynamic Time Warping Distanceriem.dtw
Fréchet Analysis of Varianceriem.fanova riem.fanovaP
Hierarchical Agglomerative Clusteringriem.hclust
Geodesic Interpolationriem.interp
Geodesic Interpolation of Multiple Pointsriem.interps
Isometric Feature Mappingriem.isomap
K-Means Clusteringriem.kmeans
K-Means Clustering with Lightweight Coresetriem.kmeans18B
K-Means++ Clusteringriem.kmeanspp
K-Medoids Clusteringriem.kmedoids
Find K-Nearest Neighborsriem.knn
Kernel Principal Component Analysisriem.kpca
Manifold-to-Scalar Kernel Regressionriem.m2skreg
Manifold-to-Scalar Kernel Regression with K-Fold Cross Validationriem.m2skregCV
Multidimensional Scalingriem.mds
Fréchet Mean and Variationriem.mean
Fréchet Median and Variationriem.median
Nonlinear Mean Shiftriem.nmshift
Compute Pairwise Distances for Datariem.pdist
Compute Pairwise Distances for Two Sets of Datariem.pdist2
Principal Geodesic Analysisriem.pga
Riemannian Manifold Metric Learningriem.rmml
Sammon Mappingriem.sammon
Spectral Clustering by Zelnik-Manor and Perona (2005)riem.sc05Z
Spectral Clustering by Ng, Jordan, and Weiss (2002)riem.scNJW
Spectral Clustering by Shi and Malik (2000)riem.scSM
Spectral Clustering with Unnormalized Laplacianriem.scUL
Find the Smallest Enclosing Ballriem.seb
Two-Sample Test modified from Biswas and Ghosh (2014)riem.test2bg14
Two-Sample Test with Wasserstein Metricriem.test2wass
t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embeddingriem.tsne
Wasserstein Distance between Empirical Measuresriem.wasserstein
Generate Random Samples from Multivariate Normal Distributionrmvnorm
Supported Geometries on SPD Manifoldspd.geometry
Pairwise Distance on SPD Manifoldspd.pdist
Wasserstein Barycenter of SPD Matricesspd.wassbary
Convert between Cartesian Coordinates and Geographic Coordinatessphere.convert sphere.geo2xyz sphere.xyz2geo
Generate Uniform Samples on Spheresphere.runif
Test of Uniformity on Spheresphere.utest
Spherical Laplace Distributiondsplaplace mle.splaplace rsplaplace splaplace
Spherical Normal Distributiondspnorm mle.spnorm rspnorm spnorm
Simulated Annealing on Stiefel Manifoldstiefel.optSA
Generate Uniform Samples on Stiefel Manifoldstiefel.runif
Test of Uniformity on Stiefel Manifoldstiefel.utest
Prepare Data on Correlation Manifoldwrap.correlation
Prepare Data on Euclidean Spacewrap.euclidean
Prepare Data on Grassmann Manifoldwrap.grassmann
Wrap Landmark Data on Shape Spacewrap.landmark
Prepare Data on Multinomial Manifoldwrap.multinomial
Prepare Data on Rotation Groupwrap.rotation
Prepare Data on Symmetric Positive-Definite (SPD) Manifoldwrap.spd
Prepare Data on SPD Manifold of Fixed-Rankwrap.spdk
Prepare Data on Spherewrap.sphere
Prepare Data on (Compact) Stiefel Manifoldwrap.stiefel