Package: Rfit 0.27.0

John Kloke

Rfit: Rank-Based Estimation for Linear Models

Rank-based (R) estimation and inference for linear models. Estimation is for general scores and a library of commonly used score functions is included.

Authors:John Kloke, Joseph McKean

Rfit.pdf |Rfit.html
Rfit/json (API)

# Install 'Rfit' in R:
install.packages('Rfit', repos = c('', ''))



This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


4.35 score 9 packages 1.7k downloads 20 mentions 39 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 10 months agofrom:64b2342459. Checks:2 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 28 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKFeb 28 2025



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Rank-Based Estimates and Inference for Linear ModelsRfit-package Rfit
All Scoresbentscores1 bentscores2 bentscores3 bentscores4 logGFscores logrank.scores nscores wscores
Baseball Card Databaseball
Baseball Salariesbbsalaries
Box and Cox (1964) data.BoxCox
Cardiovascular risk factorsCardioRiskFactors
Confidence interval adjustment methodsconfintadjust confintadjust.methods
Jaeckel's Dispersion Functiondisp
Drop (Reduction) in Dispersion Testdrop.test
Free Fatty Acid Dataffa
~~ Methods for Function getScores ~~getScores getScores,scores-method getScores-methods
~~ Methods for Function getScoresDeriv ~~getScoresDeriv getScoresDeriv,scores-method getScoresDeriv-methods
Estimate of the scale parameter taugettau gettauF0
Calculate the Gradiant of Jaeckel's Dispersion Functiongrad
Function to Minimize Jaeckel's Dispersion Functionjaeckel
Internal Functions for K-Way analysis of variancecellx khmat kwayr pasteColsRfit redmod subsets
Rank-based Oneway Analysis of Varianceoneway.rfit
Class "param"param param-class
Rfit Internal Print Functionsprint.drop.test print.oneway.rfit print.raov print.rfit print.summary.oneway.rfit print.summary.rfit
Quail Dataquail
Rank-based Estimates of Regression Coefficientsrfit rfit.default
Studentized Residuals for Rank-Based Regressionrstudent.rfit
Class "scores"scores scores-class
Serum Level of luteinizing hormone (LH)serumLH
Signed-Rank Estimate of Location (Intercept)signedrank
Provides a summary for the oneway anova based on an R fit.summary.oneway.rfit
Summarize Rank-Based Linear Model Fitssummary.rfit
Internal Functions for Estimating tauhstar hstarreadyscr looptau nscale pairup
Estimate of the Scale Parameter taustartaustar
Telephone Datatelephone
Variance-Covariance Matrix for Rank-Based Regressionvcov.rfit
Overall Wald testwald.test.overall
Walsh Averageswalsh