Package: ReporterScore 0.1.8

Chen Peng

ReporterScore: Generalized Reporter Score-Based Enrichment Analysis for Omics Data

Inspired by the classic 'RSA', we developed the improved 'Generalized Reporter Score-based Analysis (GRSA)' method, implemented in the R package 'ReporterScore', along with comprehensive visualization methods and pathway databases. 'GRSA' is a threshold-free method that works well with all types of biomedical features, such as genes, chemical compounds, and microbial species. Importantly, the 'GRSA' supports multi-group and longitudinal experimental designs, because of the included multi-group-compatible statistical methods.

Authors:Chen Peng [aut, cre]

ReporterScore.pdf |ReporterScore.html
ReporterScore/json (API)

# Install 'ReporterScore' in R:
install.packages('ReporterScore', repos = c('', ''))

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70 exports 2.96 score 45 dependencies 13 scripts 421 downloads

Last updated 1 months agofrom:91d354193e. Checks:OK: 2. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 26 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKSep 26 2024




Rendered fromReporterScore.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Sep 26 2024.

Last update: 2024-03-30
Started: 2024-01-13

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Test the proper clusters k for c_meanscm_test_k c_means
Combine the results of 'step by step GRSA'combine_rs_res
Compound htable from 'KEGG'Compound_htable
The CPDlist used for enrichment.CPDlist
Build a custom modulelistcustom_modulelist transform_modulelist
Custom modulelist from a specific organismcustom_modulelist_from_org
Export report score result tablesexport_report_table
Transfer gene symbol table to KO tablegene2ko
human gene tablegenedf
get features in a modulelistget_features get_KOs
Calculate reporter scoreget_reporter_score
The GOlist used for enrichment.GOlist
pathway information for "hsa"hsa_kegg_pathway
The KOs abundance table and group table.KO_abundance metadata
Perform enrichment analysisas.enrich_res KO_enrich
Perform fisher's exact enrichment analysisKO_fisher
Perform gene set analysisKO_gsa
Perform gene set enrichment analysisKO_gsea
Perform Gene Set Variation AnalysisKO_gsva
KO htable from 'KEGG'KO_htable
Perform Pathway Analysis with Down-weighting of Overlapping Genes (PADOG)KO_padog
Perform Significance Analysis of Function and ExpressionKO_safe
Perform Simultaneous Enrichment AnalysisKO_sea
Differential analysis or Correlation analysis for KO-abundance tableko.test
The KOlist used for enrichment.KOlist
Load the CARDinfo (from CARD database)load_CARDinfo
Load the GOlist (from 'GO' database)load_GOinfo load_GOlist
Load the specific table (from 'KEGG')load_Compound_htable load_CPDlist load_htable load_KOlist load_KO_desc load_KO_htable load_Module_htable load_org_pathway load_Pathway_htable
pathway information for "mmu"mmu_kegg_pathway
Modify the pathway description before plottingmodify_description
Module htable from 'KEGG'Module_htable
Pathway htable from 'KEGG'Pathway_htable
Plot enrich_resplot.enrich_res plot_enrich_res
Plot features boxplotplot_features_box plot_KOs_box
plot the Z-score of features distributionplot_features_distribution plot_KOs_distribution
Plot features heatmapplot_features_heatmap plot_KOs_heatmap
Plot features trend in one pathway or moduleplot_features_in_pathway plot_KOs_in_pathway
Plot features networkplot_features_network plot_KOs_network
Plot htable levelsplot_htable
Plot the reporter_resplot_report plot_report_bar
Plot the reporter_res as circle_packingplot_report_circle_packing
Plot the significance of pathwayplot_significance
Plot c_means resultplot.cm_res
Print reporter_scoreprint.reporter_score
Print rs_by_cmprint.rs_by_cm
Transfer p-value of KOs to Z-scorepvalue2zs
One step to get the reporter score of your KO abundance table.GRSA reporter_score RSA
`reporter_score()` result from KO_abundance_testreporter_score_res reporter_score_res2
Reporter score analysis after C-means clusteringextract_cluster GRSA_by_cm plot_c_means RSA_by_cm
Upgrade the KO levelup_level_KO
update CARDinfo from (from 'CARD' database)update_CARDinfo
Update the GO2gene files (from 'GO' database)update_GOinfo update_GOlist
Update files from 'KEGG'download_org_pathway get_org_pathway update_htable update_KEGG update_KO_file update_org_pathway