Package: Relectoral 0.1.0

Miguel Rodríguez Asensio

Relectoral: Electoral Analysis

Functions to obtain an important number of electoral indicators described in the package, which can be divided into two large sections: The first would be the one containing the indicators of electoral disproportionality, such as, Rae index, Loosemore–Hanby index, etc. The second group is intended to study the dimensions of the party system vote, through the indicators of electoral fragmentation, polarization, volatility, etc. Moreover, multiple seat allocation simulations can also be performed based on different allocation systems, such as the D'Hondt method, Sainte-Laguë, etc. Finally, some of these functions have been built so that, if the user wishes, the data provided by the Spanish Ministry of Home Office for different electoral processes held in Spain can be obtained automatically. All the above will allow the users to carry out deep studies on the results obtained in any type of electoral process. The methods are described in: Oñate, Pablo and Ocaña, Francisco A. (1999, ISBN:9788474762815); Ruiz Rodríguez, Leticia M. and Otero Felipe, Patricia (2011, ISBN:9788474766226).

Authors:Miguel Rodríguez Asensio

Relectoral.pdf |Relectoral.html
Relectoral/json (API)

# Install 'Relectoral' in R:
install.packages('Relectoral', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • openjdk– OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.00 score 110 downloads 38 exports 79 dependencies

Last updated 4 years agofrom:7eb4b00df8. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 1. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 16 2024
R-4.5-linuxNOTEOct 16 2024



Electoral Volatility

Rendered fromVolatilidad.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 16 2024.

Last update: 2020-06-14
Started: 2020-06-14

Readme and manuals

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Help pageTopics
Download. Aggregated data at the municipal level obtained from the MIR (Spanish Ministry of Home Office)Agregado_Mun_MIR
Download. Reading of aggregate data at the provincial level obtained from the MIR (Spanish Ministry of Home Office)Agregado_Prov_MIR
Utilities. Obtaining electoral indicators from aggregated dataAgregadosIndi
Graphs. Comparative chart of Parliamentary ArcsArc_Comparacion
Graphs. Representation of Parliamentary ArcArc_Parlamentario
Utilities. Generation of *.bazi filesBazi
Utilities. Get data for Bochsler method (2010)Bochsler
Voting Dimension Index. Competitiveness (electoral and parliamentary).competitividad
Voting Dimension Index. Concentration of votes (electoral and parliamentary)concentracion
Cox_Shugart disproportionality index - 1991 ( CS )Cox_Shugart
Cox_Shugart disproportionality index corrected ( CS_correg )Cox_Shugart_correg
Download. Disaggregated data at polling station level obtained from the MIR (Spanish Ministry of Home Office)Desagregados_Mesa_Mir
Utilities. Obtaining electoral indicators from disaggregated dataDesAgregadosIndi
Rae's fragmentation (electoral and parliamentary) vote dimension (F)fragmentacion_rae
Gallagher's disproportionality index of minimum squares - 1991 (Gcm)Gallagher
Utilities. ID codes of the Spanish Autonomous Communitiesget_CCAA
Utilities. ID codes of the provinces of Spainget_Provincias
Voting Dimension Index. Hyperfractionality index (electoral and parliamentary) (I)hiper
Nationalisation Index of Montero and Lago (2010)IN_LAGO_MONTERO
utilities.Mathematical Injustice ( IM )InjusticiaM
Utilities. Disaggregated Mathematical Injustice CalculationInjusticiaM_desagregada
Party Nationalization Index (INP)INP
Nationalisation Index of the Political Party System (INSP)INSP
Index of disproportionality of maximum deviation (Lmax)L_max
Disproportionality index. Tuckey's line (LT)L_Tukey
Disproportionality index of Loosemore and Hanby - 1971 ("LH")Loos_Hanby
Graphs. Representation on maps. Choropleth mapmapa
Voting dimension index. Effective number of political parties (electoral and parliamentary) (N)nep
Voting Dimension Index. Molinar's index of number of parties (electoral and parliamentary) (NP)nepMolinar
Dimensionality of voting. Polarization index. ( PP )polarizacion
Dimensionality of voting. Adapted version of the polarisation index from Dalton (2008) (Pd)polarizacion_Dalton
Disproportionality index of Rae - 1971 ("R")Rae
Corrected Rae's disproportionality index ("Rco")Rae_corregido
Dimensionality of voting. RegionalismRegionalismo
Allocation using divisor methodsreparto_div
Largest remainder methodRestos_Mayores
Sainte-Lague index of disproportionality (SL)Sainte_Lague
Dimensionality of voting. Volatilityvolatilidad